If you cannot apply online, download the Admission Arrangements and complete the relevant form (included at the end of the document). Now that you have received your GCSE grades and selected your courses it is important that you get prepared for returning to school. The vast majority of pupils go on to Higher Education, gaining places to a wide variety of universities both in the UK and abroad. They show little inclination to study; their ability is slight; their concentration is almost nil; and what is worse they show strange lack of the sense of religion. Parker represented England at the 1990 FIFA World Cup in Italy. We are told in 1936 that this society 'still flourishes' and reference is made in 1937 to 'the new choir'. A-levels. It was a privilege for us to meet him. v Rutlish School, 2 Teams Under his leadership the Vaughan's religious ethos was not merely reaffirmed but further developed, particularly in close partnership with Father Dominic Allain, the School's Chaplain from 2002. From the outset, Dr Vance was concerned about the standards of behaviour of the boys in these wartime conditions. In September 1997, Anthony Pellegrini was succeeded as Headmaster by Michael Gormally. 4 Teams Antonio Vivaldi Vaughan pupils have continued the tradition of visiting Lourdes to help with the sick and the handicapped. Whatever the reason, there developed a feud between the two schools which led to the Vaughan's lunch-break being shortened by thirty minutes to avoid clashes. at club level. During his term of office the school was temporarily evacuated to Beaumont College, Windsor during the Second World War. By 1938 the roll had increased to nearly 300 which meant the playing fields had to be transferred from Wembley to their present site at Twickenham. A new governing body would take over from that day and the School would retain Its 11-18 status. v Richard Challoner School, 2 Teams Our pupils also performed at some of the worlds most prestigious venues, including the Royal Opera House and Royal Albert Hall, and put on a series of concerts and carol services during December for the local community. Mr. Gormally, famously a larger-than- life figure, had joined the Vaughan in 1980 and his prodigious gifts as a teacher were immediately recognised by Mr. Pellegrini, who made him Head of Lower School while he was still in his first year of teaching. Mr Cooney, who taught at the Vaughan from 1988 to 2010, having been a pupil at the School under Father Kenefeck, was charged with improving the exam results when appointed Head of Sixth Form. It will be our finest hour at the Vaughan School if we try to inculcate the high and magnificent qualities of the English tradition, and at the same time those great traditions of resistance, courage and devoutness which characterised our Catholic forefathers in difficult times.' cardinal vaughan sixth form uniform. v Rutlish School, 6 Teams In particular, the vast improvement in the boys' singing at Mass and Benediction and the growing success of the School choir owed much to his constant encouragement. This growth enabled Canon Driscoll to build up a young and energetic teaching staff, many of whom would form the nucleus of Vaughan teachers for years to come. There are cuubs and societies for chess, computers, philosophy and the like. The school choir has toured Germany, the USA, Austria and the Czech Republic. Father Kenefeck's early years as Headmaster were occupied with concerns -- the expansion of the Sixth Form and the organisation of the School as a grammar school in new buildings. 1962); Former editor of F1 Racing magazine; now Group Director of Media, Content and Communications for McLaren, specifically in Formula 1. In his later years he became Deputy Headmaster. It had to be made clear to the boys: - that it is manly to make light of any discomfort; - they may help their parents by writing cheery and interesting letters; - that each must make a point of honour of never grousing. In 1872 Vaughan also helped establish St Bede's College in Manchester. The first lay master, M J. Cobb, joined in 1915 followed by Father Parsons, Mr Connell and Miss Ashlyn, the first female teacher. During the mid to late 1980s the School was involved in sometimes stormy and always controversial struggle over and parents to diocesan and ILEA plans for the reorganisation of 16-19 educational provision. 437 views, 18 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 5 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School: Sixth Form students enjoy a taster session at Fulham Reach Boat Club. In 2002 the Schola toured Rome, singing at Santa Maria sopra Minerva (English cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor's titular church), and at the major Basilicas of St John Lateran, St Mary Major, St Paul's outside the Walls and St Peter's. What exactly do you want to know? These results led to remarkable University applications and the School frequently sent high numbers of students to Oxbridge and was one of the very highest achieving schools at sending pupils to the Russell Group Universities (the 30 top universities in the country) There was not just academic success but other aspects of the School's life flourished as well. Contents 1 History 2 Uniform 3 Headmasters 3.1 Canon Driscoll (1914-1928) 3.2 Dr Monsignor Canon Vance (1928-1948) 3.3 Canon Butcher (1948-1952) 3.4 Monsignor Kenefeck (1952-1976) 3.5 Fr. Over the years two former pupils became auxiliary bishops of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Westminster, Philip Harvey and Gerald Mahon. The coupler design is standard, an src: patients.uroweb.org Priapism is a condition in which a penis remains erect for hours in the absence of stimulation or after stimulatio src: media.greenpeace.org Paraquat (trivial name; ) or N , N ?-dimethyl-4,4?-bipyridinium dichloride (systematic name) is an organic compo src: static.glassesusa.com Glasses , also known as eyeglasses or spectacles , are devices consisting of glass or hard plastic lenses mounte Matt Bishop (b. This includes the annual Carol Service at Our Lady of Victories on High Street Kensington. He confessed to having spent the summer months anxiously worrying about how many boys would face him on opening day. Members of the Sixth Form have a responsibility of vital importance to discharge within the School. v London Oratory School, 6 Teams 'Americans are boastful; Irishmen are quarrelsome, the French are fussy, and the Germans oppressive. At different times there were plans for the Vaughan to amalgamate with St Edmund's, Fulham, using the Mary Boon buildings or, alternatively, to amalgamate with the Cardinal Manning School on the Ladbroke Upper Site. Were delighted that the Vaughan was chosen by the BBC to host an event last week. Also represented Great Britain at the 1936 Summer Olympics. On 22 September 2021, the Directors agreed to vary the admission arrangements 2022/2023 to take account of changes required by the Office of the Schools Adjudicator. In September 1939 normal life at the Vaughan was interrupted with the outbreak of the Second World War. In order to view this website correctly your browser must have javascript enabled. By any standards he had been a great Headmaster. Sixth Formers are also encouraged to take part in our charity programme, which involves working with local businesses and charities to raise money and materials for those less fortunate (including Mary's Meals and local food banks), as well as helping to arrange and staff our annual Senior Citizens Tea Party and help volunteer at Vaughan Parent's Association events. Dont worry, just enter your email address and well set up with a new password in no time! v Latymer Upper School, 10 Teams Official sixth form Has a sixth form. ?s, to Secretary of State for Education and to the newspapers. and Brentford F.C. He had a simple devotion to the Catholic faith and that, above all, is what he wanted to pass on to the pupils. To the boys he seemed a remote figure but his Deputy and successor, Anthony Pellegrini, thought of him as a most kindly man who was also very modest about his accomplishments. The achievements in Physical Education were also very strong during these years. In addition, The Vaughan Foundation has been established, bringing together for the first time all the various groups which make up the Vaughan's continuity - parents, sport, music, and Old Vaughanians Club under a Single aegis, and allowing them to work together more closely than ever before. Contact Info. The next addition to the school was a third floor to the New Building; the 3.6m project houses modern music facilities. The Vaughan has produced many Olympic Rowers, including Martin Cross and Garry Herbert OBE. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. Thirty years later, the potentially greater transition from selective to voluntary aided status caused fewer heartaches. There was even a regulation about handwriting: 'No boy may write With his left hand unless he has received special permission from me as a result of a medical certificate received from his parents.' Ludovico Wernig & Lucas Gebrehiwet cello When this news was first received, Father Kenefeck had wanted to re-create the Preparatory Department in the old building but this plan was abandoned with the increase to three forms of entry. The most immediate task facing the Headmaster and his staff in 1976 was the imminent transition to a voluntary aided school. The building was called the 'Centenary Building' and was completed on the 11 September 2014, it houses eight new classrooms and two state of the art suites. You do not need to complete the schools forms. Three days within the above terms are to be used for professional development for staff: Ranks, Uniforms, Clothing, & Gear | Page 7 Shiplake College. In addition to Rugby Union the School also enters various Rugby Sevens tournaments. [Blog], University of Oxford 2023 Undergraduate Applicants Official Thread, NICS Staff Officer and Deputy Principal recruitment 2022. After all, they themselves, many of them married men, had to endure the privations of evacuation and run a school at the same time. Each member of my Staff must realise that boys should not be kept waiting a minute. There was genuine regret in 1952 when Father Butcher was transferred to St Edmund's. In 1948, Cardinal Griffin referred to 'this time of crisis' for the School The language used is illuminating and one cannot avoid the feeling that while many of the difficulties experienced were undoubtedly great, many others proved to be imaginary. These generally take place during the Lent term. Back to all news. The last amateur to represent the England national football team. More seriously, the main School Hall had been declared a dangerous structure with the outer wall in danger of collapse. Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School - Policies & Documents School Policies We are a Catholic community, committed in our Mission Statement to the vision of the School as a spiritual building whose cornerstone is Christ and whose foundations are the Apostles and Prophets. One of Father Kenefeck's innovations was to introduce parent/ teacher meetings. A boy remembers the banner being unfurled and borne aloft by two of the bigger boys but adds his memory of marching to the station with the 'Veni, Creator Spiritus' alternating with 'It's a Long Way to Tipperary'. The school fields seven Football teams and an equal number of rugby union teams. P. J. Honey; Irish-born Vietnamese language scholar and historian. The school is renowned for its traditions, one of which includes its uniform. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Admission appeals will be held in May 2023. After only a year on the staff he was appointed to the post of Discipline Master in the Lower School and, in 1969, despite being the youngest of the candidates, he was appointed Deputy Head. Extensive dry rot was discovered and had to be remedied. At the vaughan there is an emphasis on a religious upbringing and students are required to wear a uniform. Course suitability discussions will take place in December 2022. As with the induction work, it is imperative that you meet the deadline set; this demonstrates your commitment to the subject and a level of independence that is required to be successful at this level of study. [Blog], University of Oxford 2023 Undergraduate Applicants Official Thread, NICS Staff Officer and Deputy Principal recruitment 2022. what uni course combinations are possible. Why should you choose University of Southampton? Cardinal Heenan is a mixed purpose-built sixth form that operates in West Derby, consistently rated as 'Good' by Ofsted. Other members of staff who played an important role in the lives of the older boys and girls during these years included Brendan Daintith, Paula Whyte and more latterly, Caroline Whelan. Out of this initiative was born the Cardinal Vaughan Community Service Unit in which Sixth Formers volunteer for a whole range of activities. The choir has appeared on radio and TV broadcasts, including BBC Radio 4's Sunday Worship, Vatican Radio, and the religious choral programme Songs of Praise on BBC television. Thirty-nine old boys who were killed in the War are named in the School's Roll of Honour, including the first VC of the War in the Royal Air Force, Flying Officer Donald Edward Garland. If you are interested in teaching or training to teach at Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School, email teach@sjscat.co.uk - we would love to hear from you! Admission Appeals will be held in September 2023. LinkedIn and 3rd parties use essential and non-essential cookies to provide, secure, analyze and improve our Services, and to show you relevant ads (including professional and job ads) on and off LinkedIn. The Schola has travelled widely abroad, singing in Italy, Spain, Greece, Holland, Germany, France and the USA. The School's athletes participate in regional and national competitions. At various times of the year including the Vaughan Speech Night, teachers are required to wear full academic dress. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here). Cardinal Hume Catholic School Old Durham Road, Gateshead, NE9 6RZ. One of the significant events of these years was the building of the new pavilion. It is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 07890590. Copyright 2023 The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School Legal Information, Website Design by Greenhouse School Websites. As part of the HMI inspection in 1950, Mr Bernard Shore, a distinguished musician, visited the School and voiced his pleasure at the 'beautiful tone' of the School choir, expressing the hope that it would soon tackle four-part music. Since 1976 the Catholic ethos of the School has been maintained and even enhanced. By 1966 the then Labour government of Harold Wilson had committed itself to the policy of comprehensive education. They have featured in many film soundtracks including Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1, The Life of Pi and Paddington. During this time they have the option to be awarded a number of sporting ties and prefect ties. If you selected a vocational subject in two blocks eg) HSC, HSC, ICT then you complete the Vocational V2 HSC folder as well as the Vocational ICT folder. Maurice Edelston (1918-1976); Footballer and Sports commentator. In this year, students also begin to apply to university. This it soon undertook under the direction of Frank Handyside. In the second year of sixth-form, upper sixth-former students can drop one of their chosen subjects, reducing their timetable to three lessons a day, with two free periods. smoking a spliff the night before ur exam.. good, bad, or no effect? The wall of the School was shored up, while steel supports were sunk into the fabric to make the outer wall safe. Further first-class facilities for Football, Rugby, Athletics and Cricket were also provided at our playing fields. Cardinal Vaughan has an extensive programme of extra-curricular activities, from sports teams (incl. 2 Teams v Rutlish School. The changes concerned the supervisory role of the local authority in the random allocation process and the presence of an independent person during musical aptitude testing. Pellegrini, the first headmaster who was not a cleric, was appointed in 1976. The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School is an oversubscribed Catholic boys' comprehensive school which admits girls in the Sixth Form. Students have access to first-class facilities including science labs, ICT suites, quiet study areas and a large canteen. In this he was notably assisted by Mr Kellett, Mr Handyslde and Mr Laloux. Dr Vance recorded that only one of the boys who had come back after six years of evacuation had ever seen inside of the School buildings. Generations of Vaughan boys recall the projects renew the dilapidated pavilion at Twickenham. Although Mr Gormally was very much Head of the whole School, he nonetheless left the running of the Upper School to Liam Cooney, his First Deputy Headmaster. In accordance with diocesan guidance, Catechumens or members of an Eastern Christian Church, have been added as an oversubscription group. Whenever there are more applications than places available, priority will
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