God has willed that by your intercession we should obtain the graces Jesus has merited for us. As wax melts before fire, so do the devils lose their power against those souls who remember to speak your name and devoutly invoke it. You suffered in your soul what Jesus suffered in His body, and in union with Him you offered yourself as a victim for our sins. As you entered the house of Zachary and greeted your aged cousin, you offered kind words of comfort and congratulation. But God turned the scheme of the evil one back upon its inventor. In short, the first reason we can rightfully call Mary our "Mother of Mercy" is that by God's special, prevenient grace, He created her soul to be the masterpiece of His Mercy in the world, and this special gift of grace within her was the foundation of His whole work of mercy in the world through Christ. 3. (2) You took part in this offering also by the consent which you gave to the whole plan of the Redemption, and by your union of will with that of your divine Son even to the point of His sacrifice on the cross. If to live of the Eucharist and by the Eucharist was the very special spirit of the early Church"And they continued steadfastly in the communion of the breaking of the bread" (Acts 2, 42)it must have been the summary of your last years on earth. Joseph could rest assured and marry you, his betrothed bride. You appeared as the Woman of the Apocalypse, clothed with the sun, standing on the moon. 1. The first characteristic of humility of heart is a humble opinion of oneself. Holiness is a complete separation from creatures and perfect union with God through love. You were charged with dispensing the supernatural life to men because this was fitting. Evening Prayer to Our Blessed Mother 1. Like the injured man in the parable of the good Samaritan, the lady lacked proper clothing, "looked beaten" and abandoned, and came across as "half-dead.". Later in the public life of Jesus, you sought no attention. The divine maternity itself, more than any particular privilege, is a mark of God's unequalled love for you. All your privileges increased your power to love God. This posture is not the one usually describing a mourner who is affected with only human grief. continue our lady of sorrows feast day. He was endowed by God with all a father's tenderness and love for Him who was confided to him as his Child. You were chosen as Mother predestined before all creatures, filled with all grace, all virtue, all holiness so that the Son, infinitely pure, who in Heaven has an immortal and eternal Father, on earth has a Mother exempt from all sin. It was you who nourished and prepared the holy Victim who was offered to the Eternal Father in expiation of our sins. The presentation of the Child Jesus in the temple was like the Offertory, for you offered to the Heavenly Father this "material" for the sacrificethe body and blood of your little Son. Be pleased to lead mankind securely to certain victory over Communism through the triumph of your Immaculate Heart as you promised at Fatima: "In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph and an era of peace will be conceded to humanity.". Mary, My Mother, your whole life was like a Mass. Save me, a poor sinner who confidently invokes your intercession, through the graces merited for me on the cross by the precious Blood of your Son. The Father crowned you by making you a sharer in His power, the Son by making you partaker of His wisdom; the Holy Spirit, by making you partaker of His love. How well your name gives expression to your position and your mission in lifeyour divine Motherhood In virtue of this privilege, you reflect as a spotless mirror the eternal Light of the Word, which is first poured into you and illuminates you. When you later returned to your home, you were under the loving care of your mother, Saint Anne. Jesus reigns over us not only by natural right, but also by the right of redemption. At the sound of your voice Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and began to prophesy: "Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb." How consoling to know that I have Christ, my elder Brother, "always living to make intercession for me," and you, my Mother, ever pleading for me before the throne of God. By offering your Divine Son on Calvary you brought me forth to a life of grace and thus became my spiritual Mother. Your protection never ceases, your intercession brings hope and life. August 9: OUR LADY OF THE BURNING CLOUD (ATOM BOMB) On Thursday, August 9, 1945, a blinding flash split the sky above Nagasaki. Give me your good counsel, so that following it humbly I may ever please God, find true happiness on this earth and eternal life in the world to come. I believe the teaching of the Church concerning the union of the human and divine natures in Christ: that Jesus Christ is God and man, perfect God and perfect man and that this divinity and humanity are united in only one person so that the actions of the divine nature or the human nature are the actions of one person, the divine Person. Your fullness of grace brought you to a most intimate union with the Author of grace. Mercy is your special work in this drama of human life. First of all, because of your humility you merited to be exalted above all creatures. Mary, My Mother, I am one of the murderers who slew your beloved Son, for it was my sins, together with the malice and cruelty of the Jews, which crucified Him. He forms Himself in me by supernatural principles, which He implants in my mind; by supernatural intentions and meritorious actions. The Church venerates many holy virgins, martyrs and other saints, but no one of them has merited or obtained your title of Holy Virgin, Virgin most pure. You had to become the Mother of Sorrows before you were raised above the angels as Heaven's Queen. Feast, January 23 (Triduum, January 20-22). As the God-man, Jesus is the perfect Mediator between God and man, because He alone could in all justice merit our reconciliation with God as well as the graces which God would impart after the reconciliation. During this long period of concealment in your womb, you perfected His bodily faculties for our benefit. The Assumption Of The Blessed Virgin Mary. But we do find you standing beneath the cross on Calvary, when your Son was derided and mocked. I know that much will be required from those to whom much is given. But all graces come through you. I long for your complete dominion over meover my body, my soul, my senses, over all that I am and have. 3. Who can understand the joy you feel to be able to give happiness to the whole world? The holy old man Simeon took your Son in his arms. You are Queen of the universe, not by force, but by the power of love. I give you my will by an absolute confidence in you, a confidence founded on your power and your goodness. When His head was crowned with thorns, another crown of thorns encircled your Heart. For days before the feast, people crowd around the basilica for blessings of the religious images they have brought, and . In your triumph, as the Mother of the same Word Incarnate, having perfectly followed out the great designs of God upon you, having acquired immense merits by the practice of all the virtues, and having reached the highest holiness, you were assumed body and soul, into Heaven. Mary, My Mother, during all eternity it will be one of our greatest joys to admire the infinite love of God for you whose Son He willed to be, just as He is in all truth the Son of the Father. May the merits of my crucified Savior never be lost on my soul, but rather may they enable me to reach true holiness and the possession of God in His eternal kingdom. In the spirit of loving confidence we have recourse to you. By His almighty power He would form the body of the Savior of the world, and the Divine Son would unite it to Himself forever. Without God I can do nothing. Unceasingly praying for sinners, you stand before your Son. From you all missionaries have received the salvation which they bring to the nations. This privilege separated you from all the rest of the children of Adam. Fr. A Prayer to Our Lady of Sorrows on her feast day, September 15: O most holy Virgin, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ: by the overwhelming grief you experienced when you witnessed the martyrdom, the crucifixion, and death of your divine Son, look upon me with eyes of compassion, and awaken in my heart a tender . How generously you offered Jesus, your dearest treasure, as a Victim to the justice of His offended Father! Even from the days of the Apostles you were honored under this mystical title. In this I see God's plan that in the Kingdom of Jesus all graces should go through your hands and Heart. And I am sure there is nothing you want more than that, to see me perfectly dedicated to God even as you are. Enlightened by God, you knew that He would grant your request. As we have received through you the Universal Source of Grace Jesus your Son, so we still continue to receive, by your intercession, the various actual graces suited to our state and calling in Christ. December 9 marks the feast day of Saint Juan Diego and December 12, the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. 1. Help me to imitate your zeal in assisting my neighbor in his needs. You bore unspeakable sufferings and offered the life of Him who was dearer to you than your own life. Fully acknowledging your unworthiness to be the Mother of Christ, you accepted the exalted privilege only in obedience to the divine will. I implore the help of your protection and choose you as my advocate. It was so when you gave your consent to the divine plan of the Redemption. But how careless I am about my spiritual health! I can pray to you with full confidence because you are loved by the Father as the Mother of His Son, loved by the Son as His own Mother, loved by the Holy Spirit as His Immaculate Bride. The part that you have played in the spread of the Church and in its struggles and triumphs, clearly shows the Divine Plan in your regard. I thank you for all you mean to me as my spiritual Mother. Gazing sorrowfully on His lifeless body, you watched the soldier drive the spear into His Heart. "The Lord is with thee." In your humility you wished to serve others rather than to be served. How earnestly you wish God's grace for us! Copyright 2023 Eternal Word Television Network, Inc. Irondale, Alabama. Therefore, you gave your praise to the Creator and Giver of every good and perfect gift. The early writers of the Church already speak of you as a second Eve, who fulfilled in the restoration of mankind a role closely corresponding to that of Eve in the ruin of our race. are merged in the supreme suffering at the Passion. I shall realize that God, in His infinite wisdom will make all things work together unto my good. It is your Son who abides with me in the tabernacle as the best Friend I have in this world, who offers Himself to the Father for me as the Victim of Calvary at Holy Mass, who gives Himself to me as Food in Holy Communion. By your love of God and of His adopted sons, you aided the Apostles in the spread of Christ's Kingdom on earth. Mary, My Mother, your intercession is all-powerful. Wherefore the Church applies to you the words Jesus spoke of that other Mary who sat at His sacred feet, drinking in the words of divine wisdom flowing from His blessed lips: "Mary has chosen the best part, and it will not be taken away from her" (Luke 10, 42). Let me never be influenced by temporal considerationswealth, honors and pleasuresthat I may always follow the counsel of Jesus: "Seek first the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be given you besides" (Luke 12, 31). Ask Him to favor me with a ray of His brightness to enlighten the darkness of sin and ignorance in which I was born. Manila Archdiocese Archbishop Jose Cardinal Advincula will preside over the grand fiesta mass at 12 noon Sunday, Dec. 12, at the Archdiocesan Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe on Guadalupe Nuevo, Makati City, in solemn commemoration of the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the principal patroness of the Philippines, Mexico, and the Americas, and the protector of the unborn. A man and a woman had both taken part in the degradation of our race; they must both have part in its restoration. You consented to be the Mother of the Redeemer at the Annunciation, and thus you were willing to share in the sufferings of the Redeemer. Through Joseph your descent from David would be known. But it is most reasonable and proper to say that God, who honored and loved You more than all others during your life, and whom He had chosen to be the Mother of His Son and our Redeemer, wills that all graces that are granted to those whom He has redeemed should pass through your hands and be distributed by you in order to exalt you. 3. In that instant the Word of God became forever united to humanity; the human soul of Jesus Christ, produced from nothing, began to enjoy God and to know all things past, present, and to come. I trust that you will lovingly bow down to help my efforts. May this remembrance fill me with love and gratitude to you, and be the reason for my trust in your powerful protection and in your prayers in Heaven, where you plead with your Divine Son for the salvation of us all. May I derive all the beneficial results the holy sacraments are to produce in my soul. The dignity of the divine maternity raised you above all the rest of creation. At Nazareth, you knew that by saying Yes or No to Gabriel, you would be giving us life or leaving us in spiritual death. But when I say "Mary," in an instant you are there before me and I feel in my heart a stirring of joy and comfort. Everything inside and outside of me should reflect His divine perfections. Apart from your cooperation no grace descends to earth. Pilgrims approach the grounds of the basilica, in distant view, on the day before the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. How strongly Jesus reminded me of this: "As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it remain on the vine, so neither can you, unless you abide in Me. When God decreed the incarnation of the Word, His very own Son, through you alone, you had a place in the same plan as Jesus. Jesus is the Head of the Church, and you are its neck. From the moment you said, "Be it done to me according to thy word," the Father in heaven made Jesus and you, as it were, a redemptive pair; you, of course, have always been dependent on Him. He wished to adapt Himself to our nature by giving us life and aid through the heart of a mother, having placed in your heart some of His own love for mankind to make you the spiritual Mother of the redeemed. Mary, Mother of God, your sorrows are not merely the sorrows of an earthly mother grieving over the death of an only child. Turin Our Lady of Consolation, Turin This icon was presented to the city of Turin. No one is saved, except through you, no one comes to life, except through you. How God has loved you by making you His Mother! Mary, Mother of God, your divine maternity places you in a very wonderful relationship with the three divine Persons. 16, 26). Mary, Mother of God, you are the Mother of mankind and therefore the Help of Christians, the all-powerful suppliant. 1. How truly can the words of Holy Scripture be applied to you: "In me is all grace of the way and of the truth: in me is all hope of life and of virtue" (Ecclus 24, 25). Never before did angel greet man with the word "Hail, full of grace." As Mother of God, you became a cooperator in the Redemption of mankind. Censor, IMPRIMATUR John Mark Gannon, D.D., Archbishop, Bishop of Erie. Mary, My Mother, teach me ever to seek the glory of God and to render to Him what is His divine rights. Mary, Mother of God, as Refuge of sinners, you will never turn away those who have recourse to your compassion. I cannot have Jesus for my Brother if I do not have you for my Mother. But your love for God was even greater. Mary, Mother of God, you are Our Lady of Good Counsel because of the divine wisdom and prudence which you received from the Holy Spirit. You were concerned in both, and on each occasion you were present as Mother of the human race. I cannot secure my salvation without these graces, for it is the grace of God which gives me light and strength to do good deeds. Help me to sacrifice myself generously for the love of Godto abstain from those many hurtful things that prevent the union of my soul with God. Your divine maternity is great also because this privilege is the reason for your other privilegesyour Immaculate Conception, miraculous virginity, fullness of grace, Assumption and the spiritual maternity of all mankind. Jesus is our life and you have given Him to us. Mary, Mother of God, already in your childhood you dedicated yourself to the love and service of God. 1. Truly then, you are entitled to be called our Mediatrix. Though Joseph planned to put you away privately when he recognized that you were with child, you still were unwilling to reveal your secret to him, lest you might seem to boast of your gifts. But you needed the redeeming Savior to obtain this exemption, and deliverance from the universal debt of being subject to original sin. We can lose our divine adoption, but you can never lose your divine maternity. May the infirmities of my soul be my chief concern. Our Lady of Consolation, Saturday after the Feast of St. Augustine (Aug. 28) Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Sept. 8 The Most Holy Name of Mary, Sept. 12 Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Sept. 15 Our Lady of Mercy (Our Lady of Ransom), Sept. 24 Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, Oct. 7 Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Oct. 11 Mary, My Mother, may the faithful recitation of my Rosary be a sign of my gratitude to Jesus and to you for all you have done for me in bringing about my Redemption.
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