They are the oldest of the starseed types. Starseeds can also be grouped based on auras, and each one carries a different set of personality traits. Click here for my eBook that describes starseed markings for 12 stars and star systems! Arcturian Starseed. Copyright 2022; All rights reserved. Thats why I recommend Psychic Source. When you first discover that you are a starseed, confusion is turned into certainty, and peace replaces anxiety. Wow! They like looking at constellations and studying different galaxies because it reminds them of their homeworld in Arcturus. You have no interest in consumerism and showing the world that you are a success. You're not afraid to take to move away from the flock and forge your own path. If this resonates, its highly likely that youre an Acturian Starseed. When karma or energy is well integrated, that means that the Ego accepts the energy and allows its authentic expression without shame or guilt. Theyre usually serious, capable, and good at critical thinking. Some scholars believe that Arcturian starseeds are leaner and more ectomorphic in their physical appearance, linking them to their Arcturian origins. I try to help people as much as I can. Arcturians are other-dimensional, advanced star beings that incarnate on earth frequently. Arcturians are emotionally and mentally advanced and were intended to be the spiritual shamans and healers for humanity. They love nothing more than sharing their wisdom. Its essential to understand that these individuals have an innate understanding of natural sciences and spirituality. and being able to go out into the world and show others that there are safe places like that around the world for anyone who is called to true happiness and love. may see colourful geometric patterns when they close their eyes, may be gifted musicians, mathmaticians or scientists. So why do I CONTINUOUSLY sacrifice my resources to help those stupid humans? He really enjoyed being in nature, where he lived was an oil field in Venezuela. Read more about. To Earths inhabitants, the Arcturians are the ushers of the new future, seeding the Earth with incarnations that bear their foundational knowledge and wisdom. You think the idea of being someone's spirit guide sounds way cooler than being incarnated on Earth. This stems from their archaic origins, natural curiosity, and insatiable knowledge for answers. They enjoy passing on their information and lessons. And since theyre inclined towards both science and spirituality, youll find them combining different disciplines with naturally high intuition, like spiritual practices and geometry. Thanks to their otherworldly charismatic influence, theyre often positioned as the hand that guides the hand. Having tried several online advisors, I think theyre the most caring, compassionate and helpful network of gifted advisors out there. They usually dont have many intimate friends, and their number of close friends usually falls to one individual. Yes, my blood pressure is 90/60. Time is limited, and its ESSENTIAL that you raise your vibrations as HIGH as possible. I have actually written a whole blog post about this topic. 9. This is a planet that is said to be an ascended one already, having already reached its highest potential of enlightenment. You can let go of the anger and resentment that you feel toward others and instead, use it to attract positive energy into your life. As an Amazon Associate, Terravara earns from qualifying purchases at no additional cost to readers. STRONG DARK ASPECT. Thats what drove me to seek information about this beautiful star. If you want to learn more about your specific mission, strengths and weaknesses and future, I recommend getting a free numerology reading. Theyre more sensitive to cold than most people, especially in their hands. I make what I call souls stones I also made a talisman that is a white stone but glows blue in transmitted. Copyright 2015-2021 The Starseed's Compass and Aspen Rain. I only partially identify with Andromedans but mostly feel like im Arcturian so not sure if her analysis was correct or if i just posses traits from all my past lives. Arcturians are fifth-dimensional beings who descended from the star Arcturus which is located within the Bootes constellation. Curious about whether or not youre an Arcturian Starseed? Uhhhh so Im NOT the only one hahaha. An Akashic Records Soul Realignment Reading can help! They are like alchemists, seeing beneath the surface of things and using precise methods to transmute energy. I relate to animals (and animals seem to come running to me, much to the dismay of their masters, as the wild ones I feed dont run from me when I appear) with much more ease than I do to stupid humans. Please give them a to-do list, watch them improve it, and complete every task quickly and effortlessly. Just like Andromedan starseeds, Arcturian starseeds naturally romanticize ancient times. Just go with the lifes flow, trust the oneness, live with the guidance of soul and align with soul, youll realise the answer one day. Thanks much, Julia! What better way to do this than to incarnate on a planet where there is free will, beauty, and the ability to hide within the population? Its the same reason why you may be drawn to an area of the world or a time period because it feels like home for you in some way. Planet Earth has reached a pivotal stage of transition. Starseeds are physically indistinguishable from humans. Heres What Youre Doing Wrong, 5 Signs Youre Ready To Start A Spiritual Business, Going Full Time With Your Passion in 5 Months. Theyre called Ancient Star Elders or Archangels (aka Angels). Benjamin Franklin once said: For every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned.. You may have a unique way of remembering things and seeing yourself in your dreams or even when youre awake, and this does not go unnoticed by others around you. And the explanation of being born in other systems in other lifetimes makes sense as I have other characteristics from Orions as well (pragmatic except I hate rules). People seeded from Arcturus often carry the trait characteristics from their home planet. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. I most clearly identify with the Arcturians. Their skills translate perfectly onto Earths physical plane, and they take very little time to adapt to their new environment. Pleiadian Starseeds are individuals who have experienced lives in the Pleiades star system before incarnating on Earth. The Arcturians agreed to help Earth by acting as spirit guides and by seeding our world with Arcturian souls. Hopefully, the signs above will shed some light on being an Arcturian Starseed. A starseeds mission is to bring love and light back into their soul. You may feel like theres more to your life than what you have now, or that you need something to balance out the energy here on Earth, because sometimes you may find yourself stepping on peoples toes or not feeling right when doing things that are in alignment with your soul mission. In order for them to do this, they need to actually remember what they are. These traits from this article, was spot on 1.You're drawn to the night sky and it's many systems 2.You're fascinated by ancient civilizations and their cultures 3. . 14 Arcturian starseed Signs and Traits 1: Strong personality 2: Finding a purpose 3: Odd one out 4: Public speaking 5: Creative minds 6: Wanderlust 7: Technology-oriented 8: Keen senses 9: Low blood pressure 10: Forward change 11: Mysterious, distant, and cautious 12: Personal Freedom 13: Deep thoughts and conversations 14: Well-organized You may find yourself either walking into situations where you can easily help others, or even going out of your way to help people in need because it feels as if there is a great purpose behind it all. All Starseeds Compared And Explained (Signs, Purpose, Traits), Sirian Starseeds Explained: 3 Signs, Purpose, Traits, Abilities And More, unlock a free video that shows you how you can raise your frequency in 5 simple ways, an audio track that raises your vibrations in just 25 seconds or less, The Arcturian Starseeds mission and purpose, vibrates from the 5th to the 11th dimension frequency, Cant Manifest Anything? Tolerant of people, but prefer animals. Arcturians tend to embody the frequency of energies associated with the Throat Chakra. The answers to questions you had about your relationship with the world or your purpose in life are revealed to you. The High Priestess Tarot Card Meanings: Love, Reversed & More, 30 Witch Herbs & Their Magical Properties, Star Anise: Magical Properties, Benefits & Uses, Best Herbs For Banishing Negativity & Evil. More Starseed Articles Are You A Starseed? Although they may not be conscious of their origins, they are aware of a deeper meaning to their existence and this is reflected in their work. (arcturians traits) The beautiful youtube. I feel I am Mintaka but you didnt cover that. Clickbank, Digistore24, YouTube, Amazon, or any third party mentioned on this page/site is independent of, and the above information is for educational purposes only. Enter your email below to unlock a free video that shows you how you can raise your frequency in 5 simple ways. But piercing looks and striking eyes arent the only things Arcturian star people share with their ancestors. Spirit guides operate on a spiritual level, connecting with many individuals on Earth. ; They come from all walks of life, each with their own abilities, attributes, and talents. Apart from potential physical differences, Arcturian starseed exhibit their traits from a very early age. ?? Physical traits mean little when it comes to our spiritual evolution and awakening. This can sometimes result in heated debates if someone disagrees with one of your strong opinions. You may feel like you have an idea of whats around the corner, but sometimes its hard to understand why certain things have to happen. Previously, we discussed all of the Starseeds, their different origins, traits, and characteristics, and their missions here on Earth. They are other-dimensional star beings, and can be contacted with divination, or channeling. You are probably constantly exploring new ideas and concepts. Sirian? These starseeds often focus on the practical side of spirituality, conscious manifestations, and intuitive development. They appear therefore strong and capable, like leaders. I've met some starseeds that even know the name of their home planet. Not every time, but sometimes, Bootes pulses a bright, warm response. As an Arcturian Starseed, you may want to look into other belief systems or religions that may better suit your needs in understanding our Life Experience here on Earth. Never knew such knowledge existed, and that Arcturian starseed can be exactly (almost) related to my nature/thought-process. Here are some signs you are an Arcturian Starseed: You know you're an 'old soul'. Even if you are in a relationship, you know its not what you want for your life. Its because its just so exciting that something is happening here on our planet! Arcturians incarnate in bodies with high sensitivity to sounds, light, and smells. You may have sensed something was different with the planet last year, before the pole shift. You know theres more going on here than what meets the eye, and youre ready to move on to something new. These starseeds are extremely powerful beings and have many gifts that they shine down upon Earth and its inhabitants. Thanks for sharing this was very helpful to me as I continue to dig deeper why Im often interested in issues of spiritual life and nature. They just happened to be born on Earth at that time in history. Its not unusual for Arcturian starseeds to have issues with their sinuses or skin, caused by various pollutants in our air and additives in our food. Arcturian beings tend to communicate with people telepathically or claircognizantly. 10 Starseed Characteristics And Gifts They are here to remind fellow beings on planet Earth that change is a good thing, and with proper consideration, we can create a better world for every life form. If you think you ARE a starseed, its very likely you came here for a particular mission or purpose. I too feel connected to every type I read although I dont particularly posess every trait. Subconsciously, they long for the freedom and peacefulness that the night sky symbolizes. All signs are that I may be for sure acturian starseed, but for the one that I really hate heat and heat weather, in prefere more subtle cooler climate, I live in Israel and suffer so much during its summer.. Me too like you, all the said signs are with me too except the heat thingI too hate heat weather. They support industries that support fair trade, renewable energy and a sustainable footprint. This is because youve been brought here to do work for the planet and sometimes its easier to detach. Arcturian beings like to use their vast foundational knowledge and apply it for use in physical applications. They also arent concerned with trivialities and pettiness, as theyre emotionally evolved enough to dismiss them entirely. Just like Pleiadians incarnated on Earth, you frequently put yourself in the position of the underdog. 2. As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light of meaning in the darkness of mere being.. Arcturian starseeds have had recent incarnations in worlds associated with the star Arcturus and often share many traits and skills of Arcturians. Although I loved my parents who treated me very well, Ive never known a sense of belonging, not even with my own child. While all Starseeds are human, their souls missions play a big part in their life path. This is because theyre born into human bodies, which are designed well for this planet and its existential plane. Their skills and knowledge in working with spiritual energies are immense. I have recorded a detailed video on the exact steps I took to find out my starseed origins here: They have come to Earth to be pioneers of a "new . All Rights Reserved. Arcturus is fairly old as stars go, and Arcturians are one of the older alien races. Arcturian starseeds tend to have a few traits in common with actual Arcturian beings even though they are incarnated on Earth. People often come to you for advice about decisions that will impact their future. like to ask deep, philosophical questions.