So, Angus places the lotion in the basket? If my experience is anything to go by, this will undoubtedly bring many, many visitors to Midlothian and the Borders as well as encouraging people to stay and live in the area.[13], In late 2015 Grahame became involved in a public dispute with Scottish Borders Council over the siting of the Great Tapestry of Scotland in the constituency. There now seem to be many comments supporting my nodding donkey first thoughts. Another shite performance under what can only be described as polite questioning .I hope that someone wasnt paid public money to coach him Christine M. Graham's office is located at 2000 Waverly Pkwy, Opelika, AL. It is my understanding that the current Loard Advocate apologised for the Malicious Prosecutions fiasco, even though he inhereted the mess from the previous Lord Advocate, who got promoted for it, or something like that! Bet ya,, WhoRattledYourCage says: It would be the same tactic (described by Chomsky) used against the NHS and welfare state. The UK media seem more interested in whether it will reduce support for independence rather than any facts. @Mac Ayeand even a former FM had to crowd-fund to finance it. Christine Grahame's office in Galashiels Grahame joined the Scottish National Party in 1970. Having watched Mr Wolffe in the Supreme Court, hes kind of like that all the time stuttering and those revolting tongue-roving manoeuvres, although he stutters less and talks slower in court and is even more boring what I thought was new was the waver in his voice as he answered Jackie Baillie I suspect he knows his days are numbered, and with the bullshitty non-answers though he did claim, in parliament (aha, we must remember hes got to act under the ministerial code no telling porkies to parliament) that the Clown Office was not trying to obstruct democracy etc,,, quite a claim, seeing as how they are. Log In. incompetences of Tory management of Covid 19 because If it wasnt waffle himself (huge if) was it his missus? 1 Christine Graham ER 2022 Billingham, TS22. analysis, corruption, disturbing, investigation, scottish politics, video Find doctors by specialty. I have always contacted Stue to make him aware, so he could take my post down. Time is running out sturgeon. I think I get it now. However I believe she was also gaslighted by British State plants whom she thought were her friends, within the SNP and Scottish Government Civil Service apparatus who no doubt reinforced the #BelieveHer messaging which followed and reinforced #MeToo in late 2017 and into 2018 until this day. [19] In May 2009, Grahame visited Megrahi, in Greenock jail. The same goes more or less for the High Courthow many of us could have withstood that kind of pressure? ", 8. Date lodged: Monday, February 27, 2023, Supported by: Richard Lochhead, Ivan McKee, Lorna Slater, John Swinney Thats what makes it most galling bacause it is all so needless. SNP ROTTEN AT THE TOP silence is no defence. Christine Graham has been working as a Executive Assistant at J. Hillis Miller Health Center for 8 years. Find out how Christine Grahame has voted recently. Could someone please send me a link to that fabulous post/poem earlier that ended with the world is closed but Mac Donalds is open Find out how to adopt this simple step into your daily oral health regimen. This is beyond a joke, what I seen from Mrs Murrell in the covid briefing was appalling. In this election, she increased her majority to 6,826. I wonder whether Spear feels the same way about men who threaten corrective r*pe of one of her erstwhile colleagues, or is that all right for her? I think we must be getting close to a stage where she might consider resigning in a Ive done nothing wrong but this is clearly now providing too big a distraction to my government and the independence movement type non-apology resignation, rather than styling it out much longer to have to resign in clear disgrace. About. Or is it? With the Parliament being the highest office in the land, higher than the Scottish Government and higher than its pet prosecution office (COPFS), this should be a walk in the park. I think the LA might have realised of that again as he was reading, or rather skipping some of the paragraphs in his document. His performance was an outrage. Wolffes performance was amateur farce. If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear. A higher prison population is historically typical of countries under colonial domination. Hopefully more MSPs and such like call for this before & after the election. Come home Agent Sturgeon, your job is dome, signed your bosses at MI5. I am sure shady stuff goes on, but all the MI5, British Empire, colonialism isnt that what the dribbling feel-good alphabet soup crowd have as one of their mental afflictions? It is/was a trial in name only. @ Strathy CHRISTINE GRAHAM OBITUARY. Somebody needs to tell those Brit Nat Press and Media whores that Salmond is no longer a member of the SNP for one. It is unthinkable in a case of this importance that Lord Wolffe would allow this to happen. I thought Id kept it but in my technophobe world I hadnt. I can remember Malcolm Chisholm coming out in favour of minimum unit pricing against the whole of the Labour benches. State owned Saudi Aramco it is the seventh largest company in the world by revenue. Did he also said that is really for the Committee to make the decision about what to publish, or did I just imagine it? Just need to be patient for now. Christine Graham. Big Jock says: I do wonder if as Sturgeons leadership fall into dissaray followed by her inevitable resignation if Boris might look at this as the ideal time to offer a referendum? I was waiting for one of them to fall off. Extra Billion bribe for the DUP in N Ireland But the animal is not Alex Salmond. Fingers crossed. You can see he is at points desperately skimming through sections of his document and actually attempting to paraphrase and make up as he went along instead of reading directly, which is what he did initially when he was calmer. The SNP is looking more and more like a crime family than a political party. This is from earlier today in the HoC. I know people who feel differently in different political parties about issues which their party has taken a line [on] but they dont speak out and thats a problem.. (And have taken the trouble to copy it before it vanishes into the ether like so many message before yours.). It also includes any answer to those questions. I wonder how much Nicola or Leslie or Liz or Peter etc will raise in their first fundraiser. . Her first experience of higher education two decades earlier had been something of a daunting experience. I watched the whole thing live. Going back a wee back today, when Ruth Davidson stated that a judge led inquiry was now needed, I felt that suddenly the ball had moved into the other side of the pitch. In a manner similar to my young experiences of Labour, it is looking likely I will never vote for the SNP again. Professional, independent upholders of due process, which has so many safeguards to help prevent any travesties of justice and democracy merely humble profferors of sage professional advice in this instance but its heehaw to do with us anymore were so over it. Same as her boss. Information about committees and records of all debates, questions and answers. Has no one mentioned to them, their cover up has not worked? I think you might be right. Scotlands fortnightly political & current affairs magazine. 24 February, 2021 at 7:26 pm 24 February, 2021 at 9:24 pm Preparations had been made since December 2017, when Police Scotland were approached for the first time by Judith McKinnon. I am a community health education major. Obviously they could see what was happening with the flawed processes some time ago. And intriguingly it seems the Crown Office will soon have another opportunity to obstruct the committees work: Hopefully that one will be less of a damp squib. He had the look to me of someone that knew they were in a hole and was desperately trying not to dig any further. I simply will not thole such dishonesty in my Partys officials, not under any circumstances. She was nominated for the post by Scottish First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon on 31 May 2016 as part of the formation of the Second Sturgeon government, following the 2016 Scottish Parliament election. He never did All these interventions, nothing to do with us Guv our hands are clean we dont control these departments that are trying to save our arses by putting obstructions in the way of the committee as for the countless pages of blacked out type well thats normal practice in the political world isnt it. In 1984, she graduated from the Edinburgh University again, but this time with a Bachelor of Laws degree. Same with Baillie asking the urgent question in the first place. I am not too sure where I actually stand here for I do not really have much information of the person that I first referred to as a nodding donkey. I cannot see how he could be liable to any action civil or criminal if he had to comply with such an order. It is clear she holds the bipartisan character of the committee system in high regard often very different from the tribal jostling that FMQs gives rise to while drawing a clear distinction between her roles as a convener and backbencher. ", Asked by: Grahame, Christine, Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale, Scottish National Party, Date Lodged: 28 September 2022, "To ask the Scottish Government what recent discussions it has had with NHS Borders. I just keep thinking, this must go deeper and be more insidious than we think, for them to keep digging the hole deeper, and deeper. full marks to Jackie Baillie for making him look shifty and evasive, Well done Jackie you are wasted in the Labour party, Ian Spruce says: 24 February, 2021 at 6:37 pm, Even more interesting is this bit from Craigs site There is one extra thing in Aberdeins suppressed evidence which is not in his trial evidence. Find out when the MSP's surgery times are on their website. Walter James Wolffe, Her Majestys Advocate, known as the Lord Advocate, Alison Di Rollo, Solicitor General for Scotland, Who else is in the frame as a seniur profesional prosecutor apart from the now notorious, and named by Jackie Bailey, Will AS give evidence & not give a jot about the redactions. No, nobody uses Christine except Christine, and possibly my cats, and possibly, when Im not paying attention, my brother, who can always lead me astray and then I get the blame but then hes been doing that since I was three. And he is a weasel. She is dangerous in the same way that Trump was dangerous. i.e. Is this the political protocol in every Parliament in every country, or is it peculiar only to Scotlands? I dont think [I am] a thorn [in the side], I dont think so at all. Galashiels TD1 1SD. And thus to the Scottish people. In the 2011 Scottish Parliament election, Grahame won the redrawn seat of Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale, defeating former Liberal Democrat finance spokesman Jeremy Purvis. That the COPFS only intention on this was to protect the identity of the accuser is simply not credible. It was confirmed at that meeting that the Crowns sole concern was one paragraph in its article about the former First Ministers ministerial code submission. I knew that aLurker, but the point I meant (and made badly) was the corporate integrity of COPFS is currently blemished by malicious misconduct and incompetence, which doesnt sit very well with the Lord Advocate blowing sunshine up the arses of Scottish Law Officers. Listen, if Murrell nationalised Scotlands oil, all the profits would be spent on fucking legal fees. Could it be Alzheimers? Scotland ought to go alone if ye wish, of course, but enthusiasm carries us away sometimes. With pressure, and a slow increase in the number of charges, the police did open an inquiry. Surely that would have sunk his boat instead of asking questions that have an infinite get out Claus. Most of us would agree, from where we look it surely would never stick? More to the point, it reveals a darker side of the matter and conspiracy is too light a description. Thanks again, Al-Stuart for cutting through the usual crap and exposing a poor wee lassie with problems as being another chancer in the SNP premier league. Now those responsible for applying that kind of pressure to someone who served their country with verve and skill, these people finally are being seem for what they are and what they tried to do i.e. Plus all of them stating it is to be treated as a plebiscite. Who was the Wee Nodding Donkey sitting over the Lord Advocates right shoulder and confirming everything that yon bloke was saying? She cannot help it and it is difficult to treat. I see Johnson is about to bribe local councillors with cash to play with at local level (ignoring Holyrood intervention) It could have been composed by any minion or even the ex-MI5 crown agent himself. I have been privileged to represent the people of Midlothian and the Borders for 22 years in the Scottish Parliament. He said he saw the letter after it was composed. Do we honestly not have any better sex offenders at all the Lord Advocate and COPFS could go after? Rita LeBay - Committed suicide via carbon monoxide poisoning. Rhiannon Spear. The Nodding Donkey behind James Black Forrest Gateaux Wolffe is Christine La Bonker Grahame. Yet, the spectacle of seasoned politicians shrugging off their political ties has become less common as parliament has matured. Look behind what WAS said not what wasnt. Cant stop staring at Tom Arthurs tie. Jeez, what a farce! By this time next week, I expect Nicola Sturgeon to be gone and the reputation of Scotland internationally demands this happen now. Jackie Baillie: It was strange performance. The LA waffle about the redactions being to protect the accusers etc. Hes so obviously uncomfortable lying to ordinary politicians rather than the legal profession he normally lies to. Wonder if he made a mistake there somehow. "[20] A month later, Grahame arranged a second meeting with the prisoner, Megrahi. Christine Graham, MSW is a Social Worker in Long Beach, CA. Its game over for them. Maximum damage to the reputation of Alex Salmond. 24 February, 2021 at 9:36 pm The date of their initial statement was 17 May 2021. When they are right, they are right. As the first from a working-class housing scheme in Edinburgh to go to university, Grahame found herself burdened by the feeling she didnt fit in and, she believes, underachieved as a result. Even the most pathetic softball questionfrom the suddenly-ubiquitous slimy Sturgeon superloyalist Tom Arthur appeared to disconcert him, as hehesitantly waffledwithout actually answering it perhaps because he didnt want to endorse Arthurs flat-out lie that previous Lord Advocates have alwaysbeenmembers of Cabinet. The Lord Advocate: He wears ill-fitting suits from a charity shop and has green teeth. Does this not perhaps help to explain why Scotland has the highest prison population rate per head in Western Europe, with 150 people held in prison for every 100,000 of the population? On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The SNP leadership appears to be without any integrity whatsoever. Now is the time. I dont think you need laws all the time, sometimes, its just policy changes.. From what Ive read, over the past couple of months, the first complaint/issue was raised by Ms H (criminal trial). If she goes he goes. Without asking awkward questions. (( Better to have an independent scotland that is clean. I hate what unionism and British nationalism stand for, but I wont help put a deeply regressive and anti-democratic bunch of chancers like the SNP in to power. They think theyre Franklin D. Roosevelt when actually theyre just lucky. Meanwhile Ms 1 has quietly slipped away. So she did. the 2 month long vaccination program is going so well? If the committee and/or the SPCB fail in getting evidence from the Clown Office then the publication of the documents which Craig Murray seeks is of extreme importance to everyone in Scotland who believes that it is fair and just that the soveriegn people of Scotland are given full rights to defend themselves unhindered by the spheres of the Scottish Government (including COPFS) and the Scottish Parliament. I said a few blog posts back the truth will out. What is going on. The Lord Advocate: David Harvie, the Crown Agent, wikipedia says: The Crown Agent is the principal legal adviser to the Lord Advocate on prosecution matters.. On our side are the folk who really want independence. Someone from COPFS is dealing directly with government officials hence his statement he was out the loop. Surely one of the papers will publish one of the key witness statements currently hidden from the committee shortly? Brian Doonthetoon says: My concern is we want cases that get to court and have a chance of success., Given the Lord Bonomy review into additional safeguards is not expected to report until early 2015, can anything possibly assuage her concerns between now and the Bill going before the chamber at Stage 3? Blimy OReilly! Still trying to make sense of James waffles assertion that it wisnae him, a big boy did it and ran away. It emerged yesterday Christine Grahame, SNP MSP and convenor of the committee, has been accused by a former employee of making sectarian remarks about colleagues, including members of her own. Paul Wynn Jan. 12, 2023. Date lodged: Tuesday, February 28, 2023, Result 62 for, 55 against, 0 abstained, 12 did not vote, Submitted by: Neil Bibby, West Scotland, Scottish Labour. It wisnae me it wis ma minnions and they are just the best cos am the best too now away an wheesht wummin, So surely the LArd Advocate has DELIBERATELY LIED to parliament when he agreed with toom tabard Arthur that ALL previous advocates even before 1707 were members and ministers of whichever govt was in power, Yet that unionist bastirt stuarty Campbell can produce evidence within minutes that shows these fuckwits dont and cant even check their facts, I know how to fix that. For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. But weve got to change our thinking. Fair point about Christine Grahames tremor, but in that film with her nodding YES, it was quite clearly well controlled, voluntary and given in agreement to Wolffes waffle at trying to STITCH UP ALEX SALMOND AGAIN. Real professionals! Real professionals know how to lie and accept lies properly. The Government shouldnt produce so many bills. She attained a Scottish Master of Arts degree from the University of Edinburgh in 1965 and gained her Diploma of Education from Moray House College of Education in 1966. Its the current manifestation of Scottish government thats the problem here, not so much the Scottish Parliament as an institution. attempt to use its powers to force release by Crown Office of all correspondence it holds involving those Alex Salmond accuses of plotting against him'. Where is he now? She was born on September 9, 1944 and her birthplace is Staffordshire, England. I am definitely no expert, but I think this last attempt at obfuscation, whoever was involved, sealed the COPFS, Nicola and her husband to the recycling bin. It is perhaps time that untidy bastard Wolffe did some poridge. She has been an MSP since the Scottish Parliament was established in 1999, and has. I note that the Lord Advocate did not answer any of my previous questions. Listen, if Murrell nationalised Scotlands oil, all the profits would be spent on fucking legal fees. "[25], Grahame has two sons and is a grandmother. Using her married name, Christine Creech, she was the SNP candidate at the 1992 General Election for Tweeddale, Ettrick and Lauderdale. Asked if she considers herself a thorn in the leaderships side, she says: No, I dont think so at all. Wolffesstuttering, breathless performance, constantly licking his lips like a nervous lizard, had all the convincing character of a small child with a chocolate-smeared face denying any involvement in a half-eaten Black Forest Gateau a surprising trait in a senior QC used to presenting cases in serious criminal trials. I know that that msp has a medical issue which causes head tremors. Whats going on in Ghana? I invite you to read and reconsider your comment at 8:11pm. kindof. Dr. Christine D. Graham is a pediatrician in Tucson, Arizona. If the SNP get a majority you can have independence if they dont then thats it once and for all, If she does that she might salvage alternative career paths. Did I hear bodies being thrown under a bus by Wolfie? [8] During the COVID-19 pandemic, she went into self isolation as someone over 70 years old and therefore at more risk of developing severe COVID-19 symptoms. [24] In July 2009, Grahame snubbed Elizabeth II by checking her e-mails rather than attending the royal speech at Holyrood to mark the tenth anniversary of Scottish devolution. Its sole purpose in doing so is to secure compliance with the order laid down by the court., Willie Jay says: Twitter Jeggit. I simply could not have put it any better at all. Watch the bit of the briefing again and youll see what I mean. Mind you it used to be ably assisted by the Office of the Solicitor General but thats currently closed, apparently, for reasons. Christine, concerned the animal would soon bite a young child, went to her mother. There is something quite rotten, corrupt, stinking to high heaven about Craig Murrays trial.