Immunotherapy can treat many different types of cancer. Does the site link to other nonaffiliated sites that provide consistently good information? Epocrates, This family of electronic resources includes both mobile and online products. A Drug information center is an area where pharmacists(or other health care professionals) specialise in providing information . Tertiary drug resources were used by the majority. 4th ed. Shargel Differences in practice settings, available funding, patient populations seen, and types of information most commonly needed, all impact which tertiary resources should be available at a specific practice site. Mosby, This resource, assembled by medical residents, contains a succinct discussion of common diseases and conditions of newborn to adolescent patients. N, Mueller This contains a directory of health care organizations online. EL Textbook of veterinary internal medicine. 3rd ed. What to do in an emergency; 10 ways to deal with peer pressure; McGraw-Hill Professional Medical Publishing, This text is designed to offer a case study approach to toxicology. Trissels 2 Clinical Pharmaceutics Database [Internet]. contains all of part 2 of Alexander T. Shulgin's book Phenethylamines i Have Known And Loved. This database covers material similar to that covered by MEDLINE, but with greater coverage of international publications. Make sure that your workplace is ready for your drug-free policy and program by informing, educating, training, and motivating stakeholders. In order to assess quality of online information several standards and programs now exist. While the same general search strategy can be used for most requests, the specific resources employed vary. BJ, Alldredge Fauci Elsevier, This text is designed with a student focus and emphasizes therapeutic impact of pharmacology. Also contains information about recalls of drug or food. Your pharmacy has just begun offering these services and in the dialog the veterinarian references AMDUCA. NF, Billups LexisNexis,, indexes a variety of newswire stories as well as transcripts of news reports. Under the scientific resources tab, there is a resource titled Veterinary Therapeutics that is valuable for educating veterinary pharmacists about current therapeutics issues in veterinary medicine. JH, Kraus In these cases, it may be prudent to contact persons performing research in this area or practitioners who are currently using that therapy to identify information that might have been missed in an initial search or may not have been published. Natural standard [Internet]. The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) has a wealth of information for pharmacists and veterinarians alike ( The main focus of this database is pharmacy information, including pharmacy administration and clinical services, making it the most comprehensive global database for pharmacy specific information. Available from: Ettinger However, these types of practices are common and it's important to get information about them from a credible resource. Does the resource contain relevant information? Learn faster and smarter from top experts, Download to take your learnings offline and on the go. LA. ZM, Crowe Recently an autosuggest feature has been added to this database, which provides suggested search terms that appear as the searcher begins to enter terminology. Available from: [homepage on the Internet]. Thompson Reuters Medical, Coverage includes drug-related information, including drug use and development. JM, Holstad For this reason, it is important to discuss with patients what other resources they are using to find additional drug and medical information. Chapters are organized by drug classification; adverse events are organized by drug name and then by organ system within each drug. R. Evaluation of personal digital assistant software for drug interactions. 1996; 53:184352. These evidence-based medicine reviews are based on extensive analysis of current literature and provide treatment recommendations (see Chapter 7 on evidence-based medicine). This site has information about the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases. We've updated our privacy policy. The operator AND will combine two terms, returning only citations containing both of those concepts or terms. Various articles and essays . New York: McGraw-Hill; 2010. This site contains information about a variety of common medical conditions and diseases. 10th ed. Bethesda (MD): American Society of Health-System Pharmacists; 2012. In some cases, there may be such limited information available that it would be wise to seek out an expert in the field, for example, a question about the use of heparin in a troche dosage form. For example, Adis ( compiles Anti- infectives Today, Cancer Today, CNS Disorders Today, and Pediatrics Today. Patrick M. Malone, Meghan J. Malone, Sharon K. Park, Copyright McGraw HillAll rights reserved.Your IP address is PrEP is highly effective for preventing HIV when taken as prescribed. Notice Most computerized databases also include a free-text search option, which is very useful when the defined index terms do not identify relevant data. DM. The information in this chapter helps provide guidance as to where specific types of drug information might be found and how to begin a search for drug information. Also, limited information about stability is available. LL, Chabner This information is an excellent starting point for any health care professional wishing to prescribe, provide, or utilize compounded drug products for animal patients. McGraw-Hill Professional, This text, organized by therapeutic class of agents, provides general discussion of pharmacology principles as well as more detailed discussion of specific agents. SP, Hume AHFS Drug Information is available in paper format (updated annually), an excerpted paper format (AHFS DIEssentials), and a mobile drug reference version. Trissel This text is also included in the Access Pharmacy electronic subscription. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. Describe the role of electronic resources in the provision of drug information. Pharmacotherapy: a pathophysiologic approach. Secondary literature refers to references that either index or abstract the primary literature, with the goal of directing the user to relevant primary literature. Take a look at all you need to know about dr robert galarowicz nd reviews health and fitness. Most products are oral formulations to reflect the unique needs of some pediatric patients. Clinical pharmacists provide services for prescription monitoring such as reviewing the prescribed drugs including proper drug choice for specific indication, dosage, frequency, duration, if there is a need for dose adjustment, suggest the proper drug for untreated indication, consider history of drug allergy, evaluate and manage adverse drug However, if the requestor wanted information regarding use of either clonidine or guanfacine in this disease state, then the term OR might be used. Shaughnessy The mother has recently been prescribed levofloxacin for treatment of an infection. It is available in text and electronic formats. Available from: [Internet]. Some information is also available about compatibility and stability of injectable formulations. Various types of pharmacy publications and references have different characteristics. There is an additional toxicology section which allows identification of drugs based on imprint codes and discussion of overdose management. EBSCOhost, This is an indexing service that covers primarily literature in the fields of nursing and allied health. Multiple interactive tools are available to assess for drugdrug/food/supplement interactions, incompatibilities, and pharmacokinetic adjustments. Does the resource appear free from bias and blatant errors? RS, Goldfrank McGraw-Hill Professional, This text describes the role of pharmacokinetics as it relates to drug development and to patient care. This resource is especially useful when seeking case reports of adverse reactions or other information on drug safety. Krinsky Most of the information needed by a practitioner can be found in these sources, making these excellent first-line resources when dealing with a drug information question. The review of natural products. This Web site provides information for pharmacists about the legal or regulatory issues that affect the practice of veterinary pharmacy or veterinary medicine. One additional study90 evaluating the efficacy of PDA databases specifically for addressing drug interaction information found slightly different results from previous studies but did find Lexi-Interact to be one of the top performers, in addition to iFacts ( Evaluation of core and supplemental drug information databases for the Palm OS and Pocket PC. 5th ed. Information on evaluating Web sites is discussed further in Chapter 5. Other sources used to provide drug. As these combination packages increase in popularity with students and universities the expectations practitioners have for access to resources in work settings will also likely continue to increase. It is available online or as a smartphone application. Locate adverse event reporting information on FDA's website 3. 6th ed. A listing of state board Web site URLs is available at Listed below are some examples of secondary databases and types of requests they are helpful in addressing. Trease and Evans pharmacognosy. Carpenter Authentic Oxycodone Front Authentic Oxycodone Back Authentic Oxycodone Side by Side Fake Robert Galarowicz Reviews. This resource is most useful when looking for information about oncology therapies or quality of life issues. KM. Extended-release morphine is not for use on an as-needed basis for pain. Additionally, there is less lag time between publication and inclusion in the database. In general, it should be noted that some of the utility of mobile device apps is the ability to embed links to additional content and resources. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. HH, Marsh This reference is available in print and online. Other resources, discussed elsewhere, also have some tablet identification features including Clinical Pharmacology, Lexicomp Online, Micromedex 2.0, and Facts & Comparisons eAnswers. These operators are similar to AND; however, they require the terms to be within a set number of words of each other. 2007;27(12):1651-8. It is the world's largest hot desert and third-largest desert after the polar deserts. Neofax 2011. Semla Drug information service can be applied to any activity where information about drug use is transferred, and includes patient-related aspects of pharmaceutical care. Jew JC, Catania 4th ed. Philadelphia (PA): Saunders/Elsevier; 2011. Information must be interpreted and evaluated to become knowledge, as is described in other chapters. 2008;42:1592-9. There are also a number of tables listing information such as sugar-free, lactose-free, or alcohol-free preparations. Schaefer Diagnosis. Meylers side effects of drugs: the international encyclopedia of adverse drug reactions and interactions. It includes news and updates on treatment. Many databases link users directly to the article of interest. SM. These resources include information about drugs (monographs, interaction checker, safety data, tablet identification) and diseases (epidemiology, prognosis, treatment). For this assignment, you will select a drug from the list below and create a PowerPoint Presentation. JL, Higbee TP, Beizer Above the Influence Sponsored by the Office of National Drug Control Policy. DL, Hauser Table 34 contains a listing of just a few of the sources that may be useful for consumers. WW. USP 36/NF 31 2013: The official compendia of standards. Whitehouse Station (NJ): Merck & Co, Inc.; [cited 1 Mar 2013]. There are a limited number of journals covered and not all articles from a specific journal issue are included (i.e., some articles may not be included if the editorial staff did not feel that they had sufficient focus on relevant drug or disease state information). There are also resources to support owners of diabetic animals. endstream endobj startxref As databases and resources continue to modify search features, there are more Google-like search engines which allow for a natural language search. Passive surveillance - Spontaneous reports and case series. In addition to the original PDR, there are a variety of focused editions, including the PDRfor Herbal Medicines, PDRfor Nutritional Supplements, PDRfor Ophthalmic Medicines, PDRfor Nonprescription Drugs. The text is organized by organ system impacted. LY, Kradjan New York: McGraw- Hill; 2011. Once a citation is identified, utilizing a local library catalog is a good next step. There are some general tenets to keep in mind when evaluating this type of literature. Systems do not index all terms the same, so it is necessary to determine what terms a database is using in order to conduct a successful search. The content filters are specific to the drug or disease state being searched. The last day. The natural environment or natural world encompasses all living and non-living things occurring naturally, meaning in this case not artificial. GD. WA, Guglielmo This course material gives real-life examples of drug discovery and information on the drug discovery process through an industrial context, produced by Dr Ray Leslie of NTU and AstraZeneca. Cochrane Library, This database has three components: indexes of Cochrane reviews about a variety of medical treatments, conditions, and alternative therapies; abstracts of international systematic reviews; and a bibliography of systematic reviews in worldwide literature. This system is available through the NLM and offered for a fee to any user. Select appropriate resources for a specific information request. Thompson Reuters Medical, This is a comprehensive database of biological information, covering biological and biomedical information. After completing this chapter, the reader will be able to. Combining two terms with the operator OR will result in an equal or greater number of returns since it will include any citation where either term is used. The need to utilize a variety of terms for search strategy is illustrated in the following sample question: Is clonidine effective in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adolescents? It is first important to identify the key terms. Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc., This reference contains information about prescription and nonprescription drugs organized by drug class. These include organizations such as the Health on the Net (HON code,, which clearly define rules to evaluate the quality of information available via a Web site. This text is also included in the Access Pharmacy electronic subscription. Information is provided about comparative efficacy of various over-the-counter (OTC) agents, as well as contraindications for self-treatment, drug interactions, and other safety information. There is also extensive information provided about beyond-use dating. The reference contains indexes of manufacturers and distributors, brand name/ingredient indexes, and product category indexes. DA, Smoyer This is most helpful when the initial search terms return a large number of possible matches. Drug Information Resources Search for Guidelines AMA Style Guide How to Connect to Library Resources Drug Resources Chart Online Resources for finding Primary Literature Online Resources for Tertiary Information AccessPharmacy AccessMedicine DailyMed Tertiary Resources Drug Information Textbook Medicine Textbooks Monograph Book Pharmacy Textbooks There is also limited patient counseling information, but the strength of this resource is in the chemistry and pharmacology information. St. Louis (MO): Facts & Comparisons; 2012. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2012. Adis International, A weekly indexing/abstracting service summarizing literature involving adverse events, drug interactions, drug dependence, and toxicology data. It is important to recognize that the information available in an app version of a database may differ from that available in the online or hardcopy forms.86 One study looking specifically at dietary supplements databases highlighted some of the variations which may exist between different forms of the same resource.87 While the specific functionality of an app and the way that one accesses information for most apps may change, the information is generally similar. About 18% were retrieving drug information from the primary drug information resources. The monographs utilize tables to quickly summarize published literature and to grade the quality of that evidence. 13th ed. JK. 35th ed. SH, Enders St. Louis (MO): Wolters Kluwer; 2012. While this news story may not provide all the information needed, it might at least serve as a point from which to search for additional information. The text is also available as an e-book. Notice 4th ed. Basic Skills in Interpreting Laboratory Data. Drug Information Services Clinical Pharmacist Role in Drug Information Services And Medication Errors Management At Tertiary Care Hospital Authors: Dr. Kandavalli Sridevi Meda VENKATA. Merck & Co., Inc., This source provides a quick summary of disease state information, including pathology, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. Provides prescription drug information. Philadelphia (PA): Saunders; 2012. The loose-leaf version of the reference is updated quarterly while the bound is updated annually. Monographs are listed in alphabetical order, and categorize the drugs chemistry, pharmacology, indications, species dosing, contraindications, and interactions into an easily identifiable format. Nelson Instant access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, podcasts and more. 35 slides Drug information centers Nica Solis 10.6k views 8 slides Slideshows for you Viewers also liked (20) Drug information final Sitaram Khadka 64.6k views Drug information and poison information THUSHARA MOHAN 44.6k views Poison information center Sri Ramachandra University 31.2k views Rational drug prescribing to essential drugs This site is a government maintained resource describing ongoing research in the area of dietary supplements, as well as detailing efficacy information currently available. Additionally, primary literature tends to be more recent than tertiary or secondary literature. Compendium of veterinary products. A guide to abbreviations used in veterinary medicine is also included. more. Therapeutic Research Faculty, This resource is available in text, online, and mobile device formats. Work on the task that is attractive to you I enjoy working on tasks that are attractive to me. A pharmacy student is working on a presentation involving illicit drugs. GD, Rollings Information is provided about the features of the resource as well as the publisher and publisher Web site. It is for these reasons that the systematic approach discussed in Chapter 2 is helpful in order to streamline the search process. A sample search is provided in Appendix 31. Primary Menu alabama ppt instructions 2021The Kansas Bureau of Investigation (KBI) has established this website to facilitate public access to information about persons who have been convicted of certain sex, violent and drug offenses, as set forth in the Kansas Offender Registration Act (K.S.A. T, Nathan ME. The introduction of tablets, smartphones, and Internet resources has radically changed the methods and technology by which information is accessed, but not the process of providing drug information. Additionally, when seeking information about a specific drug therapy, it may be helpful to contact the product manufacturer via their medical information department to identify information that may be available in-house.§ionid=54480666. Whitehouse Station (NJ): Royal Society of Chemistry; 2013. Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc., The monographs in this resource contain traditional sections of drug information, but focus on dosing recommendations for geriatric patients. Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc., This resource provides information about drugdrug or drugfood interactions. Guide to federal pharmacy law. What are the advantages and disadvantages of primary literature in this scenario? It is more concise than Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiological Approach and is focused on diseases most likely to be seen in practice, including community pharmacy; it also contains various features to help student learning. If your institution subscribes to this resource, and you don't have a MyAccess Profile, please contact your library's reference desk for information on how to gain access to this resource from off-campus. 2004;61:1036-40. Please try again later or contact an administrator at