[Tafseer Noorul Irfaan], Allah Taala further states, The sun is not permitted to overtake the moon, nor can the night overtake the day. They look the same from the earth, traversing through the sky; but as everyone knows in reality their orbits . [Tafseer Noorul Irfaan], The Glorious Quran further tells us, And He made the sun and moon subservient for you which are constantly moving, and made the day and night subservient for you. [Surah 14, Verse 33], The sun and the moon are constant without any breakage in them, nor do they take any leave for the purpose of resting. Such is the work of Allah Who made everything firm and strong. Now if I wanted to make a house in a hilly area I have to level up the land so in English I will say: What will the heavens and the earth establish/maintain by the command of Allah. earth is stationary quran verse . The Light Verse - Abstract Painting - Spiritual art - The Holy Quran verse art - Divine Light meditative painting - Prayer and Celebration. Take the following verse: The sun and the moon follow exact courses. (55:5). Today we know this is false, Earth is a rotating sphere. If the mountains are stationary today the humans would certainly see them to be stationary. I still believe in Allah I do not need Quran to suit the views of disbelievers. Subhaanallah! And We adorned the lowest heaven with lamps for light and for protection. The Holy Quran contains many scientific signs in Astronomy and Cosmology. According to the western world, the sun is the stationary centre of the universe and the earth revolves on its own axis as well as around the sun. Urdu/Hindi: Can you tell me what belief we should have? Regarding ocean mountains, the best tafsir is the Quran itself. 27:88 Also funny how the exact same language of God spreading out the Earth appears in pre-Islamic texts describing a flat Earth. here is a good article: If seven heavens means literally seven it could refer to different levels of structures of the universe, with the solar system being the first heaven, a star cluster the second, the galaxy the third, a cluster of galaxies the fourth etc. We can therefore see that without doubt the earth is stationary. do not try to twist the Quran, Quran has no science in it. The mid-Atlantic is the largest mountain range in the world, running a huge course on the seafloor of the Atlantic ocean. are not physical objects that can be rolled like a ball, but only visual phenomena, the rolling can only be related to the physical object on which these phenomena occur, which is the Earth. By saying that the spreading of the earth is not conjoined with the mention of Jibaal, what was not meant is that they cannot occur in the same passage, but that whenever spreading out is mentioned along with mountains immediately along side it, in the same verse, then you see the word rawaasiyaa is used. This root gives the following meanings: These root associations of the word Rawaasiya signify that it refers to such mountains as lie at the bottom of the ocean. sorry but you are still wrong becausethe quran says the stars are at the lowest heaven ArtofBreeAnna. so you mean the sun and moon are in another universe. There is NO verse in the whole Quran saying that the Earth is stationary or the sun is rotating around the Earth or the Earth has square or any other non spheroidal shape. It is a hallmark of its beauty that when it refers to scientific phenomena, it does so in a manner that does not fall foul of incorrect or primitive beliefs on the nature of Earth and the universe, while yet containing essential truths discernible in more scientifically enlightened, future ages. The Qur'anic earth is flat. However, please take a look at chapter 79, verses 30, 31, 32 (in the commonly used Quran). So, verily, with every difficulty, there is ease. Some of these verses are quoted hereunder: "And made the sun and the moon subservient. While all creatures came from water and then crawled on their bellies is correct, all evolution theories suggest that evolved animals walked on four legs long . earth is stationary quran verse. Because had it done so, it would run the risk of being rejected by the people of the 7th century on the basis of an irrelevant scientific fact that bears no relation to the purpose for which the Quran was sent spiritual development. Hence such a translation is out of the question. Quran Miracle As It Says Sun Is Not Stationary But Quran almost around 1400 years ago told us that the Sun is also not stationary and also tells about the movement of planets, Earth and all celestial bodies in space and also around their own axis. Yes, the Earth is flat (1 of 2) Next position > The Bible says that the Earth is a stationary object and is flat Many proponents of the flat Earth theory draw from biblical Scripture to back up their argument, which provides a specific interpretation that, to them, confirms their hypothesis. Again, this need not necessitate a flat Earth. Copyright 2021 by Raza-e-Khushtar Foundation. secondly, the Quran says the sun and the moon are in between heaven. Just another site. The FEM suggests a static universe that does not change in size. God then gave the earth form, and that form was flat. One explanation has come to light only recently, as more and more scientists believe that the perfect conditions for the origin of life are found in undersea hydrothermal vents, at these very mountain ridges. Each moves on its course to an appointed time. Clearly, the setting of underwater mountains on the Earth bears no relationship to the spreading of the Earth like a carpet, as Wiki-Islam would have us believe. Allah plans every affair and explains clearly the signs so that you may believe the meeting with your Lord. [, And He made the sun and moon and stars subservient to His command. [, And He made the day and the night, the sun and the moon subservient to you. As in one verse it says the Mountains are moving like clouds and in the other it says the Mountains are firmly rooted in the Earth both things can only be true if either the Earth is spinning on its axis or there is continental drift. The mythology is clearly exactly the same, and the flat Earth is exactly the same, and the factual error is exactly the same. In our article on whether mountains decrease the effects of earthquakes (they do!) There has been disagreement over as to which of these two forces is most responsible for seafloor spreading. It is an established fact that without the atmospheric layers, the Earth would be inhospitable for life, since it blocks harmful rays from the sun, traps heat, and contains oxygen. They had the impression, shared with the rest of mankind, that the earth was stationary and it was this false impression that was not obtrusively challenged. Mohd Farhan Ali New Member. There are many verses of the Holy Quran that clearly show the rotation of the moon and the sun, which are given as under: Isnt it awkward that he just flew to the east direction and found himself to the west of the place? Bijak Quran (@bijakquran) on TikTok | 712 Likes. What relationship does the ocean spreading and the subsequent formation of mountain ridges have to do with the creation of diverse, well proportioned, beautiful pairs, or species? How is this supposed to be a Sun that never goes below the horizon? The Quran was not revealed as a book of science. 15:19 And the earth We have spread out (like a carpet); set thereon mountains firm and immovable; and produced therein all kinds of things in due . Are you kidding me the quoran written in 700 ac. It is interesting to know that if you visit Dubai during the month of Ramadan, and you visit Burj Khalifa, which is the tallest building in the world; a height of 829 metres (2722 ft), you will find that when it is time to break fast during the month of fasting (Ramadan), which happens at sunset, people dining at the top restaurant break their fast 2 minutes later than the timing at ground level. Everything is mentioned in it. The words in 55:33 ascertain that we will not be able to penetrate through the different regions of the heavens or the Earth. But I am a Muslim okay and I believe in what Quran contains every word of it and if Quran says earth is flat that means it it, even if NASA says whatever or shows me whatever pictures, let me tell you I will reject all their evidence just because I believe the Quran is from Allah and I dont need any validation for that. The scientific consensus now is that slab-pull is the more powerful force (70-80%) and that ridge-push accounts for less (20-30%). There is no point in reinventing the wheel, and as such, I will simply quote the remarkable and beautiful elucidation of the Fourth Khalifa of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community, Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmadrh, to explain the definitive evidence of a planetary model in the Quran: Now we turn to another aspect of the description of the cosmos which relates to the motion of the heavenly bodies. Allah says in the Quran: "Surely Allah holds the heavens and the earth (so) that they do not cease to exist; and indeed in case they cease to exist, decidedly no one would hold them both after Him. Ala Hazrat Imam Ahle Sunnat Imam Ahmad Raza Khan (Radiallahu Taala Anh) has explained the Islamic theory (based on Quran and Hadith) that the earth is static. It is a matter of choice; believe in God and his Quran and his laws, or believe Hollywood, the ruling elites, NASA jokes, and the so called Gravity and Science. Do your own research, but first begin by questioning the science, and not the Quran. but his theory that the earth is stationary and the sun and stars rotate around it, delayed the progress of the science of Astronomy and kept mankind in . Never should we place the word of men above the word of God. Also, it cannot move swiftly like the moon; therefore the stages which the moon completes in twenty-eight days are completed by the sun in one year. 68 Followers. First, the Qur'an DOES NOT SAY that sun revolves around the earth; nor does it say that the earth is stationary, as was claimed by the Church in Galileo's time. He wont answer man, but here I will tell you, this seven heavens being troposphere and all is BS, They are only trying to fit Quran into how science interprets the universe`. In favour of this Ala Hazrat (Radiallahu Taala Anh) wrote the following treatises: In his first treatise, Ala Hazrat (Radiallahu Taala Anh) has discussed the earth theory in light of the Quran and Hadith that the earth and sky are static, by quoting several verses from the Holy Quran. Posted by Tahir Nasser | 4 Jul 2019 | Blog | 61 |. Home; Help; Search; Listen to the Quran; Login; Register But it is against Established Science. In his commentary, Imam Alusi (d. 1317/1854) states that some philosophers in his time argued that it was the sun that was stationary and the earth that revolved around it. The third argument is that the Quran describes how a time will come when God will level the mountains such that no depression or elevation will be seen in the Earth. Far from it. As we explained in our previous article, in Arabic, the root of a word determines its context of use and associated meanings. This is Allah, your Lord. As in other subjects . - Islamic Art Printable - Calligraphy - Quran verse - Modern Muslim Decor - Boho. leann hunley kinder. The word Rawaasiya is from the Arabic triliteral root r-s-w. Significantly, the Quran alludes to this, since it specifically mentions that therein i.e. pizzeria storgatan 27 borgholm; why does grapefruit taste like soap; nome astratto di vedere According to the western world, the sun is the stationary centre of the universe and the earth revolves on its own axis as well as around the sun. : in the mountains themselves, did every beautiful species come forth, i.e. One interpretation given for this verse by classical exegetes is that the sun and moon actually move in an orbit around the earth. So enlightening. The significance of this was not realised until, in 1962, Admiral Harry Hess published a groundbreaking paper in the History of Ocean Basins in which he demonstrated, through his sonar analysis of the ocean floor, that the further laterally you moved from the mid-ocean volcanoes (such as the mid-Atlantic ridge), the older the land became. No, not at all. Question: Recently I read that it is obligatory for Muslims to believe that the earth is stationary and that the sun orbits around it. There are other verses, besides those given at the beginning of this article, using which WikiIslam argues that the Quran presents a flat Earth. SMOJ. And there is it I take my leave from the people who have furthur gone Astray. Each one runs to a term stated. The Earth is indeed flat, that is what the Quran and the Bible say. Each one is floating in a circumference. [, O listener! Quran Tells About Movement & Rotation Of Earth Heliocentric Vs Geocentric Until the 16th century, it was thought that the Earth was the center of the universe. It puzzles me that such great minds were unable to come to the conclusion that a 13 or 14 year old child was close to coming to the only reason I can think of for this is that the Muslim Scientists and thinkers of the East were so enamoured with the works of Aristotle which limited their imagintive thinking and were not employing the Holy Quran in their scientific thought processes whereas in the West the Muslim Scientists started breaking vehemently away from Aristotle.. Hello, I think in this verse it uses a figure of speech. It can only be because there exists a force that pulls heavenly bodies towards one another. You and (hayy bin yaqzan) seems to be only ones with common sense here. The idea that the Quran referring to the spreading of the Earth is actually a reference to seafloor spread is ridiculous and laughable. After the fact explanation doesnt work whatever science u trying to explain has been plagiarized from Sanskrit vedas .. thats why its half truth and not clear . In his commentary, Imam Alusi (d. 1317/1854) states that some philosophers in his time argued that it was the sun that was stationary and the earth that revolved around it. As this verse from the Quran states, Allah's mercy encompasses everything and is boundless, meaning that no matter what we are asking forgiveness from, we should always ask for it with sincerity and inshallah we will be answered. The process, he realised, verified the theory of continental drift. Do We Need Double-Blinded Trials for Faith? The vedas have clearly shown all planets and even before NASA figured out how to tell future planet locations and size and distances ;the vedas were accurate then and now being considered discovery by the newer scientists. Here zameen and dharti means Earth. So what are Jinn, another tribe with flat noses? This is all according to a hadith I heard. Besides the above verses, there are numerous other verses of the Holy Quran that prove that the earth is stationary and the sun is in rotation. After all, they are in separate verses. Pls start using it. But I dont think that the seven heavens mean layers of the atmosphere, because in verse 41: 13 it says that the lowest heaven is adorned with lamps: And Allah judges; there is none to reverse His judgement. The consequence is the formation of a mountain. Second, in these and several other verses in the Quran (see below) the orbits of sun and moon are mentioned together and no distinction is made between them. The Quran mentions the actual shape of the earth in the following verse: "And we have made the earth egg shaped". Like Like Gol = round. The word referred to (rawsiya) does not mean specifically ocean crust mountains since in 13:3 it is used for mountains and rivers placed therein when the earth is spread and 77:27 they are additionally lofty to emphasise their height above us. It ends with a lasting tribute to the creative faculty of God, Who has created all things with such firmness that they cannot be dislodged. Trying to bend the verses to fit the narrative of the modern science is literally pushing donw the scripture, Earth is flat and geocentric as we experience , NASA LIES SO DOES ALL GOVERMENTS. It is said: "daha" the thing; "yad'hu dahwan". - In order for the FEM to work, a great number of scientific phenomena are discarded and labelled to be a hoax, such as: gravity, plate tectonics, expanding universe, nuclear fusion, pressure gradient, and many other long approved scientific phenomena. It is common in the Quran for God to draw the attention of the reader to physical processes and use them as analogies for spiritual truths. WikiIslam authors argue that because the Quran describes the sun as setting into the sea, it means the sun literally enters into the water. Will they not believe? Please help me out sir Carpet can also be . But how can we know for sure that the verse is talking particularly about seafloor spreading that occurs at the bottom of the ocean? Forsake the myths of the taghoot and embrace the the words of Allah. Allahs each word is full of meanings. The (Actual) Shape of the Earth in the Quran Based on your logic stars would be found in the troposphere which we know isnt accurate. 2 . But only for those who would make use of their reason. By 2050, Muslims will make up nearly equal shares of Worlds population as of Christians. The last part of the verse tells us that the orbit of each planet is different and that the stars are floating in such a way like the fish in the sea. Interestingly however, he found that the land closest to the volcanoes, was younger. It seems common these days for people with no understanding of Islam or indeed science, to pontificate about both simultaneously. In fact the Quran in many verses compares the Earth with the seven heavens (skies), never once compared the Earth with planets, the sun or the moon, because they completely differ, it is like comparing a house to a banana, furthermore, the Earth was created before the heavens as the Quran says. Tahir also enjoys writing fiction and has published his first novel, The Day They All Died Young. But Alhamdulillah the way I used to perceive the things has been completely changed. (79:31-33). Only in light of seafloor spreading and the fundamental importance that played in the formation of undersea mountains, and indeed, the beginning of life, does the importance of the Earths spreading come to light. (b) That the words signifying the movement of the sun refer to its rotation on its own axis, known as solar rotations, or to the revolution of the sun around the galaxy. But as has been demonstrated, this misinterpretation would be absolutely unacceptable for the following reasons:The verse clearly speaks in the present tense and not in the future tense. When you were talking about Sky above us you said it was referring to the layers of our atmosphere. , except by His permission. I am unable to go through all the verses that directly relate to this issue. It doesnt mean level up the whole earth and if you think that I I must you should see a therapist. That is the decree of the Mighty, the All-Knowing. Verse from the Quran shows that the Earth is not a spinning ball but is rather a stationary Earth with a (circular) disc like shape where the Moon and the Sun both orbit above the Earth. The people have been brainwashed in all field politically, scientifically, religiously, economically, and socially, and militarily. Maybe devils in that verse means devil-like people, maybe there were evil people back then that were scared of shooting stars for some reason, but that is just my theory. Thank you. If lamps mean either planets or stars, I think the lowest heaven either means the solar system (with the planets reflecting sunlight as the lamps) or a cluster of stars. Click here to download this article as a pdf. The Earths crust isnt just continuously added to from the mid-ocean ridges. Who knew? Insha Allah hereunder you will find proof from the Holy Quran that the earth is in fact stationary and the sun revolves around in an orbit. But in fact, that the exact opposite is happening: you are in fact moving while the landscape outside your window is stationary. Does Islam Permit Rape of Female Prisoners of War? It describes the construction of a ostrich nest. The one flying to the west will reach a distance of 2072 miles because as much as it went to the west, this branch went to the east due to the earths rotation. and His Messenger, even though they be their fathers or their sons or their brotheren or their kinsmen." Why didnt the Quran just explicitly describe the Earth as a globe rotating around the Earth? English: The point is so absurd it needs no refutation. https://youtu.be/L9ofCP3WAKU. My prayers are with you all! There are many verses such as the following . Answered by Shaykh Yusuf Weltch Question I heard from a shaykh about waking up f https://seekersguidance.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/earth-1756274_1280-1.jpg, https://seekersguidance.org/svg/Logo/SG_Logo_v23.svg.