The common lilac plant (Syringa vulgaris) is generally considered non-toxic to livestock, such as horses, chickens, pigs, and goats. Just as a particular human being might have an allergy, so can a dog, particularly if it is a highly inbred canine. Some pet foods contain tomatoes, but they are in very small quantity and are ripe, so they don't represent a problem. The word "Cape" in this common name refers to the Cape of Good Hope in Africa, where this plant is native, not to Cape Cod where it would freeze and die in winter. "It has come to our attention that there is a concern with the safety of using honeysuckle in toys for cats. Plants Toxic to Animals Information on this website is about plants poisonous to people. It's a tricky place for a parent! Veterinarian-written / veterinarian-approved articles for your cat. If you suspect your cat has been exposed to a toxic plant (or are in doubt), contact your veterinarian, ASPCA Poison Control (888-426-4435), or the Pet Poison Helpline (855-764-7661). Horseradish (Amoracia rusticana) Related - Find out more about using honeysuckle with your cats here, they'll love it. } If you have a cat and use essential oils I would tell you to pick one and get rid of the other because its not worth the risk. The Pet Poison Helpline advises pet owners about the symptoms of poisoning. Helpful Tip: Spraying a honeysuckle toy with water enhances its aroma and makes it more attractive to your cat. 54 0 obj <>stream Its still airborne, and it still gets in their system, and it can fill the whole house even if you dont smell it. However, some poisonous plant resources, like the University of Georgia, the Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center, and Ohio State University, do confirm that certain honeysuckle varieties contain toxic compounds that can be harmful in large quantities. At the bottom of the treats page are some links listing toxic plants. The Cape Honeysuckle is an evergreen shrub or vine that has clusters of brilliant orange and deep red trumpet-shaped flowers. Lantana. 0 It could cause muscle weakness, paralysis, hypothermia, respiratory failure, seizures, vision problems, or death. Cats also have an excellent sense of smell, with about 14 to 20 times the smell receptors that people do, says Kelley. You'll probably find that in most cases the plant is not specifically marked as safe for dogs, but it isn't marked as toxic either. However, they are highly toxic to dogs. Mustard So I will ask here in hopes of getting an answer. Whatever plant attracts our furry friends, experts suggest their use to twice a week. Even very small amounts of this plant could cause serious kidney damage. Dimorphotheca . Some of the most poisonous plants for cats are daffodils, tulips, hyacinths and aloe. For example, a relative of the plant mentioned above is yellow trumpet bush (Tecoma stans.) My essential oils journey has evolved over the past 5 years and I am now also studying to become a Certified Aromatherapist! It has pinnately compound, glossy leaves that have oval leaflets with blunt teeth. What are the symptoms that would indicate that essential oils have poisoned your cat? Although there have been no studies on the subject, anecdotes suggest that 85% or more of cats respond to honeysuckle, and many of those cats are ones that have no interest in catnip. Affected animals develop central lobular necrosis of the liver, and renal tubular necrosis. However, some humans or animals may experience severe reactions to honeysuckle plants, and in these cases respiratory failure, convulsions or coma is possible. European Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) The perennial herb has downy leaves, purple-spotted white flowers, and a pungent smell that makes cats go crazy when smelled and sleepy when eaten. Is Cape honeysuckle Bonsai poisonous to dogs? Your email address will not be published. So you really have to make sure of which one you have and which part is usable and how. Please help me solve this question. There are over 180 species of honeysuckle shrubs and vines, though only one species, Lonicera tatarica or tatarian honeysuckle, seems to have an effect on cats. Upon asking which species of honeysuckle they were referring to, one website we contacted sent back this response, "I think that honeysuckle came from a common name for a type of azalea (rhododendron pericylmenoides), which is toxic, it can cause cardiovascular effect. Whether a plant is poisonous or not can also depend what part is eaten. forms: { Also known as woundwort or Aaron's rod, goldenrod is celebrated for its diuretic, anti-inflammatory, astringent, anti-microbial factors. However, some varieties of honeysuckle are mildly toxic, and care should be taken when planting them in gardens where children or pets play. Many people who have cats enjoy watching them respond to catnip or catnip-stuffed toys. Another way to dilute your oils is to add 3-5 drops of essential oil in a spray bottle filled with water (can be halfway or less), shake the sprayer then finally, spray gently on your cat. Most likely, it is this substance that puts cats into a delightful, temporarily altered state. No, cape honeysuckle (Tecoma capensis) is not poisonous to pets. The type of poisonous plant and the amount the animal has ingested will determine the level of toxicity. If poisoning has occurred, the pet could also be acting strangely, and it might even start hiding or making unusual noises. I use Eucalyptus oil in my wash and also in water to clean floors. Ingesting any part of toxic varieties of honeysuckle plants can cause several negative effects. I would expect hydrangeas to cause a more severe gastric and intestinal irritation, possibly bloody diarrhea., Always research the flower youre planning to purchase, whether its an indoor or outdoor plant, recommends Dr. Tina Wismer, senior director at ASPCAs Animal Poison Control Center and a board-certified veterinary toxicologist. This plant is very toxic. Plants produce toxins as a survival mechanism, says Dr. Karyn Bischoff, a board-certified veterinary toxicologist at the New York State Animal Health Diagnostic Center in Ithaca, New York. DMCA Notice. Gardenia jasminoides. The list of plants that are toxic to cats does not mention honeysuckle, but some websites claim that cats react to the flowers as they would to catnip. I thought peppermint was also toxic to cats? , an emergency veterinarian at BluePearl Specialty and Emergency Hospital in Clearwater, Florida. She owns her own content marketing agency, Wordsmyth Creative Content Marketing, and she enjoys writing home and DIY articles and blogs for clients in a variety of related industries. Is mother-in-law tongue poisonous to cats? Green tomatoes and potatoes contain poisonous alkaloid called Glycoalkaloid Solanine. please tell me if BAY LAUREL oil is bad for cats shouldnt become seriously ill, says Bischoff, who frequently cuts lilacs in the spring and places them around her own home. Depending on the type of flower and amount ingested, symptoms can vary from mild to fatal, says Kelley. A word of caution: it's essential to make sure . } As mentioned above, while the common lilac is not poisonous, the Persian lilac is, so pet owners should know the difference between the two varieties before planting or plucking. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ). endstream endobj startxref Knowing the basics about the potential effects of essential oils to your cat is vital. Caffeine (coffee, soda, tea) Chives Chocolate Garlic Grapes Onions Raisins Xylitol (found in sugarless gums, candies, toothpastes) Yeast dough Indoor and Outdoor Plants Common houseplants -- and a. If you are unsure about certain plants, the best course of action is to keep your dog on a leash at all times when outside. Cats and poisonous flowers and plants. , a veterinarian with City Kitty Veterinary Care for Cats in Providence, Rhode Island. What about Lavender, I read on one site it was fine for cats but I dont remember reading about it on your site here. Plant Therapy vs Young Living: Scared to Switch? Contact your veterinarian immediately if your cat eats this plant. According to the University of Georgia, trumpet honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens), which is hardy to zones 3 through 9, and native to the Southeastern United States, is also mildly toxic, as are some bush varieties. Tatarian honeysuckle contains a chemical that is similar to the active ingredient in catnip. Danielle Smyth is a writer and content marketer from upstate New York. If so, take a bucket of soapy water and drop them into it to drown. According to Pet Poison Helpline, lilies (of the Lilium genus) are one of the top ten cat poisons. They contain Tulipalin A and B, chemical compounds that Kelley says are poisonous to cats. This list has been pooled from various sources and is not exhaustive (and it is not presented in any order of toxicity): For balancing, calming and relaxing your cat. Wormseed One of springs most aromatic flowers, the common lilac (. ) If your cats ingest these substances, their intestines and liver dont have the necessary enzymes capable of eliminating, absorbing, or even digesting the oils leading to various health complications in the animal. For balancing, calming and relaxing your cat, Lavender or Valerian are ok to use. Some cats are attracted to flowers for their taste or texture. Practitioners of herbal medicine often turn to goldenrod to treat a wide variation of kidney ailments, from bacterial infections and kidney stones. It is best to familiarize yourself with the list of toxic plants and keep these types of plants out of your home or garden for the health and safety of your pet.. Keep in mind that. I use essential oils daily for more natural well-being in my life, and hope to provide you with many valuable resources, tips and reviews to help you do the same. Its a fairly well written piece, but misses the mark when talking about some of the hazards to our cats. As far as I can find it's just the berries that are and you'd need to eat a lot of them. The leaves remain toxic when dried. I had 2 diffusers and two or three rolling ball bottles with a combination of 3 types of essential oils and the bottles themselves that I would use a drop or two for health or cleaning several times a day. For that reason, a reaction of cats who smell catnip are similar to those who act sensitively to honeysuckle. With some plants, a single exposure could be life threatening., Cats love to dig through potting soil, says Lund, so pet parents can take steps to make potted plants and flowers unappealing to cats. The fleshy fruits of cherries, plums and peaches are edible, yet their leaves and pits contain deadly cyanide. Because cats dont have hands that can manipulate objects like we do, they default to using their mouths, which gives some toxins immediate access to their body, adds Kelley. Even when a healthy and basically happy dog is kept outdoors in a dog run for too many hours its always a good idea to have some toys and bones for that dog to play with so it wont get fed up with being alone and start chewing on plants. Sandalwood Pyra Central Scotland Posts: 152. Any exposure is considered a severe emergency, and decontamination and detoxification with supportive care is key to long term survival and minimizing damage, he says. A variety of ways you maybe already are incorporating essential oils into your daily life, include herbal remedies, aromatherapy, liquid potpourri, body care products, and natural home cleaning products. There is no such plant as Cape Cod honeysuckle. Perhaps you are referring to a subtropical plant called Cape honeysuckle (Tecoma capensis.) Are Cape Murtle and Pampas Grass poisonous to horses? But if you like the look of the cape honeysuckle and want to go even taller, you can add yellow bells and orange jubilees in the mix. Tecoma is a contraction of the Mexican name for one of the species: tecomaxachitl ( Mutshinyalo and . Unlike poisonous plants, there aren't many extensive lists of "safe" plants. Cherry laurel: Prunus laurocerasus. Puppies particularly will chew on anything in sight. Some links are provided below on plants poisonous to animals. especially cats and dogs, also frequently ingest plants. These exotic looking beauties are shaped like little hanging lanterns. She currently splits her time between part-time clinical practice and freelance writing, as well as serving on her county Board of Health. We see regular cases of exposure and intoxication with indoor and outdoor cats, says. If you have larger houseplants, sometimes putting rocks or other deterrents on top of the soil can limit cat access and prevent your plants from becoming another litter box.. Pennyroyal; American false pennyroyal (Haedeoma pulegioides) Legit articles that veterinarians post have lists that contradict each other. Your pets health information at your fingertips, 2022 Great Pet Media. Animals can also eat yellow trumpet bush (Tecoma stans) and it does not harm them. For example, while the common lilac plant (Syringa vulgaris) is not considered poisonous to cats, the Persian lilac of the Melia genus is. Most orchids are considered safe for cats. Oxalates. Will cats eat poisonous plants? However, the true honeysuckle is considered highly toxic for dogs, birds, and cats. Nontoxic (Safe, not poisonous) The following plants are considered to be non-toxic. The symptoms of cat poisoning through an essential oil depends on the kind of oil administered around the cat. Our content and products are for informational purposes only. But, regular honeysuckle (lonicera species) is not toxic, and is considered 'edible.'" Here are some Kitty Kottage facts about Honeysuckle: FACT #1 Kitty Kottage uses wood from the lonicera species of honeysuckle. contact with these and other toxic flowers for cats can be dangerous. Keep in mind that even non-poisonous flowers for cats can cause some gastric upset. It is far safer to stick to catnip, valerian, tartarian honeysuckle and cat thyme. The dwarf bonsai includes a chemical called cycasin, which is the leading active toxic agent. Even natural and 100% pure essential oils need to be diluted before using them onfelines. Thanks so much. Theres no denying the beauty of freshly-cut tulips or a garden bed of lilies, but flowers like these can make cats sick or even be fatal. })(); Buyer Beware: The Crimes, Lies and Truth about Pet Food. We have personally observed dozens of cats scratching on these honeysuckle shrubs even when the berries are present. . We will continue to carry these inexpensive toys that cats love, and continue to offer them as a viable alternative to catnip toys. But I do use essential oils on myself for skin care by mixing them with water or carrier oil, I use tea tree oil a lot I wash my hands when Im finished to ensure none gets accidentally on my cat or my baby Should I be worried about using EO in the same room as my cat? We lost our cat two years ago. are so incredibly toxic to cats that they arent ever allowed in my house, says Bischoff. Instead, remove all plant parts from the mouth or hands and rinse with water. Clove (Syzgium aromaticum) Veterinarians recommend preventing cats access to the following flowers. is the common name of several species of plants that are poisonous to livestock. Poison Ivy and other species of Ivy, can be highly . Is too much carotene bad for you? She is co-founder of On Fiction Writing, a website for writers. Read my full disclosure policy here. Pyrethrin is a natural insecticide that can cause some skin irritation, increased salivation, nausea, and vomiting in cats, both because of the effects on nerves and because they have a very bitter flavor.. These are generally only mildly toxic in humans, but can be harmful to animals and small children. Hydrangeas are woody plants that yield rounded clusters of flowers in colors like white, lavender, and blue. They have discovered that cats who are indifferent to catmint are sensitive to honeysuckle. is a violet-colored shrub that can also come in shades of lavender, burgundy, white, yellow, and blue. Thanks. Other glycoalkaloids and cardenolides present in Cestrum species may play a role in the toxicity of the plants. Dec 24, 2010 #8 ChickenCanoe Enabler Due to the risk of life-threatening reactions, seek medical attention even if youre not sure that poisoning has occurred. Their yellow flowers bloom in June, and these plants are also easy to care for. When it boils down to the questions of the toxicity of these oils to your cats, the bottom line assures that it all depends on the quality and specific chemical elements of the oil being used. ESSENTIAL OILS FOR CATS: Uncommon Ways To Safely Use Cat Essential Oils With Natural Cat Remedies For Optimal Health: Aromatherapy For Cats, 10 Diffuser Blends with Ylang Ylang Essential Oil, 10 Romantic Essential Oil Diffuser Blends. I would like to buy scented pet odor neutralizing soy candles with essential oil fragrances and no paraffin or petroleum sources. If your pet cat has a serious medical problem and you deem essential oils to be useful, it is necessary for you to check with a veterinarian first as they may know better and may even recommend professionally blended oils that you can use. As I'm getting started with essential oils for more natural well-being in my life, I hope to provide you with many valuable resources, tips, tricks and reviews to help you do the same. Orange oils (Citrus sinensis) Thrives in warm, sunny locations and tolerates coastal exposures. Although many plants contain the word "lily" in their name, Dr. Wismer says, certain species are the most dangerous to cats, including Asiatic lilies, Easter lilies, Japanese show lilies, rubrum lilies, stargazer lilies, red lilies, tiger lilies, Western lilies, wood lilies, and daylilies. . If Cape honeysuckle (Tecoma capensis) is the plant you mean, then I can answer that Cape honeysuckle (Tecoma capensis) is not poisonous and does not harm birds nesting in it or eating it. This doesnt mean you need to completely give up flowers. One of early springs typical flowers, tulips actually belong to the lily family (Liliaceae). Honeysuckle plants don't affect all wildlife. genus) is a perennial shrub that typically yields flowers in red, pink, and yellow. Kitty Kottage tests every new toy (honeysuckle and catnip) on different cats before releasing it to market. Sunflowers are also generally considered non-toxic for cats, but veterinarians say they may cause minor stomach upset or vomiting if ingested. Gardenia (cape jasmine) Gaultheria Geranium* (cranesbill, pelargonium) Giant marsh marigold (caltha polypetala) Gladioli bulb (sword lily) Gypsophila (baby's breath) Hedera* (ivy) Helenium* Heliotrope (boraginaceae) Helleborus* (Christmas rose, Easter rose, ranunculaceae) Horse chestnut (aesculus hippocastanum) * - bulb Hydrangea* Introduction Non-toxic plants Table 1: Non-toxic plants by common name Table 2: Non-toxic plants by Latin or scientific name Toxic plants How to use this toxic plant list Toxic plant rating guide What to do for a plant poisoning Table . Effective as antiseptic, disinfectant, and anti-inflammatory. I dont diffuse essential oils, nor do I apply them to my cat, EVER! According to Missouri Botanical Garden, the common bush honeysuckle (Diervilla lonicera) has dense branches and averages 3 feet tall and 4 feet wide. Is the flower edible for humans? Lantana, those beautiful flowers of pink, red, orange, and yellow are toxic to both cats and dogs. Thanks genus) are one of the top ten cat poisons. ) Should I be concerned about the castor bean plant in my yard? As to nuts, the ASPCA especially lists macadamia nuts as not good for dogs, as it can cause weakness, tremors, vomiting, hyperthermia, etc. ", Dr. Dell, D.V.M., Animal Ark Pet Clinic, Edmonton, Canada. Cinnamon I didnt know essential oils could be fatal for cats until after we lost her. Disclaimer: This website is not intended to replace professional consultation, diagnosis, or treatment by a licensed veterinarian. They typically bloom from fall to spring. Our clinic has carried the Kitty Kottage line of honeysuckle toys since early 2001 and to date we have not seen any allergic reactions or poisonings from the toys. Buttercup family: Ranunculaceae. Do not give honeysuckle to cats because you never know what could happen. Lily 'Regale'. Always research the flower youre planning to purchase, whether its an indoor or outdoor plant, recommends Dr. Tina Wismer, senior director at, and a board-certified veterinary toxicologist. Contact your local emergency service or the National Poison Control Center at 1-800-222-1222. If you Google "safe plants for poultry" you will find some links to safe plants in general. Early symptoms of lily poisoning include excessive salivation or drooling, vomiting, and lethargy, which can range from mild to noticeable, says Kelley. Oh my god. Updated July 31, 2016. People who own pets may worry about planting honeysuckle plants in case their cats and dogs want to take a nibble. I use an insect spray that is natural and has eucalyptus oils. The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center reports that both indoor and outdoor plants are among the top 10 toxins pets most frequently ingest. Some of the compounds in hydrangeas can theoretically break down to cyanide gas in the stomach, I would definitely advise against letting your cat eat these, says Bischoff. Despite the common name Cape honeysuckle for this species, it is not closely related to the true honeysuckle, Lonicera spp. However, some species of honeysuckle and the berries from honeysuckle plants may be toxic to cats. Animals ingesting parts of this plant may suffer from diarrhea, vomiting, depression, seizures and liver failure. Honeysuckles are a gorgeous addition to your garden and, for the most part, are okay for humans to ingest. Toxic to: Cats, dogs Symptoms: Oral irritation; intense burning of mouth, tongue and lips; excessive drooling; vomiting; difficulty swallowing Note: The tubers are the most toxic part of the plant. Although it's unlikely that your cat will eat lilies, there's a risk that they may come into contact with the flower's pollen by rubbing up against it and then licking their fur. If you dog have eated it then call nearest pet center for help. Let our authors & experts know what you think. Im wondering if this method is safe for my cats or should I only choose since from the good oil list? All parts of the plant, including the pollen, should be avoided as they can cause kidney failure in cats. Geranium oil (Pelargonium sp.) A honeysuckle tree, the wood of which is used to make honeysuckle toys for cats, takes 15 years to grow! Honeysuckle Cat Toys That Get 2 Purrs Up From Cats Around The World! Honeysuckle plants can be climbers or shrubs. Can I still use the citrus oils in my Ultrasonic diffuser? At last point of research, there were over 68 varieties of honeysuckle in this species. Plants produce toxins as a survival mechanism, says. Honeysuckle grows in USDA plant hardiness zones 4 to 9 depending on the specific type, with trumpet honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens) doing best in the Southeast and Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica) preferring climates like that of the Midwest. Honeysuckles (Lonicera spp.) Pet owners should become familiar with the ASPCA list and ensure that the toxic plants are neither inside nor outside their home. Thyme Paula Fitzsimmons is a content marketing writer and journalist who writes about pets as they intersect with topics related to health, nutrition, technology, and lifestyle. Typically, this includes making a physical barrier, adds Wismer. Sassafras It may be Indian walking sticks. Valerian is a plant who finds its use in assisting people to sleep better and be less anxious. Any plant can make a dog sick if he eats too much of it. In fact, because the wood can result in choking or damage to a cats mouth, it should only be given to our feline friends when it is contained within a tough toy. Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) If so , how can i stop its destruction. The bees are not killed by Tecoma stans, but the honey that comes from it is poisonous. Plants cant run away, so they have to come up with other ways to prevent getting eaten by insects and animals.. Essential oils come in many forms and are found in some household products. While honeysuckle is not considered highly toxic, if you or a pet has ingested any part of poisonous varieties in large enough amounts, serious illness can occur. Other plants can damage the liver or kidneys, sometimes irreversibly, or cause cardiac arrhythmias or neurologic side effects, including seizures and even death, adds Kelley. If you love your cat I would say better safe than sorry. As a vine, it may grow up to 25-30 feet long and may bramble up to 50-100 . Dilute at a ratio of 50:1 which means you dilute a drop of your essential oil to 50 drops of dilution oil. family, a group of fragrant, flowering plants that most often present in various shades of pink. It is native to Siberia and Eastern Asia. Your email address will not be published. Dogs. Cats may show signs through changing their habits in sleeping and eating; behavior changes such as tiredness, and lack of energy; digestive problems such as constipation, diarrhea or vomiting; and light-headedness. However, this does not seem to be true of honeysuckle, which will often work in cats that are much younger than six months of age. Need to know if cape cod honeysuckle is toxic or not-want to put in exotic bird cages for them to perch and/or eat on(parrots-amazons,macaws,cockatoos)do not see it listed on toxic sheets for birds,tortoises ectc and can not find the answer on internet sources that I have tried. Honeysuckle berries and possibly flowers and leaves are toxic to cats and should not be given to them. 7. Those plants have bright orange-tinted flowers, but consumption of any of their parts can seriously sicken pets. The Garden Factory Inc. Plants Toxic to Dogs & Cats Common Name Other Common Name Botanical Name Toxic to Toxic to What's Toxic? , a board-certified veterinary toxicologist at the New York State Animal Health Diagnostic Center in Ithaca, New York. hb```a``a`e` @V h`},qbb@V:@Z"|\#_+A87N) p'bq'fq?0p )FDp300 : Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Some claim that among 68 types of honeysuckle, only one attracts cats. I think in a worst-case scenario, a cat might get an upset stomach and maybe vomit or have some diarrhea, she says. Cats have stronger senses than humans and their nose is way more sensitive than ours, so its definitely possible that scents you might find calming and wonderful, can be extremely strong and overwhelming for your cat. These lists are not all-inclusive, so if youre unsure about any plant, its safest to check with a professional. Lilacs have a slightly bitter taste, which may deter cats from eating them. Miller holds a diploma in social services from Clarke College in Belleville, Ontario. Cats might go for certain plants because they enjoy the mouth feel, says Dr. Cathy Lund, a veterinarian with City Kitty Veterinary Care for Cats in Providence, Rhode Island. Dwarf bush honeysuckle shrubs (Diervilla lonicera) grow in USDA zones 4 through 8 and are smaller than their cousins. Most orchids are considered safe for cats. You might find you have spare space in your flower bed and you want to try growing something special for your pet. The vine and flowers contain saponic glycosides and cyanogenic glycosides. Use Roman or German Chamomile for anti-inflammatory help. Do not give honeysuckle to cats. These products are made without using harsh chemicals known to be toxic or harmful to pets. The vine blooms with white or pink flowers. Water when top 2 inches of soil is dry. This will go a long way toward ensuring your furry friends safety. Exposure can lead to serious liver damage, liver failure, seizures, or even death for cats. Hyacinth Hydrangea Iris Lilies (all Lilium species, such as Easter Lilies) Lily of the Valley Morning Glory Oleander Philodendron