End Time Prophets, Bloggers and Watchmen. Praise God in the Highest! No pierdan tiempo precioso mientras tengas vida., Junio 20, 2020 (Reuniones de Trump, saqueos. Tu ngel del refugio los proteger de cualquier tipo de virus, bombas, y otras amenazas sobre Mi gente. But. Latest Messages from After the Warning Website. Your refuge angel will shield you from any virus, bombs, or any other threat to My people. Pray for the unemployed people to find jobs and receive their benefits. You have been praying and watching Mass on TV and the internet with only spiritual Communion. I will be with you to protect you, so trust in Me always to multiply your food, water, and fuels. En la capilla del Padre Eterno estamos orando frente le DVD de Adoracin. Estas protestas son pagadas y son el principio. Johnleary.com news digest 6 years Tuesday, May 17, 2016 Tuesday, May 17, 2016: If you have not chosen to come back to God because you dont believe you have sinned against Him, think again! Also, News Reports on Preparing for the Reality of Nuclear War by Glenn Beck. This virus will come in the fall and there will be so much death and confusion, that your election will be canceled. Jesus said: My people, you just read about St. Paul as he was leaving on a ship for Jerusalem. 16TheLordcalled you a thriving olive treewith fruit beautiful in form.But with the roar of a mighty stormhe will set it on fire,and its branches will be broken. 13You, Judah, have as many godsas you have towns;and the altars you have set up to burn incenseto that shamefulgod Baal are as many as the streets of Jerusalem.. I believe it has been taken down, but one has to wonder how this happened, and then ask ourselves, does our Country even know God anymore? Latest Videos from Mother and Refuge of the End Times, Quo Vadis, and the Two Preachers. Los malvados estn tratando de derrumbar el sistema de polica para el tomo completo. Latest Prophetic Message Videos from Mother and Refuge of the End Times, Quo Vadis, and Mystic Post TV. They should not be bailed out by the rich liberals who are paying the anarchists to cause trouble. Esto puso a los Asirios en confusin y fueron forzados a regresar a sus casas. john leary messages 2021. Esto representa la confianza diaria en Dios para proveer por sus necesidades. Informacin detallada del sitio web y la empresa: elclandeloscolgados.com Welcome to El Clan - El Clan de los Colgados %El Clan de los Colgados You all will be facing this door to your own death at some age. Estos mismos ngeles proveern edificios y multiplicarn la comida, agua, combustible para la gente. I was constantly raising up prophets in Israel so the people could change their hearts to love Me. Here is a video by Quo Vadis. Choose godparents to guide this child. Tu tuviste 4 practicas del refugio con personas que se quedaron a dormir en tu casa, hasta usaste el combustible para calentar tu casa con queroseno y madera. Eviten la prostitucin y ver pornografa en revistas y pelculas. I do see My faithful, who are baptized and confirmed, as on a higher road of faith, and more will be expected of them. La polica y la Guardia Nacional estn tratando de parar las protestas y saqueos. Only God can show us the error of our ways, and until we ask Him with a contrite heart, we may be blinded to the Truth, just like our Country is right now! Not every soul is perfect, so be prepared to do some time in purgatory to purify your soul. I told you that you would live to see the tribulation, so you know it is close. The Holy Spirit has guided us to see that this very same thing is happening today, with Gods Children turning to pagan worship because of the nations turning to idolatry and not keeping their Covenant with Him, and some of the Shepherds, who are supposed to be asking Our Lord for guidance, are not and instead falling to the ways of the world, thus scattering the flock. As you look on My luminous cross, you will be healed of all of your health problems. I bring the tongues of fire over all of the faithful of God. I mentioned before how this is just the beginning Friday, June 5, 2020: (St. Boniface) En la iglesia en la Misa despus de la Santa Comunin, yo puedo ver algunos los abusos contra el sexto mandamiento al no casarse, contraceptivos, y pornografa. First Sunday of Lent Mass Celebrated at St. Marys Parish in Ottawa, Canada. 12The towns of Judah and the people of Jerusalem will go and cry out to the gods to whom they burn incense,but they will not help them at all when disasterstrikes. Tu tenas el dinero, as que pudiste poner los paneles solares con un sistema de 34 paneles y 12 bateras solares. My love for you is everlasting and in heaven you will be adoring Me for all eternity., Jesus said: My people, I want to prepare you for My coming Warning by coming to Confession to cleanse your souls. Solo los creyentes en Mi palabra sern permitidos entrar a Mis refugios con el permiso de Mi ngel. Is There Deliberate Deception and Hypocrisy in the Current Papacy (Pope Francis)? My angels will provide for your needs, and you will adore My Blessed Sacrament in the monstrance in perpetual Adoration. You will have a lull in the summer, but be ready when a second wave of the virus will return in the fall. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Zadzwo! 18Because theLordrevealed their plot to me, I knew it, for at that time he showed me what they were doing. Monday, June 1, 2020: Comparing Lorena from Mexicos Messages to St. Augustines Teaching on the Transformations We will Go Through Before the Era of Peace and Who are the First Fruits? Although they cryout to me, I will not listento them. He pointed out how ruthless it is to defund the police and burn police stations. Here are some important messages we copied and pasted from Johns website. <br><br>Key areas of expertise include sales, marketing, business development, operations, media, public relations, and . Jess dice: Mi gente, Yo te he dicho como Yo llamare a Mis fieles a Mis refugios antes de la segunda ola de ataque del virus. It is claimed that Larvin, who once dated boxer Joe Calzaghe, and her partner Jonathan Johnson (55) carried 2.8m in September 2020, using holiday items to disguise the cash. Look at the crowds of protesters in your cities. You can tell this is a laboratory created sickness because the seasonal flu does not continue into the summer heat. Mis creyentes se mantendrn en Mis refugios por toda la tribulacin del Anticristo. Despus, tu tuviste tu adicin bendecida por el ataque de moscas, tu primer proyecto era proveer por algunas camas. The Democrat officials in their states are allowing these anarchists to take over their cities. This next one is to Luz De Maria from Saint Michael the Archangel. Explanation of the Pardon Crucifix and the Indulgences Received Praying the Holy Rosary with It. Have no fear and trust that My angels will provide for your needs., Saturday, June 20, 2020 john leary latest messages 2021mayer funeral home austin, mn obituaries. T necesitas evitar el pecado de los contraceptivos usando el mtodo de no relaciones durante el periodo frtil. Posts in This Blog Explaining Why We Are in The End Times. En la visin Yo te demuestro como los malvados trataran de reducir la populacin por medio de este virus mortal y contagioso. Live every day as if it was your last day, so you can pray and help people while you can. (Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus), Jesus said: My people, today starts the first celebration of the Two Hearts of My Blessed Mother and Myself. If you live in the Northern states you may need wood, kerosene, or propane with the appropriate burners. Then in verses 21 through 22, Jeremiah is warning the people that Gods wrath is coming and that the Shepherds are senseless because they do not inquire upon our Lord, and they have scattered the flock. Health Blog steve carell house; external barriers to financial success; does tcs give joining bonus to lateral entry; which option is not provided with cloud storage; massachusetts orphanage records; If you personally do not know Gods Commandments and what He expects of us as His Children, read Gods Holy Word NOW, and dont wait another day, because God has been warning us for many years now, and time is running out before His wrath will come. Prophet John Leary http://www.johnleary.com/ Wednesday, August 3, 2022: Jesus said: "My people, I see all people as equals before Me, in that no one is better than the other. I have asked My faithful to pray for the stoppage of abortion. Keep praying for the souls in purgatory so when they come to heaven, they will pray for you in return. Be Prepared for the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit. in . This new boy needs to be baptized, and your family can reach out to pray for a healthy boy, and help this family in any way that you can. 2 min read WASHINGTON (AP) The Supreme Court on Wednesday is hearing a dispute between New York and New Jersey over New Jersey's desire to withdraw from a commission the. Most of your needs will be provided at your refuge. Tu estas presenciando la maldad en las personas que han regado este virus para reducir la populacin, y evitarlos que vayan a Mis sacramentos. So I brought on them all the cursesof the covenant I had commanded them to follow but that they did not keep., 9Then theLordsaid to me, There is a conspiracyamong the people of Judah and those who live in Jerusalem. Friday, June 10, 2022 June 19, 2022 There will be chaos and food shortages all over because many people did not heed My warning of saving up some food. Welcome to Live and Love For Jesus! stockton, california latest obituaries. This word from Our Lord to John Leary on June 10, 2022, is similar to what we wrote above about the Prophet Jeremiah. Valentine) Jesus said: "My son, you were curious why I brought the Flood upon the earth to kill everyone but Noah and his family, who were faithful to Me. Terms & Conditions! Yo advertir a Mi gente a que no miren hacia fuera en ningn momento por la cantidad grande de cuerpos muertos. You are seeing constant violent protests, and now even Satans followers want to bring in the New World Order. You have limited numbers at some churches, but you are happy to be home in church for Sunday Mass. Rejoice in My love and My sacraments. Esto era el comienzo de Mi iglesia cuando Mis apstoles salieron a todas las naciones para compartir Mi palabra. Here is the latest podcast show of Battle Ready by Father Dan Reehil on Corpus Christi and the sign of our times from June 21, 2022. Habr un caos y escasez de comida por todos los lados porque mucha gente no quiso ponerle atencin a Mi advertencia de guardar alguna comida. Tus veras un virus peor en el otoo que matara muchas personas. Does this sound familiar? Here is Mary Greeley News with a report. It is just a matter of time. Here is another great video by Servants of Christ about St. Vincent Ferrar and his prophetic message about the end of the world, which are our times. https://www.biblehub.com/luke/21-25.htm. In particular, in verse 17, Jeremiah points out that both Judah and Israel angered God by worshipping Baal, which is a pagan god in which children were sacrificed. australian female singers; 300 blackout subsonic suppressed decibels; best mastercraft boat; joshua goldberg 1967; The people did not want to hear My words of rebuke, so they rushed at the prophets to silence My Word. Oren por la conversin del las almas mientras puedan, y guarden alguna comida mientras puedan tambin., Junio 5, 2020 (El Grupo de George Soros, Vidas Negras Importan) Hoy, en el Evangelio Yo hable sobre el sexto mandamiento No debes cometer adulterio. You have seen many deaths all over the world from this virus, and many nations have used a shut Friday, May 29, 2020: Pray for Jocelyn and her new baby, and for the souls of your family. Let us destroy the tree and its fruit;let us cut him off from the land of the living,that his name be rememberedno more.20But you,LordAlmighty, who judge righteouslyand test the heartand mind,let me see your vengeanceon them,for to you I have committed my cause. Yo puedo ver una alfombre roja que dirige hasta una puerta que se abre por si misma. Now you can receive Me in person at Holy Communion. These Black Lives Matter groups will try and carry their protests into the surrounding towns. Mas que nada tu tienes un altar y un tabernculo donde tu puedes adorarme a Mi en la sagrada hostia. Yo puedo ver como el Seor llamara a sus fieles a los refugios porque los malvados desencadenaran una segunda ola del virus. For the sake of His Sorrowful Passion, have Mercy on us and the whole world. My son, you have used this passage (4 Kings 19:35) many times to relate to the people about the power of even one of My angels. Yo multiplicare la comida, agua, y combustible, pero deben tener completa confianza y fe en Mi que Yo puedo hacer esto por ti. This was the Jim O'Leary Mansion and always had been for many generations of Jim O'Leary's. This sent the Assyrians in confusion and they were forced to return home. If we dont choose on national levels in our societies to turn away from sin and the evil that it encompasses, then evil grows exponentially. 21Therefore this is what theLordsays about the people of Anathothwho are threatening to kill you,saying, Do not prophesyin the name of theLordor you will dieby our hands22therefore this is what theLordAlmighty says: I will punish them. So fear not about the evil ones, because My angel of the refuge will protect you as the angel slew the enemies of Israel. How To Translate Downloadable Documents, Books And Booklets, On This Blog Into 90 Languages, Holy Love Ministry Heavenly Messages In 90 Languages Translation Instructions, Our Lady Of Medjugorje Messages In 90 Languages Translation Instructions, CONTACT ME: I can shelter and board a conservative priest in crisis in the USA, Website: Our Lady of Emmitsburg Gianna Talone-Sullivan Spiritual Counseling, Website: My Sacred Shelter Prayer Requests, Sister Website: Mary Queen Of Peace Fatima, Garabandal, And Medjugorje, Sister Website: Jesus And Mary Love Children (And Teens! around the sick in the world and around all the dying in the world; around all the elderly and abandoned in the world. Pray for your family to be converted, or they could be lost. Please attend Holy Mass both days and consecrate yourselves to both the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart. Tu verdaderamente eres la sal y luz en el mundo cuando tu compartes Mi Evangelio con las personas. Los apstoles tambin eran la Luz del mundo cuando proclamaron las Buena Nueva del Evangelio. Many of My faithful pray the rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet. This word from Our Lord to John Leary on June 10, 2022, is similar to what we wrote above about the Prophet Jeremiah. Mi profeta les haba predicho sobre Mi proteccin y uno de Mis ngeles paso por el campamento de los soldados Asirios y el ngel mato 185,000 hombres en un ataque rpido. So, first a warning from God through His Prophet Jeremiah in Chapter 10, and now we see in Chapter 11, that God has had enough, and there is no more warning, because the sins and errors have spread to His own Children, who He tried to warn through Jeremiah. Jesus said: My people, it is sad that you have evil people paying anarchists to cause destruction and chaos so they can have a takeover of your government. Luego tu instalaste otro sistema de 12 paneles y 12 bateras en el primer piso para que puedas limpiarlo cuando caiga nieve y tener energa en el invierno. I told you before that the graces of your Masses go out to all your neighborhoods so you could have My peace. As que no tengan miedo sobre los malvados, porque Mis ngeles del refugio los protegern, as como el ngel mato a los enemigos de Israel. 8 devine street north haven, ct what is berth preference in irctc john leary latest messages june 2020. victor vescovo partner monika. Goodmorning Disciples of Jesus Christ. Amen. Cuando la violencia de los disparos empeore, Mis fieles tendrn que venir a Mis refugios mas temprano para evitar que sean disparados. The prophets told the people how they were in sin in as they offended Me by their evil actions. I am with you to lead all of My faithful on a road to heaven. Only My believers will be saved at My refuges. 11This is the word that came to Jeremiah from theLord:2Listen to the terms of this covenantand tell them to the people of Judah and to those who live in Jerusalem. Yo puedo ver las continuas protestas en las calles y continuos motines y saqueos en las tiendas. Geoengineering, Politics, and the Planet Global Research E-Book, Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) Global WAR-NING! Pray for the sinners to be saved after the Warning., Jesus said: My people, this is the first time you have been to Mass at your own church in three months. Do not fear, God will not abandon you." Prophet John Leary Wednesday, July 13, 2022: (St. Henry) Jesus said: "My people, you are in a struggle between the Green New Deal people and those people who favor using fossil fuels. When you have discerned that you want to prepare a refuge, you need to consecrate your land and make an attempt to find water on your land. Cada vez que ores en fe, tu comida no se terminara tampoco. Ora por convertir a la mayor cantidad de almas que tu puedas, porque tu haz visto la plaga que se avecina en esas personas que me rechazaran a Mi.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKdDk3mjBxk. T tambin tenas el proyecto de instalar un pozo para el agua de la cocina y los baos. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Amen. My believers will remain in My refuges throughout the whole tribulation of the Antichrist. Back around 1900, a popular vaudeville song was "Let Me Shake the Hand that Shook the Hand of John L. Sullivan," the last heavyweight bareknuckle boxing champion. Las personas necesitan convertirse a ser creyentes, para que sean dignos de entrar en Mis refugios., Junio 9, 2020 (2) (Proyectos de Refugios necesarios para sobrevivir) Even before I will call people to the refuges, My angels are already protecting the refuges. This has been done over the past 40 years. I will help My refuge builders to provide bedding, latrines, and organize groups to lead your refuges. Jesus said: My people, in some news you are seeing a lot of people who are able to come back to their old jobs, but there are still millions of people who are unemployed. Introduction to the Divine Will by Frances Hogan. Trust in My protection from the evil ones at My refuges. November 21, 2022 VERY IMPORTANT COMMENTARY Explaining The Second Coming Of JESUS, The End Times, The Immaculate Conception, And The Wedding Feast Of The Lamb By a soul MaryRefugeOfSouls, VIDEO Facing Imminent Nuclear War Instructions and Remedy for Radioactivity from GOD, MaryRefugeOfSouls PDF Download: English Collection (Lorenas Messages, 2015-2021) The Way To Follow Army of Saint Michael Archangel // Descargar PDF: Coleccin en espaol (Mensajes de Lorena, 2015-2021) El camino a seguir Ejrcito de San Miguel Arcngel, Video Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ to Latin-American Mystic Lorena Holy Communion in the Hand February 16, 2022 MaryRefugeOfSouls, Three Videos Latin American Catholic Priest has Vision during Holy Mass of Jesus Christ and in Tears Cries, No more Holy Communion in the hand!, Spiritual Warfare Prayers for Ancestral Curses and Evil Generational Spirits, Including Resources for Inner Healing, Zazzle Collection: Essential End Times Religious Images (Refuge Stickers) Compiled by a soul MaryRefugeOfSouls. If you truly love Me, then you will show your love for Me in your daily prayers. The video is down at the bottom of this Newsweek article posted yesterday. I want people to love Me of their own free will. In a large church you could wear masks and easily keep your distance. Larvin and. Published by at June 13, 2022. No tengan miedo Mis Fieles, pero estn preparados para la Advertencia y para irse a Mis Refugios protegidos., Junio 9, 2020 (Multiplicacin de comida, sal y luz) I love all of you, and I am closest to you when you can receive Me in person. You will adore My Blessed Host around the clock at every refuge., Jesus said: My son, there is always joy on earth and in heaven when a new life comes into the world. In the first reading the King of Israel prayed for My protection from the Assyrians who were ready to attack Jerusalem. Unite your hearts with My Heart, and unite your suffering with My suffering on the cross. Trust in Me to protect you and provide for your needs at My refuges all the way through the coming tribulation., Jesus said: My people, you are all so happy that your churches are finally opening this weekend. Jess dice: Mi gente, tu estas viendo los planes del partido opuesto te hacen ver bien claros ante tus ojos. Latest Videos from Mother and Refuge of the End Times, Quo Vadis, and Mystic Post TV. My refuge builders have to trust in Me to protect them at all times. Dale gracias a Dios y adoracin a Mi por guiarte con todas tus preparaciones. Michel Message from St. Gabriel On the night of March 17 to 18, 2021, the Angel of the Lord (later I understood that it was Saint Gabriel the Archangel) came around 2:30 in the night to tell me about the Holy and Great discretion of Saint Joseph with the Holy Family and his role at.