Thanks Vivi! Im thinking the Lilith person is more obssesed but i dont know. If you are interested, please contact me by e mail I was the Moon with a female. I've had people aspect my north node. What happens when your natal Venus conjuncts your composite north node with someone and Natal moon conjuncts the composite south node? How does it play? This short relationship had a very profound effect on me and was wondering if this had any significance? Hello my dear, What would it indicate in a romantic relationship? In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. It also turns out my spouses Venus is at Leo 1144. You both feel admiration for each other. How differently would this playa out? my saturn(7th house ruler) conjuncts his north node and his venus 0 degress! Oh so what your saying is that the NN finds Lilith beautiful but repulsive at the same time? We have moon trine mercury, merc. I do think Jesus can overcome everything but only Him and a relationship with Him Abby. Disharmonious aspects can cause both of them to still have past fears from relationships. Jupiter and Lilith conjunct in the synastry chart. Together, they stand for the Nodal Axis. I am not saying they will or do but they could, Just wanted to let you know as I am very active in astrology communities on Reddit I have created a subreddit specifically dedicated to r/asteroidastrology,, Would love for you to join if you are interested ! The IC conjunct the NN-the IC person will give deep emotional support to the NN person, which will help the NN reach his dreams. Anyway, sorry about the long comment but Id love to hear your feedback! Basically I interprete that as that Lilith does indeed have very strong feelings and desires, but that even in the case she should be . I should have this tattooed on my chest, along with What are the orbs?. I saw the conjunction and started reading up about it. I think the issues were something else, likely, such as a strong Nessus from him to you or a weak Dejanira from you to him. I am not trying to rip anyone off. Sun conjunct Pluto exact in Libra, Venus in Scorpio, mars in Taurus, Moon in Libra. I am very strong about the NN in synastry, for this reason. If you dont do the chart, trust yourself. You don't need to BELIEVE in Jesus to come here and/or to contact me. My Chiron shot her down. )My pluto squares my nodes natally and honestly I am drawn towards people who aspect my pluto and then square my nodes more than any others. Excellent. What is Chariklo? Their NN in also in my 12th with mine in their 8th. What are your thoughts regarding north nodes in synastry? The North Node is the theme of one's life. Can you help me based on this regard? xox, They would bully you and overpower you, Tina, The Nessus/Sun would be a power play and the Nessus would win. I have my saturn and descendant conjunct his north node, sun and mercury. Saturn can be the stern father who tells you to eat your veggies before you eat your dessert. Medusa conj the NN- the person will have been betrayed by woman but hate men. My moon is the meat, in the opposition sandwich. Bringing Lilith is a wonderful oppurtunity to a mans world especially if the man this guy has slept with lots of girls can get any girl he is super attractive he's a musician. we are not slaves to astrology. Hello! I did not enjoy it much. If not, it would be a super compatibility aspect imo. This caught my attention. I love getting these comments too, so please write again when you would like! Yes, the squares, if close(up to 3 degrees) show thwarts and are important, Ana. The Eris person could harass the NN person when the NN person tries to find his life purpose. NN can be elusive. Ive certainly been with men MUCH more critical/abusive than that. Jupiter is pretty important in my chart. The Vertex person will help the North Node's person find sense and meaning to their struggle and encourage them to develop a more positive outlook. It was really helpful. I really love her sometimes when I deal with her in my life. Im flying to her. Even if you just pointed out a few things that I need to look into myself. However Yes it's been hard for me to let go o f the people who I aspected their north node. this is so much brain work. My 5th house Lilith (I),h21, is trine my ascendant exact opposite my pholus in the 11th house. That which conjuncts the North Node becomes a life theme.Sado is sadism. He is very out of touch with the spiritual side of things. I feel soo badd. That is my advice. Lilith has a colourful history. Anytime I have even felt that he is even remotely trying to show me up in some way indirectly, I get extremely revengeful and give it back to him in spades , in a similar way . How about for the NN person? My Moon squares my Nodes and if my Moon isn't aspected in synastry, forget it (but then again, it is the Moon, an essential part of the chart). I would not want a persons Saturn that intense on my personal planets, but that would be my opinion <3, Hi. How about ask me your most desired question. I feel like it goes one of two ways - either I am very close to them and like them a lot - or - I feel disappointed because they are not living up to my expectations. Like I said I ended cutting those people off. I have an exact NN degree conjunction with someone who Im with right now. Synastry Aspects - Astrology Meanings and Interpretations. If a person has a planet or asteroid on your NN, they will bring the flavor of that planet or asteroid TO the relationship. I know when planets or asteroids touches someones node, feelings will be mutual. Some astrologers say everything can be overcome. Nessus is not an asteroid I have paid any attention to, but because of your post I decided to investigate. The persons adaptation would be the variable that could change <3. She's the only person I've been close to for years and years.My natal Venus is conj my NN as well though - so that might be why. I have with my friend this connection. Any further thoughts on this aspect? It's in Pisces. but in my case, we have venus square neptune, venus square mars, also his nessus on my mars exact, then his nemesis on my vertex. Have I SEEN deja conj the NN in a relationship? In the natal chart, she represents wild female sexuality and the anger that comes from being denied, rejected or cast out. I found this really cool!!! Your take ? the lilith may enjoy not giving the moon person what they want and have no problem over-asserting their own will. does these aspects show a positive relationship? He can leave anytime he doesnt like it . How would his vertex influence NNode? Synastry? It wasnt like his friend was even charging him though so Im confused. hey. He is Nessus . I will link it at the end. (024 orb). He is the teacher and the leader, and I am required to be the student who relinquishes control and in some ways becomes interdependent (Gemini 7th house). his vesta conjunct my sun/moon midpoint Your relationship will be very very passionate. I don't actually like him and I'm mostly avoiding him. Some people are OK with it and some are not. My readers are very valued to me! Example: If someone's North Node is conjunct another person's Vertex in the 9th house, their relationship will be expansive and broaden the knowledge, reality, and beliefs of the people involved. Most guys I ever had feelings for were Cancers or had a personal planet in Cancer. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Heartbreaking. In Sumerian and Jewish mythology, she is associated with female demons. After wed been together for a while, I did a synastry chart I was just starting to study astrology at the time. When you look at a synastry or natal chart, you may also see the North Node being referred as Lunar node, Dragon's Head or True Node. I couldn't take it anymore and drifted out of the friendship. Many people would, but not everyone, I dont think. Bringing Lilith into the equation is a definite learning opportunity, no matter how you slice it. I want him so badly, I have to think every single day of himfor two years now, and Im going insane, its so obsessive Who will be abuser and is this relationship fated to happen? I respectfully disagree with this. His NN opposing your ASC may be such that his purposes and goals in life may go against your basic walk through life.There may be a pull between this.Let me make it practical. xx. :)) just wanna ask, what if our northnode is squaring with each other? I am sorry, Kelly Hi! I kind of like the idea that we both make each other uncomfortable in a this-is-my-future sort of way, but I'd like more information/personal stories if anyone has them. I have heard this could lead to bad abuse or worse. You are spot on with your neptune conjunct Nn synastry. Did you live in their bedroom? North Node conjunction Lilith (5.32) What do you think? I met this really awesome person, and I found out our moons are squaring each other. Ive also read that it is unrequited love in the Venuss behalf in this synastry . I just found that I have Sado conjunct my Sun (exact) .. all this in Taurus 3H opposite Pluto but trine Neptune/Uranus, Moon and AC. What happened? I have literally never heard discourse on natal to composite aspects. I dont wanna be an abuser. I have a one question chart for 89.99. So what would it mean if my NN is conjuct someone elses NN to the exact degree in scorpio? Now, I would avoid a relationship with ANY bad asteroid or planet conjunct the North Node. It has another name I think. Or maybe I'm just biased. Powered by Infopop 2000 North Node conjunction Juno (2.75) Ami, Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths. His NN conj my Mars in Pisces 2 degrees. I have written about this before. Person A, has their natal Sado (At 27 degrees) conj their Uranus at 27 degrees Leo, and their natal Nessus squaring at 27 degrees Taurus. In synastry, Lilith is definitely like pluto, i noticed, lots of obsession, control, jealousy,revenge but on a POSITIVE note Lilith can bring an amazing profound connection that is unexplainable between two people, like a sort of fascination. Tell me which person was which. The North Node person is definitely in for an experience. He is extremely caring about me, feels like hes my Mother sometimes hahaoverprotective also. Most important to me is that you find Jesus. On synastry chart with my friend, My NN Virgo conjuncts my friends SN Pisces . How would you interpret this Ami? In the case of Nessus, he may abuse you and you may not see it as abuse. My observation Nessus is NO MATCH for Pluto . trine merc., sun trine sun, venus sextile venus, venus trine mars, asc sextile moon double whammy, asc. his mercury tight trine to my descendant. Hello, I appreciate your explorations and lessons here. When your Lilith aspects your someone's planet (especially the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, or the Ascendant), you are magnetically attracted to this person, and can't get them out of your mind 36 Zane B Stein In synastry, contacts to the natal South Node indicate each person's involvement in the other's past. I feel lucky to be alive. I also have my Juno and South Node conjunct his Venus, my Moon, Mars, Jupiter trine his Sun, his Sun in my 1st house, his Moon trine my Asc,sextile my Sun, his Venus in the same sign as my Ascendant, my Psyche conjunct his Eros, his Mars conjunct my Sun/Moon midpoint, his Juno opposite my Sun and conjunct my Ascendant, his Vertex opposite my Saturn, my Vertex opposite his Venus. If a person BRINGS a planet or asteroid to the North Node person, the planet or asteroid becomes a theme of the relationship.Hence, please look carefully at that which conjuncts the North Node in synastry. Idk. My NN conj his Neptune 3 degrees I see I can definetely see this and the dynamic tension will always be present as I can understand where your coming from with this. What about Priapus conjunct NN in synastry? Buuut what is definitely true is that Node connections happen at key moments in our lives and they have a purpose.. Great sense of understanding each other and the purpose of each other. Saturn is not a mean parent but he plays by the rules and is all about goals, responsibility and maturity. Medusa conj the SN would have been abuse at the hands of a woman in his life such that he was comfortable with that pattern. I have been trying to get some info on lilith conjunct sn and eros conjunct sn but I haven't found much. You may feel sort of at cross purposes. . Someone in my family has this with me. Dawn at says that nodal contacts to the MC/IC is a big indicator of a long-term partnership. I am always the mercury, what does this mean? Please tell. Stalker potential? I have a question for you Amiann, with regard for NN. Maybe its so close to my sun that i didnt even notice ? Both of these people are very close to me, but are incredibly unsettling to me. The nessus vesta conjuct is also oppsite this persons Amor (in his SN).. Psyche is soul. For me the Nodal connections are very powerfull,especially if the Sun or Moon are involved.I've been both the Sun and the Node in various connections,and I agree that being the Sun is way better. Additionally, his NN axis and my NN axis square each other to the degree. Your take on Nessus trine Pluto in synastry ? I was told this to be true by a master Astrologer, so passed it on but do not know more than that, Friend. Her Moon conjunct my NN - this is my best friend! I can feel too parental. That may work. Interestingly enough, my Valentine is CONJUNCT his moon and my name asteroid. It's just because i want something else from life). .also my NN is in Cancer..yeah you can imagine!! I figured that. my liltih 1011 taurus what does it mean will he betray me ? I can't think of others right now Not sure if there's a pattern. Think of Liz and Dick. , Thats interesting about the baby talk. It`s obviously also closer to the Sun. Just found out I have Nessus Conjunct the Moon with a guy I like but the ord is 4. I read that that conjunction can represent a past life karmic relationship where the moon person is the mother or aunt or sister or some other close female relative to the south node person. It's like something I have to do. It is an intimate connection, no doubt; neither are planetary energies, and both are derived from the moon (unless we're discussing asteroid Lilith..). Hes asking i pay money now so theres definitely a lot of hate going on now and idk. If a person BRINGS a planet or asteroid to the North Node person, the planet or asteroid becomes a theme of the relationship.Hence, please look carefully at that which conjuncts the North Node in synastry. Each can trigger the potential for drama, excitement, sexuality or focus. What is it about Asteroid Valentine? (within 1 degree) It is opposite my husbands Mercury. I have a irksome question regarding a composite north node conjunct someones natal Venus retrograde at an exact degree. With the point which describes the repressed/irrepressible on a partner's North Node we can well expect a potent connection. My NN Conjunction with my Vesta is exactly CONJUNCT his Valentine conjunction with his Part of Fortune. basically both our north nodes are in my 4th house. I asked him why he was hesitating, and I said dont worry Ill be right behind you. Especially interested in the northnode conjunct venus. Every synastry and energy between two people is unique to them. I also read that the North node opposing ascendant would also mean south node conjunct the ascendant which is supposed to be our comfort zone. Hi Ami, unfortunately my Sado conjuncts my fathers North Node. You do not want a Nessus theme. What if someone Saturn trined the other persons sun, ascendant and Saturn? Amy , No way do I agree. Not alone, S. You would have to have some really bad things in synastry for that conclusion to be made like Atropos, Aphophis, Sado, Nessus etc. Proserpina conj the NNThe Proserpina Person would bring some kind of rite of passage from innocence into some form of corruption to the NN person. Lilith conj the NNthe person will bring his raw sexuality to the relationship. How will this play out is it good or bad? North Node trine Jupiter list go on! This feels so icky that I dont think a relationship would progress very far. I would not call her a friend,but I did try to be nice to her at first. I kind of feel like when I am the planet or angle person aspecting their NN I WANT to pursue the relationship and have something develop with them while when they aspect my north node, I don't feel that attached Posts: 949From: the atmanRegistered: Mar 2012. I have my sun (Leo 1316 conjunct my spouses Nessus (Leo 1210). I had to learn to step away, but it never healed. The Basic House Rulers23 Simple Steps for Beginners. Finding Jesus is all that really matters in life. She has Cancer Moon square Pluto in Libra meaning that she lacks empathy and consideration for others in her emotions and she is explosive, critical, angry, and abrasive. Love, Ami. I feel like asteroids dont get enough love yet but more and more people are interested .. Wow Thanks. Hes accepting of me, extremely caring, and our relationship is very fun-loving and inspiring. Thank you. Watch and wait it out. This is a theory which someone I know is studying. we fell in love with each other right away, but there was some karma , a huge drama to overcome, and we dont see each other anymore.