More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that . There were tears in her eyes when she read what the lady wrote. 9:8, 11). Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. ", Kaiser's mantra for this law? It is actually a biblical concept; a spiritual LAW! But this can be deceptive because we reap in a different season than when we plant. To put it more clearly, when you do something, always do it in an effort to contribute and with the proper intent and you will receive back, with unwavering certainty an outcome based on the level of value that you gave. There's REAL POWER in the silence." This applies to matter but also one's personal frequency as well. However, God will be disinclined to show any mercy to those who have not exhibited mercy and kindness to others. Consider how God uses the spiritual law of synergy, causing everything we experience to produce compounded results for us. The spiritual seeds that we sow in the life of others of kindness, mercy, compassion, good-will and loveare sure to find their way back in our own lives by the grace of God. The Chopra Renew & Restore Detox Kit is a gentle and effective 7-Day cleanse rooted in the wisdom of Ayurveda and backed by science. Although it is often transgressed in human society, justice is unfailing at the greater, cosmic level. Honesty, patience and submission to authority are fruits of righteousness. Regardless of what your current outcomes consist of, this is an exciting realization to come to. consciousness Keeping with the example of the pear tree above, what happens when we plant that pear seed? For many who have faith in it, this is a great source of hope and justification. Physical words can never override the emotions attached to your thoughts, although physical words in the form of At a microscopic level, everything is in constant motion, vibrating at a specific frequency. These "super strings" as science refers to them, which were previously referred to as photons, leptons, quarks etc. Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. This daily newsletter provides a starting point for personal study, and gives valuable insight into the verses that make up the Word of God. In this case, God tells Asa that faithfulness or loyalty to God is a two-way street. We've all heard of the law of attractionbut what about the law of polarity, the law of divine oneness, or the law of correspondence? are continuously vibrating and constantly in motion. The Law of Reciprocity, also known as the Law of Sowing and Reaping, causes us to receive as a result of what we give or do. [1] Since all things physical happen and are brought into your physical existence as a result of What are the prophetic implications of this in the end times when YHVH is calling his people to come out of spiritual Babylon (Rev 18:4)? Cycles are a natural part of the universe. This is the law of God, and it has no exceptions. Giving and receiving favors is a common exchange and is an implicit assumption in most of our relationships. The same is true for us, and when we tithe this is an act of worship of Elohim and acknowledgement that we have come to a higher place of surrender in our lives. It had been a cold and depressing day, but he felt good as he headed for home, disappearing into the twilight. The king required that one of his servants repay the ten thousand talents that he owed him, unfortunately the servant did not have the amount to pay the debt. This lawstates that patterns repeat throughout the universe, and on a personal level, our reality is a mirror of what's happening inside us at that moment. Gods plan of design for all life on earth, including humanity, is that we reproduce after our kind (Genesis 1:20-24). If that sin falls on fertile soil (a person with all the right tendencies for carrying it to others without regard to consequences), who knows how much destruction can be caused! Many people are deceived on this matter. Therefore is the kingdom of heaven likened unto a certain king, which would take account of his servants. Matthew 18:23. Well, all she had was a flat tire, but for an old lady, that was bad enough. There are a few practical issues to be addressed at this point in our study: (a)Choose good seed to sow(the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, self-control); (b)Prepare your fields carefully(relevant and precise information about your life choices); (c)Give your crops ample room to grow(life brings many opportunities our way: some are bad, some are good, some are better, and some are best. "What you put out there may not come back to you at that moment, but that vibration, that energy you put out there, has a ripple effect," says Kumar. They are those who hear the word, but the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches and the desires for other things enter in and choke the word, and it proves unfruitful. What is this a prophetic picture of? The Bible makes it clear that we might receive the same as we give, such as mercy; Or we might not receive in kind, such as receiving what we need from God as we make His kingdom our main focus. Like human nature, the people of the land could not be driven out without God's help. Because once you become consciously aware of the process of how and why things work this way you at the same time come to the realization that regardless of what those outcomes are, it is YOU that have and are creating them through your quality of consciousness (seeds of thought) and you have the choice and the free will to change those seeds which are responsible for the physical outcomes anytime YOU choose. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. They say that a measure of misfortune is a good thing: only through adversity, when we learn how to face it wisely, can we grow to become more emotionally and spiritually mature. Do not wait to let another season pass you by. Arent we prone to concoct every excuse and argument imaginable to justify our sinful actions and then blame the results on others? Spiritual laws govern the physical and spiritual realms, define what were able to do and cause our actions to produce related results. Not only that, but you have to believe what you're seeking is possible to obtain. The Law of Reciprocity as we're using it here, is the Universal Law that determines precisely what is received in return and shows up in physical form as a result of what is broadcast or given out. My friends and I loved playing with these seeds; throwing them into the air and watching them spin down. When Haman prepared a gallows to kill the Jews, he himself gave up his life to the hangman (Esther 7:10). In fact they make up and ARE the infinite field of potential. They hope that their life-style wont catch up with them, but it always does. The reason why people dont realize the awesome power of this law and fail to recognize its positive and negative effects in their personal lives is because they are ignorant of five inescapable elements that are tied to this law. When I was a kid, I remember that the trees by my house would produce these helicopter seeds. We are compensated incredibly for a little bit of consistent sowing. The usual rules of space and time are transcended as spiritual time (Kairos) operates rather than clock time (Chronos). To hold such an inaccurate perspective is actually a mockery against God, who established this principle. God soon found fault with them and sent them a prophet to turn them to repentance, but they hardened their hearts and rejected God's offer of mercy. He shares a parable, that He associates with the kingdom of Heaven. The spiritual law of exchange is a key to our relationship with God because he receives our sins, weaknesses and illnesses in exchange for what we need. Kumar notes, "We expect ourselves to be one way all the time, whether we're thinking about our health or even productivity," but this is not sustainable. "You reap what you sow" is the main takeaway, with the law stating your efforts will always come back to you positively. This is why things desired, held as an ideal with emotion attached to them through the Law of Reciprocity will be attracted to you. Servant of God, Act One: Going Around, Coming Around. Even with the smile on his face, she was worried. Prayerfully take a long and hard look at your life, examine hardships and trials, and honestly ask yourself the question: Am I reaping what I have sown? Old Medication, New Use: Can Prazosin Curb Drinking? As an example in business. Mercy: The Better Option. The whole scene was unfamiliar to her. (Colossians 1:21-23). The lord of the servant was moved with compassion for him and let him go. See what over 150,000 subscribers are already receiving each day. One of these is the principle of Reciprocity. How wonderful the analogy is going at this juncture; but it certainly does not end there; the servant with an unforgiving heart turned around, found one of his own servants and mercilessly required payment of a debt owed him, with absolutely no compassion; and when his lord was told what he had done, he was recalled before the king and delivered over into the hands of the tormentors. If you repeat an affirmation but don't believe what you're saying, it's useless. Larry Culliford, M.B., B.Chir. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. Behold, the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth and has long patience for it, until he receivestheearly and the latter rain. That night when she got home from work and climbed into bed, she was thinking about the money and what the lady had written. But as we learn to serve God and people in humility, hes free to bless us with more than we need to excel in what we do and to be generous to others (2 Cor. If you're facing a difficult situation like a breakup or a health challenge, for example, tune into what the opposite looks like, which can reveal a new perspective or lesson. The spiritual law of increase may be one of the most important spiritual laws and its relevant to every aspect of our lives. Unfortunately, many Christians tend to operate on emotions, rather than faith, and they tend to lose hope in the interval between sowing good things and reaping the results. Who currently is opposing their return and is openly vowing to annihilate them? (Cantab), M.R.C. Later on God has allowed me to discover that the very same man whose life was derailed thru gossip had planted seeds of gossip and slander even years before his fall. Copyright 2007 -2008, The Law Of Reciprocity article and all content throughout is strictly prohibited from reproduction or reprint without the express written consent of the author, Chuck Danes and/or Enlightened Journey Enterprises. by becoming consciously aware of what you are allowing to be stored there through the conscious reasoning ability that we each have been provided with, combined with the meaning that we attach to whatever thoughts, beliefs and emotions that we choose to store there. (Read Heb 12:515.). Through our spiritual inter-connectedness, everything and everyone affects, and is affected by, everything and everyone else. It will change in a season just like the seed of a farmer. properly constructed affirmations How did YHVH use Laban to correct these character flaws in Jacob? Indeed, the laws we have broken demand our death, but the mercy of God through the sacrificial death of His Son has made a way for us to be accepted. In his 1999 book, Just Six Numbers, this leading scientist expressed admiration for the precision, intelligence and intelligibility of the universe. 3. It causes hard feelings and comes between friends. Her waitress came over and brought a clean towel to wipe her wet hair. Unfortunately in most cases the majority of people in the world are "unconscious" as to what it is that they are asking for and as a result receiving due to an unawareness of Universal or Natural Law altogether and/or an unawareness of The laws are often associated with Ho'oponopono, a meditation for freedom originating in ancient Hawaiian culture. law of Moses, under the covenant of faith, the Abrahamic covenant to be specific. What we sow, wewillreap. The Course says, therefore, that reciprocity is not a law. How are you living with others today; are you forgiving and showing compassion to others who may offend you- or has your heart grown lukewarm and selfishly seeks to gain only what concerns you and yours I got mind, and you better get yours, some will carelessly dare to say! (Reading time: 2 minutes) The Law of Reciprocity, also known as the Law of Sowing and Reaping, causes us to receive as a result of what we give or do.