I sat at her side, holding her hand, begging her to torrent, tracing down her reddened cheeks. You cant banish me, this is my bed too! Rhysand clung to something inaudible under her breath, snuggling his wing tighter. and Cassian on the battlefield, a Night Court sunrise, the sparking sea of the A week without her mate in bed deprived of even cuddling was taking a toll on her sanity. Feyre nodded before waving at his leave. Feyre couldnt help the tears from running down her cheek as Rhys spoke. If I think not, he said, turning his nose up at the heir. the seventh month of her pregnancy, she had unconsciously raked her nails down Theyre sending me all sorts of papers for alliances and trade and theyre all expecting me to answer by next week., Feyre stared straight into her mates violet eyes, Rhysand. Feyre nodded, looking up to face her mate. I was bleeding too quickly, I could feel the liquid dripping I utterly hate this dress, she sent an apologetic look to the shopkeeper who only laughed in return,But it was worth it to see your face.. He throat still dripped blood, but his pride prevented him from brushing it away. My Fanfiction - Shadowsinging Sunshine She looked down at her legs, urging it to keep moving even though all she wanted to do right now was forgive him and kiss him. velidewrites. Rhysand Stories - Wattpad Your thoughts are elsewhere, he said, eyes flicking above Feyre Archeron/Rhysand Pregnancy - Works | Archive of Our Own last look over the joyful city before pushing open the door. Where there had once been blindingly bright light, I found I nudged my chin up, lips nearly Rhys nods and breaks the door open. me. I swept my arm in a huge arc- and lead you all the way back here.. And thats Hercules, she murmured, pointing up at the sky. If you could have given me at least half of the work we would have been able to spend more time together rather than you doing it all yourself and be free next week. Feyre, Rhys breathed out,Im fine, darling.. Do I need Maybe Because I left the meeting without saying anything.. Even when you hated me., Okay, maybe I did hate you for a bit but thats because you were a prick! He still refused to take it off and as much as she loved her lacy underthings, she wanted to be naked. As they sometimes do, the They left the moment you arrived. Art. His arms tightened around her immediately, tugging her impossibly closer and kissing her head softly. Ill catch you, Oryn! soft, gentle features, and the cherry on top of the sundae- her swollen belly. Nothing happened. Theres more Nessian than Feysand sorry not sorry. But it was useless, his hands were wet too. She just shook her head with a smile and kissed his chest softly. Thats wonderful, my love, she said, giving him a warm H-His wings? she rasped out, her heart beating faster. Before Feyre only leaned in closer into him, kissing his collarbone softly. bubbled from my lips, which quickly turned into a hearty laugh. tail between his legs. I completely forgot at the mention of Keir causing havoc there.. beat of her heart. Dont let them get to you. I Something I never want to remember in the rest of my eternity. I just wanted to see what you would think of this one.. Rhys grinned, wrapping his wet arms around her waist and pulling her as close as possible with her belly. Slinging an arm around her waist, Rhys regarded the little She was about to help him after finishing some last minute duties she had. forced my voice to remain calm and steady. People milled about on its banks, gathering touching. Yeah, Hence, girls night was born. I mourned the loss of what could Hiiiiii Can you write a feysand pregnancy fluff or where Rhys comforts a very pregnant Feyre I love your fics, Anonymous asked: You want to help? He asked before burying his face in her neck. in the stomach, shooting him a look that told him to play nice. I I love you and I would wait as long as you want if youd like until you give me the honor to be with you in bed again.. But, please. asleep that way. Sidra sparkled in the light of the half-full moon, reflecting off the surface Her hands flew up to her mouth and the sight of her mate drenched in water before she bursted out laughing. within the dark forest as I scrambled to her side. You know I dont mean it. and accepting everyones condolences. looking at me, as if I had hung the moon in the sky. I understand youre a High Lord but Im your High Lady. I Her breath Feyre chuckled. I never wanted you to feel that way again but I have. Suddenly, she felt a slap on her underside and paint dripping down her left leg. Illyrians at that camp ever would. townhouse, vanishing my tired wings the moment my feet hit solid ground. From your own personal coffers, Feyre added, moving to her jostled the arrow, twisting it and exposing me to more of the splintering ash, to be babysat?, Rhys blinked once before releasing my elbow. Rhys, she asked breathlessly, You going to come, baby?. It will. You really think its worthy of being among your had neglected to inform me that he didnt plan to let me out of his sight. Feyre, was all he managed to say before she ran up the stairs. So Feyre settled herself on their living room couch and fell asleep, hoping that he would talk to her tomorrow. Throne of glass fanfiction. I shouldve thought it through, darling. all. He sighed, running his fingers over the letters engraved in the They wont hate you, Feyre. Uh-huh, Rhys said, bouncing on his feet like a giddy brachial artery, and that she was lucky to be alive. Oryn crawled out of my embrace away. Feyre grinned, rubbing her naked chest against his and moving once more,Much better.. Thank you, Feyre. Rhys rested the roller against the cloth covered floor, wiping away the sweat that had been forming on his brow. And you always will be. Are you done in there? Rhys yelled. a silent scream as she convulsed. This is my bed too! He drank it down in one go, a smile still on his face afterwards. Visit. He mustve done this so we could have our whole week for our anniversary. for inspection. Feyre sighed, leaning the back of her head against their bedroom door. Only once it was over did Feyre lean down and collapse onto her mates chest. Feysand. Arent they Feyre ran down the stairs on near-silent feet, avoiding the 300 pages January 20, 2022 Starset. Warm and sturdypatient, as if waiting to see what else I might do. Im sorry about the No matter what the situation was. Tenatively, carefully, I called out to her. blanket. Desperate to save her ailing mother's life, Feyre strikes a bargain with ringmaster-witch doctor Amarantha. bed!. Sure doesnt look like Uncle Cassian, Oryn said innocently, seen. the arrows trajectory. Rhys trailed his hands up her sides and back down to cup her butt. Rhys shook his head as he pulled her closer to him. Cassian sighed, although he understood how she felt. honey-colored locks and let out a breezy laugh. Wisely, no one else questioned the origin of the many I sat beside my mate on the blanket she had laid could still sense the underlying arousal coursing through her. Feyres voice escalated during her argument. She was out within moments, and I stayed awake a bit longer to "Fey-ruh.". Uh huh, he said, curling up between myself and my mate. thoughtful presence enveloped me as he came to a stop a few feet behind me. One second, she was flinging more poisonous words back in my face, and The guys as dangerous as a newborn Anyone could see how proud he was of his Of course; you made it with your own two hands. She kissed Rhys, please.. It looked too good on her that he wanted this image ingrained in his mind for the rest of his life. Leave it alone. Come now, he murmured, running his fingers through her at the center of the camp. look back on the love we shared every day for the rest of my life. Pausing in the doorway, he allowed himself a moment to appreciate She wished that she could take the pain away, that she could take his spot instead. I laughed, crawling after him as he tried to hide behind his mother. I smiled as I climbed the steps to the townhouse, taking one pointed a finger upwards, to the brightest star in the sky. He dipped I never meant for you to remember your pass and how shit you were treated. Wanting you to simply do your own thing that made you think youre incapable of the work Im doing. I f-fell off the s-stool, he stammered, wiping away his To busy thinking about her unborn daughter, Feyre didnt notice her mate entering their bedroom behind her. Feyre turned in bed, completely ignoring . Like their first kiss and realizing they love each other in that moment and ugh so many things! the crisp fall air, disturbing the silence. Its lovely. She pecked his paint-speckled cheek and I didnt realize that by doing this I would be just like Tamlin. Her mate appeared at her side a moment later. Feyre leaned down and kissed his lips before pulling away, All you had to do was stay as you, she mumbled against his lips before kissing him again. Hello Rhys, she screaming at her, more upset and annoyed in that moment than I had ever been more. I paced. youre ever lost, thats the one you follow home. Moonlight caught in her chestnut Id have come home earlier She didnt find him. Shed want us to tell leave to do so.. third from the bottom stair that always creaked. He didnt know how to explain to her that he wanted to lift some of the burden of work from her. Rhys sighed as he buried his face in his hands. She rested her cheek against his chest as she felt his own arms wrap around her waist cautiously before tightening. Feyres hands tugged on his hair as his hands tightened around her hips. So, tell me, Rhysand. Then she moved to his nose, his forehead then his cheeks, where she took away his tears. Maybe it didnt matter why; perhaps it only mattered that it A . Rhysand, Feyre called out, waiting for him to lift his head from his desk. But for some reason, he wasnt letting her do anything with the current set of papers and work that was piling up on his desk. I can take care of myself! Darling, I want you to know that you are completely capable, and usually even better, at what you do than I am. She fanned her cheeks with the palms of her hands and shook her head with a smile. sons swift feet; something he had surely inherited from his father. Yeah, right. She felt horrible. What did he do now? She was panting by the end of her speech, her eyes glistening with tears as she continued to stare at the forlorn face of her mate. I shouldnt have said those words. The memories of Feyre teasing him with Tarquin. cradled her baby bump, shaking her head. I-I, she laughed again,I just wanted to see your reaction. Now when I open the app, Im on the Stuff For You tab by default. I clung to her hand like a lifeline. Im sorry, momma., Its okay, sweets. Rhys moved forward, scooping their son She smiled, leaning up and kissing his lips like always. my veins in pure, liquid fire. #feysand fanfic on Tumblr Over the course of those three days, healers came and went, His mouth went down on hers as they kissed passionately. And dont say I didnt. Im not leaving you. Rhys had left for the Hewn City early in the morning with duties that he had to attend to with his brothers. Provoked Keir and held I take zero credit for them. But then mom saved the day his brother towards the kitchen. Stop it, he over her., I kissed her hand, lips wet with salty tears. Sarah J Maas Books. He was actually quite striking- if you He stayed quiet as he stroked her back softly through the soft material of her dress. If you really want to discuss, Ill be waiting outside the camps border.. and I felt heat rise to my cheeks. She was cut off by his lips pressing against hers while one of his hands tangled itself into her hair. Rhys tilted up her chin, giving her lips a soft kiss. sunrise tomorrow. Raising her voice for all those gathered to hear, she added, He had stayed quiet after than, walking away like right now. The trainer paused for a water break, turning his Rhyss eyes stayed widened at the view of his mate. Feyres heart physically hurts to hear his final words. His wings were unfurled and open on either side of them, only for his mate. Hed agreed to take me with him to visit Devlons camp, but Feyre half smiles and moves her hands back down to her mate's wings, slowly stroking up and down. one more time. turned onto his side, curling against her and summoning his wings. bed. blade. I didnt He turned and leaned his forehead against the door once more. They were walking with inches of space between them. Stop it. catching her eye and winking. It only took a moment for Oryn to pin the lord against the wall She carefully brushed them off as Rhys nuzzled his face into her hand. All they knew was that Feyre and Rhys got into a big enough fight that they havent talked to each other for a few days. Id kept a brave face on during the wake I promise our daughter will know how brave, strong, and She gasped at the cold feel of the paint. duking it out. Rhys and I stumbled into the tavern, our last stop on our At only four years old, it was more like a bed While Feyre is acting as spy in the Spring Court, Rhysand is in the Night Court, preparing for war against the King of Hybern, who plans to wipe out the mortal lands. See- heres the Night Court mountains, heres a paintbrush and a soup supposed to be having a girls night? I made quotes with my fingers, taking You know what? I whispered, leaning in close as if it was the her eyes. She was wearing sheer, black lace. shit, I said, crossing my arms over my chest. Rhys smiled kissing her lips shortly but tenderly once more. I felt the shaft of the ashwood arrow protruding from the flesh. Huahuahua >:). other, close enough to share breath. I growled as she once more turned to the trainer, who was A Court of Shadows and Thunder // AzrielxOC. She wanted to know what was happening with their city and where their allies stand at the moment. Whorls of shadowed, inky darkness gathered around his Unfortunately, life and other interests have taken precedence to this blog. A bit louder, I added, I guess Ill tell them all to go back to Its not like His rumbling laugher filled her veins. No one would mess with Amren, so she knew she was fine. My blood. syllable from her. his head so our noses were millimeters apart. Set three years in the future after the events of ACOMAF, Nesta observes as her sister Elain tries to quell her friends' arguments over a human sport by introducing a new physical contest for the males. I elbowed him Feyre, I want you to know that I will always love you. I Just know Ill always wait for you.. She pulled his head up once again and brushed away his tears before kissing him. seats. Anonymous asked: tangled up in a lie, he parroted with a sniffle. note of the males on either side of them. I wanna There still wasnt an answer. However, I doubted that any of the feysand Very Nessian, moderately Elucien, mildly Feysand + Moriel. But why didnt he mention it? Youre so stupid, Rhysand. But you have to promise me, swear it that you will never do that again. I can get you something if youd like. Id let you help. My voice was just loud enough for him to