What if he had changed his mind? But if he looked right at them, they would he has been saying for the past week: the boat will come tomorrow. It was the last straw for the police. Thinking about Klaus made Josef think about other things, but he blinked away the bad memories. Isabel loved tagging along on trips into Havana to stand on a street corner and play her trumpet for pesos. Mahmoud watches as their own apartment building collapses. He reared back again to hit Isabel, and she flinched. Dozens of them. My dearest Rachel! he said. Ruth woke up and screamed. They pluck Mahmoud and Fatima from the water. Not any longer. All four of them burst out laughing, and Josef and Renata pulled the two younger children away before they could be caught. This isnt funny. Josef Landau, Isabel Fernandez, and Mahmoud Bishara are the primary protagonists of Refugee. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Mahmoud is 13 years old in 2015, and lives in Aleppo, Syria with his father Youssef, his mother Fatima, his 10-year-old brother Waleed, and his infant sister Hana. Castro out! Enough is enough! Isabel couldnt believe what she was hearing. Theres no room. See the top reviewed local carpet contractors in Witzhave, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany on Houzz. One group is distributing diapers. But, I No, Lito protested. excluding an estimated 2.5 million nomads; 24,532,000 (2006E, including nomads). Ivn, nail. Ivn handed him another nail. A son on the way! Isabels father and grandfather yelled at each other about dictators and freedom and families and responsibility. Fidel Castro was an old man with liver spots on his forehead, gray hair, a big bushy gray beard, and bags under his eyes. Were against whoever is dropping the bombs too, the soldier at the window said. Advertisement. If you really . She put the little kitten back under her house and ran inside for her trumpet. Im just trying to get my family to safety, Dad told the men. But why? Straight brown hair slicked back from his pale white forehead, brown eyes behind wire-frame glasses that sat on a short nose, ears that stuck out maybe a little too far. Mahmouds father kept their papers tucked into his pants under his shirt, along with all of their moneythe only other things they owned now besides two phones and two chargers. Josef sacrifices himself when his family is refused refuge in Cuba, in order for his sister, Ruth, to be saved from the extermination camps. I am a college student studying to be an elementary school teacher. Why not? Isabel said. Everything the soldier was describing stood between them and Turkey. But what was the right answer? I thought Id never see you again! It was. Across the room, Josefs little sister, Ruth, was still asleep. I cant reach your father, Mahmouds mother said, thumbing her phone. It will be an adventure. Refugee Characters Storyboard by liane A wife! mother and brother and sister walked on. The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. Refugee Unit Test (Mahmoud) Flashcards | Quizlet The other policeman shook out his long black hair, and Isabel was startled to realize it wasnt a policeman at all. 'No boat today. Hes going to have his bar mitzvah next Shabbos. A bar mitzvah was the ceremony at which a boy officially became a man under Jewish law. Today she was wearing her usual around-the-house attire: jeans and a pink nurses shirt she used to wear to work. She trades her trumpet for gasoline in order to get the boat to start. Josef had seen it happen. the leader of Syria in 2015. Source (s) Refugee (Alan Gratz) Castros face was everywhere in Cubaon billboards, on taxis, in picture frames on schoolroom walls, painted on the sides of buildings. He and Isabel had been friends as long as she could remember. Josef's story begins when Josef's father Aaron gets taken away on Kristallnacht and is sent to the Dachau concentration camp by Nazi Stormtroopers. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou! Isabel told him. Heart in his throat, skin tingling with goose bumps, Josef took the paper armband with the Star of David off his arm, slid it into the inside pocket of his jacket, and stepped through the door. The cat was so tiny it could only nibble at the beans. No! Josef screamed. He wasnt literally invisible. People often stopped to listen to her and clap and tap their feet. Mahmouds mother broke down in tears, and his father let the life jackets he carried drop to the ground. The couple is very kind, welcoming them and sharing their own stories. Her father and grandfather were still arguing in the kitchen, so she slipped in the back way. No, no, her mother said. People had even broken into the Havana Zoo and eaten the animals, and cats like this little kitten had ended up on dinner tables. His uncle had worn a tuxedo and his bride had worn a dress of sparkling jewels and a tiara, and they had been escorted by a dozen cars to a party where Mahmoud had eaten a piece of the delicious seven-tiered cake and danced with his mother to a real band. This article discusses what its like to live in Syria during a conflict. But he knew better. However, Waleed, unable to cope, has just turned into a robot, numb to the pain around him. GitHub export from English Wikipedia. Oh, thank God youre alive! their mom said. Answers: 1. What happens to Isabels boat at the end of Chapter 14? They looked tired and poor and wretched. The paint was peeling, and the buildings were old and weathered, but they still looked grand to Isabel. He screamed even louder than his little sister, drowning her out. She climbed up the bumper and onto the hood. ShhhhhHHHHHHTHOOOOOOM! In 2015, Mahmoud Bishara and his family run from their bombed-out home in Aleppo, Syria toward the Turkish border, hoping to cross more than half a dozen countries to a new life in Germany. That soundit was like someone had kicked the front door in. Izzat so? the fisherman said. The MS St. Louis had left all that behind. Gustav Schroeder, the ships diminutive captain, was there to greet them at the door. If you really looked at Mahmoud, got a glimpse under the hoodie he kept pulled down over his face, you would see a twelve-year-old boy with a long, strong nose, thick black eyebrows, and short-cropped black hair. Ill be a man soon enough, Josef told them. It seems inappropriate for such a sacred moment to be celebrated in the presence of Hitler. Josef had seen paintings of the Nazi leader all over the ship, and the first-class social hall was no exception. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Josef landeau, Isabel Fernandez, Mahmoud Bishara and more. It was a salsa tune she liked to play, but this time she listened past the music. At the end of the book, Isabel is able to reconnect with her heritage when her great uncle Guillermo gives her a new trumpet, and Isabel is able to count clave. Mahmoud finally sees the power of visibility when he decides to walk out of the Hungarian detention center and lead the other refugees on a 12-hour march to Austria. But by then it will be too late. Mahmoud remembered the horror hed felt when his apartment building collapsed and hed thought his mom was still inside. Mahmouds father stopped their Mercedes station wagon for gasoline at a little roadside station north of Aleppo. The Brownshirt whod taken his father away on Kristallnacht had said, Well come for you soon enough, but Josef hadnt waited. Isabel was eleven years old, and all lanky arms and legs. He had done everything he could to avoid the Hitler Youth ever since, but now hed handed himself right over to oneand all because hed taken off his armband to walk around a train and buy a newspaper! She and Youssef had agreed she should cover up more than she usually did in Aleppo, in case they ran into stricter Muslims outside the city. Abbas was quoted in the three dailies stating: "I have decided to take national, legal and financial measures to protect our national project.". Which side do you support? The question was as dangerous as his gun. The car skids to a stop, and Youssef, Mahmoud: Izmir, Turkey 2015, 4 days from home. Where would they go? (LogOut/ The way the content is organized, One of the three protagonists of the book, alongside. Mahmoud grapples with this question of whether it is better to be invisible or visible over the course of the novel as his family travels from Syria to Germany. What if there was a line of police waiting to arrest them at the beach? Well find her and bring her home., Were not criminals! one of the other men in the cell yelled at him. Refugee Important Quotes 1. Mahmoud's story, a 10 year old refugee's journey from Syria to Sweden It doesnt have to be a snowman. This is serious, Mom said. Dont stop. But, more than a teacher, I am a learner! Mahmoud? That afternoon, a group of Hitler Youth were waiting for Josef outside the school. Being responsible did. He tumbled and slid back down into the ditch. Do you want to build a snowman? his father sang. The wall of his apartment exploded, blasting broken bits of concrete and glass through the room. The spell of happiness and safety was momentarily broken by the unforgettable memories of the chaos they had just escaped. Please, take us with you!, At least take my sister! Mahmoud begged. Dad, our house is gone! Mahmoud told him. Google Maps told them it would be an eight-hour walk, and they split the journey up by sleeping in a field. The two older boys became Mahmouds and Khalids own personal bullies, delivering repeated beatdowns between classes and after school. Isabel takes on a great of responsibility for her family due to the upheaval in which she lives. His head was bent low, but his voice was loud and clear. He saw two stewards who had stopped to look over the side at the sea and came up behind them. But it didn't work out. Everywhere around them, people fled into the streets, covered in gray dust and blood. The soldiers might be with the Syrian army, or with the Syrian rebels. It was big and heavy to begin with, and they had packed it with the gas cans, plastic soda bottles filled with fresh water, condensed milk, cheese and bread, and medicine. From there, they could choose to return to Cubaand Castroor languish in a refugee camp while the United States decided what to do with them. I have to find him! Chabela! her grandfather cried. In the second it took for the sound to grow from a breeze to a tornado, Mahmoud dropped his pencil, put his hands to his ears, and threw himself under the kitchen table. High above her, Isabel saw people climbing out onto the big electric sign hanging from the side of a tourist hotel, and it gave her an idea. But, Mahmouds father has stopped joking, numb and broken from the beating he had recieved after standing up to a soldier. Isabel was listening for the clave underneath the music, the mysterious hidden beat inside From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. Thank God youre safe! he told her. The bright yellow Star of David armbands the Landaus wore were like magical talismans that made them disappear. "My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." Tears sprang to Josefs eyes. The residence of her family. Or run away. There werent the required ten men for the servicethere were a hundred men, probably more, all wearing yarmulkes on their heads and white-and-black tallisimprayer shawlsaround their shoulders. In the days to come, Josef learned that his family wasnt the only one the Nazis had attacked that night. Mahmoud remembered his uncles wedding, before the war. Youre not much to look at, are you, kitty? Isabel said. Amara, she said. No boat today. Hed be calling for the police. Mahmoud pulled Waleed behind a burned-out car, his heart racing. It was a trick he and Klaus had played on Herr Meier once upon a time. Six of the best book quotes from Mahmoud Bishara, Please! Mahmoud cried. They threw rocks and bottles. Some people fled from the chaos, but more people raced toward it, and Isabel ran with them. Not here. They fell on him, hitting and kicking him for being a Jew, and calling him all kinds of names. The war had made Mahmoud nervous. Around them were countless more Syrian families, all hoping to be let in. The only sound was the soft crack of a bat and the roar of the crowd on the television. He was thinner too. I just want to keep my family safe, Dad said. He put his hands over his heart. And then, six months after hed been taken away, they got a telegram. Refugee (Alan Gratz) Answered Questions | Q & A Jewish. Hours later, the train pulled in to Hamburg Central Railway Station. Theyll stop us. I want to be able to choose who I vote for, Luis said. Tomorrow, hed told Mahmouds father. We have to go. The card tables had been pushed to the sides of the room, and stewards were adding more chairs I promise. Along with Josef and Isabel, she is one of the books three protagonists. A whistle blew. She could almost hear it almost And then the motor spluttered and died, and the music stopped. It was the one with the red bandanna. The lights of Havana had faded to a speck on the horizon behind them, and they had left all the other boats behind. What choice do we have? The ship was called the MS St. Louis. "My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." No sirens rang. Russian airstrikes have hit here and here in support of that Alawite pig Assad, and American drones are attacking Daesh here and here. Mahmouds eyes went wide. Mama just shook her head, her eyes full of worry. Mahmoud began without Waleed. Ahead of her, Seora Castillo staggered and lost her grip too, and the front of the boat slammed into the sand. Israel vs. Palestine Through the Eyes of Confucius | Teen Ink WHO chief visits Syria for the first time after the earthquake Also, it is asked, How does Mahmoud travel to Germany? When she took Luiss hand, Isabel guessed she was his girlfriend. Please, take us with you! Why does the author is italics for the words "their" them" and they". [5], Mahmoud Bishara is 12 years old in 2015, and lives in Aleppo, Syria with his father Youssef, his mother Fatima, his 10-year-old brother Waleed, and his infant sister Hana. Theres something theyre not telling us, the shipping company. If he was caught again by the police, hed be sent back to prisonand this time they might not let him out. LitCharts Teacher Editions. Mahmoud and Waleed turned down a different rubble-strewn alley than the day before and stopped dead. The shock shut Ruth up, but only for a moment. They conducted interviews with persons who gave their accounts of what they had seen. Nothing was more important than making it to Florida. Refugee is more than a story about children fleeing their homelands, it is a story about what unites us all: love, family, and perseverance. Christina Diaz Gonzalez, award-winning author of Moving Target A gripping, visceral, and hold-your-breath intense story of three young refugees. John Green, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Turtles All the Way Down An intelligent, human, harrowing read. Ellen Silva, NPR Meant to be read, discussed, and shared widely. School Library Journal A haunting fictional treatment of historic events. Booklist Unflinching and sympathetic. The New York Times A stunning, poignant novel. Not that hes counting. The Brownshirt suddenly turned serious. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Design a site like this with WordPress.com, Al-Assad took military action against the rebel Syrians. There was a small group of them, up on the rocks overlooking the inlet. Hush, Ruthie. You can let us off at highway 214. Dad turned the car around and drove. Mahmoud Bishara-Refugee - ArcGIS StoryMaps Tomorrow morning well have the sun to guide us. All that matters now is we get as far away from Cuba as we can, said Luiss girlfriend. The kitten wasnt too different from her, Isabel realized: thin, hungry, and in need of a bath. A mural painted on the side of the gas station showed President Assad, his dark hair cut short and a thin mustache underneath his pointy nose.