They gathered the top attendings, who all agreed to quit unless Tom agreed to their terms. Would not infect his reason? Bailey and Richard operated together and she shared her suspicions that Andrew was just covering for Meredith and that he hadn't pulled it off by himself as he was too smart not to realize he was risking every employee's insurance and the Rivera family's asylum. She's fierce. They came to the conclusion that she was unfit to continue performing surgery and required psychiatric help. Bailey had been warned Catherine might try to ditch her party, but she couldn't resist the party. He was everything. In her spare time, she enjoys drawing, singing, dancing, baking, making stickers, and crafting. Miranda decided to leave her husband, believing a marriage should never come to an ultimatum, but also declined the fellowship. Surgeons play out worst-case scenarios in their heads. Whereof the ewe not bites; and you whose pastime Eventually, Bailey became close with Meredith, even demanding that Meredith be a bridesmaid in her wedding to Ben. Um, there are patients who had chunks of cement fall on them during their morning commute, but please. Then meet and join. She was relieved and finally let the grief over her miscarriage sink in. When he comes back; you demi-puppets that [6], Bailey initiated the Code Orange when she heard that Alison was raped by Keith, and they had not been having consensual sex. Ye elves of hills, brooks, standing lakes and groves, Later, Cormac Hayes informed Bailey that Joey was refusing to do his PT. Were all susceptible to it, the dread and the anxiety of not knowing whats coming. It's just that Derek was, Derek was epic for her. The enthusiasm of its supporters has not died down even a bit if measured from 1 episode till the last one. That's not gonna change. They headed out to work. And Sloans gone. She was told that they try to keep siblings together, though Joey wasn't reassured by that as his siblings weren't his actual siblings but rather kids who had run away from their foster home together. By moonshine do the green sour ringlets make, On her way to her office, she ran into Amelia, who asked about the ultrasound. She also sent him home and told him to meet her in her office the next morning. They returned to Richard's room and found him gone. April Kepner: Oh, god. Bailey later admitted that she thought she would have eventually become Chief of Surgery after him.[65]. All but mariners After the first two days, Dr. Alma tested Bailey's control over her condition and recommended that she take the medication she had been prescribed. Bailey told her she watched Jo teeter on the edge, bring herself and Bailey back from that, and saved Carly's life in the process, which all told her Jo would be okay. Her colleagues used to refer to her as "The Nazi" because of her tough personality and blunt attitude although she behaves almost in the exact opposite way with patients and has a great bedside manner. Meredith informs Bailey and Catherine on what she did. Webber has been her mentor since she was a resident, and has encouraged her to become the person she is today. So, then why do so many people prefer being alone?, Wed like to imagine that were in control. "I have five rules, memorize them. We have opposable thumbs, we think, we walk erect, we speak, we dream. Sir, are not you my father? Your first shift starts now and lasts 48 hours. She left the new parents and went to check up on Richard in the ICU. Afterward, Bailey spotted Meredith in the waiting room with Robin Jones as they went to check on Wade. We live out our lives in the surgical unit. As a resident, Bailey was well-known amongst the attendings for being no-nonsense and unafraid to call them out for what she perceives to be ineptitude. [27], On Bailey's last sabbatical day, she and Ben found out that Tuck was "just talking" to a girl named Kelly. -All said by Meredith Grey, unless noted otherwise. [58], But after the shooting at Seattle Grace, she broke off her relationship with him, saying she had to put herself back together. Elena knew she was because she was her Mandy.[8]. Every time. And maybe thats something to celebrate. Bailey had her scrub in so they could repair her abdominal aortic aneurysm. And even with such-like valour, men hang and drown After Bailey called Maggie to come over to Seattle Pres, Dr. Gregory, a psychiatrist, believed that her condition was psychological rather thanphysical, but Bailey refused to play into that theory. Hiding the truth, Bailey told her the baby was a girl like she had expected and headed to her office, where she broke down crying after all.[42]. [45], A few days later, Bailey had to go tell Joey Phillips, whom Ben had rescued the day before, that he would have to be separated from his siblings, who had been placed in the foster system. But, despite her exhaustion and physical ailments, her commitment to the work has never been stronger. However, as they were discharging him, Richard mentioned his feet and hands were numb, convincing the doctors to perform an EMG, which revealed that his whole body was breaking down, thus ruling out dementia. However, Andrew was persistent and took Cindy to surgery to keep her away from Opal, who ended up finding Cindy anyway. She suggested he think about his career and let go of certain loyalties. Neurons fire when we talk to someone, think about someone, and they go haywire when we hold someones hand. You are mere. As of now, Bailey is one of the few female Chiefs of Surgery. Despite Evan's misguided attempts to spare Max from the pain, Max had found out that his mother was dying and he ran off into the city. People on Twitter had strong reactions to Miranda Baileys monologue: This content can also be viewed on the site it originates from. Miranda Bailey: I have five rules. Plus its the only thing Greys is nominated in.. :|. Can be at once, shall step by step attend Put the wild waters in this roar, allay them. Whoever said winning isnt everything, never held a scalpel. She told him it was not his fault, pointing out that it happened when he wasn't on duty. As soon as she got herself out of the hyperbaric chamber, Meredith went to Catherine and Bailey and told them the truth. Alex later found her in his office and told her she could have her job back if she was going to treat him the way she did. Weak masters though ye be I have bedimmed Bailey told him they should talk. Bailey later stood among the wall of women to support Abby Redding.[28]. During a break, she confronted him and he reiterated that it was his decision to make. Tom conceded. Everyone was devastated, especially Bailey, who said that she needed to stop caring so much because it was interfering with her life. In his excitement, he told some nearby staff. Obviously there's so so many good ones but if I had to parse it down to one I think I have to go with Christina's Burke took something from me monologue. This is almost never demonstrated as perfectly as in the moment when Bailey admits, "I'm angry all of the time and deeply confused because a lot of people in my life have let me down recently, one of them was me.". After a while, the ways of residency become a way of life. What if you didnt? They did not face any consequences because the procedure was successful. This can certainly be a difficult task, with so many choices out there, but she's rounded up "six exciting, challenging, and moving Shakespeare monologues for men." 1. As she guided them around the hospital, they ran into all kinds of awkward situations and people yelling and making mistakes. But that I do not. He thought he was at Seattle Grace and wanted to start rounds with the interns. She just arrived from Germany. Bailey agreed and made the call. They added hallucinations to his symptoms. Shirley is one of the main characters of Balala the Fairies: Finding Melody. She called the shots for the day, helping the residents with their patients and the doctors with their problems. While her confidence has been somewhat restored since then, she still feels bad about not spending enough time with her son, once making a late-night call to sing "God Bless the Child" to him. Bailey gave her speech in her OR and told the board members that she deserved the job because she'd do anything to make the hospital the best it could be, while it'd only be a temporary project for Tracy, who jumps from challenge to challenge. Maggie was convinced he had some type of rapidly-progressive dementia, though they had yet to find a cause. #5: its not about the race at all, there are no winners or losers, victories are counted by numbers of lives saved. The crew got everyone out. However, a power outage trapped the elevator between floors. Which pierces so that it assaults "I pictured her as a tiny blonde with curls," Rhimes said to Oprah. I really hope Loretta Divine wins for Adele. With Alex unable to make it to the hospital, Bailey briefly resumed her role as Chief. He wanted me to be something I wasn't . Chandra Wilson Is Directing Tonight's Historic - Glamour If you need help on how to prepare a monologue. It's over. Did you make the most of this beautiful, terrifying, messed-up life? So, this thing where we all keep our distance and pretend not to care about each other, its usually a load of bull. The powers delaying, not forgetting, have They agreed on her bringing in one outside candidate,Dr. Tracy McConnell, but Bailey convinced the board to choose her by talking about how passionate she was about the hospital. When there was an explosion, and Meredith, Arizona, and Eliza were blocked from entering the hospital, Bailey cleared them, saying that fire trumped rapist on the loose. After Bailey was informed of this, she began to show signs of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) which caught her husband's attention. See? She convinced Bailey to buy the expensive C7500 TurboMix, pointing out the joy it would bring her. "And for that matter I have no secrets.". She told him she was looking forward to no longer having to take orders from him.[25]. It fills my soul. Miranda had a strained relationship with Meredith in the beginning because of Meredith's relationship with Derek, but they soon became friendly. Miranda, "The Tempest . Tagged: Never Give Up, Failure, go for it, Persistence. That hath to instrument this lower world Carina was called and she did an ultrasound while Ben was making his way to the hospital. Word got out and throughout the day, several attendings put their name in the mix for the job.[10]. Dean Miller informed her that Ben was among the people inside though not hurt. She was sent home but came back, and Miranda diagnosed her with porphyria. The 20 Best Grey's Anatomy speeches | Congratulations.Bailey: Thank you? She informed him that Alex had left everyone behind to be a father. Ariel: Not a soul Bailey believed in Santa until the age of eleven. Acting Monologues: William Shakespeare - The Tempest read by Miranda I LOVE her. After things ended with Eli, she got back together with Ben. Remember he was writing for YOU. Sometimes the damage catches us by surprise. Now my charms are all oerthrown, MommyAmandaBCB (Booty Call Bailey)Dr. BChiefChief BaileyThe ChiefMama BearLittle Bitty Doctor BaileyBingy Were just going to take a day and ride the ferryboat all day if we want. I like this Kepner. But more often than notthe chemicals in our brains control us. Ready to drop upon me; that, when I waked, Although she was often harsh with her interns, she has been shown to provide both support and advice when they need it; practicing "tough love." Meet Miranda Bailey. Eventually, they were rescued by Jed Lundberg and Jackson. Thy mother was a piece of virtue, and She said thou wast my daughter; and thy father Was Duke of Milan; and thou his only heir And princess no worse . Along with stepping down from his position, Dr. Webber passed on his clinical trial on diabetes to her. Great privilege. They hugged it out. Its pointless in the end, because all the worrying and all the making of plans for things that could or could not happen, it only makes things worse. Closer. While treating the child, both Dixon and Robbins said she was a true pediatric surgeon because of her disregard of rules, her personal interest in patients and taking the time to explain surgeries to the patients and the children. Bailey and Ben bask in joy as they look forward to meeting their baby. Bailey called him into her office and told him Meredith would be taking over the case from him so he could finally sleep. She took a day off so they could spend his day off together. Were together more than were apart. $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || []; He told her he was bone tired, which she said sounded like depression. StageMilk / Shakespeare / The Tempest Monologues. Please whitelist to support our site. And, yes, I have obsessive-compulsive disorder." Throughout the day, she had sent Ben worried texts since she - again - had not heard from him all day, but all of them were left unanswered. Bailey hushed Andrew when he objected in the OR and later made him step in when there was bleeding from the suture line. Miranda and Prospero on the island. Have a read through some of these incredible monologues from the Tempest, and definitely consider tackling them for any upcoming auditions, class environments or just for personal practice.