Depending on which gang you are dealing with the language will vary. BY THE WAY GRXXVE STATUS 4X 4REAL 4LIFE, G13. Gardena Shotgun Crips & Paybacc Crips VS Other Crips & Bloods Contrary to popular belief, Crips do not bang for the Folks Nation 6 point star or use any secret books of knowledge. Street Niggers are too dumb to think. And oh yea your half black you honkey kike, LOL, My, My, Such a Nigger temper. This means that Crips with higher rank don't give out orders or call shots over those with lower rank. Support the Channel by Shopping Through Amazon Links Below!Amazon Music Free Trial: GB Flash Drive: . SHOTGUN CRIP Talks GARDENA & GROWIN UP In RAYMOND CRIP HOOD These ranks don't signify leadership or dominance over anybody else in the set, they just signify respect for those who have been in the hood longer, put in more work for the hood, and have survived the longest. Police arrest "shotgun crip" after high speed chase Established as protection from neighborhood street gangs. Their territory stretches from E. Vermont Ave and W. Crenshaw Blvd, they consist of three cliques: 132nd street; The Deuce, The Foe, 134th street; The Foe, and 139th street; The Nine. 8c Crips - how many briccs is on the yellow bricc road? ROC, OBG H52VA HCG. 3 point crown. (Double O.G.)O.O.O.G. Alphabet- knowledge WHAT DAT BLUE BE LIKE? 35=The HATE FOR BLOODS. 101 enemy They say we 2 mean down here lol pussy niggaz!! The Grape Street Watts Crips (GSWC) are primarily an active African-American street gang located in the Jordan Down Housing Projects on the East Side in the Watts district of South Los Angeles, California.The Jordan Downs Housing Projects spread from Grape Street to 97th Street, between Alameda Street and 103rd Street.. TIL I DIE, CZ UP HIGH. He appointed myself Cool Crop and Dooley the leaders of the baby crops. Involved in narcotics trafficking, legitimate businesses and the music industry. All Rights Reserved. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Revising History to Erase White Contributions to CivilRights, How multiracial, liberal societies harm blackfamilies. They have an alliance wit The Paybacc Crips and 74 Hoover Criminals Gang. GROOVIN TIL THA MOTHAFUCCIN WOLD STOP MOVIN, Watts Wit It Loc In retaliation, all non-crip gangs, including the Pirus, later formed an alliance that eventually became known as the Bloods. c-6 cops.. 6423 east side crip 6mm foe all dem bitch bois dat dont no there history or knowledge cs up gs up fuck a hater Im getin paper, dat insane neighborhood crip gang est side f.o.f. Johnson's relative later told investigators he "heard the Shotgun Crips were mad at the North Highland Bloods" and were "out for blood." He said he warned Johnson days before he was murdered. 169-Set trippin and jacob to open tha door Gaybaccs and SLOW RUNs are a bunch a mommas boys- they play hard cause in reality, NO ONE is around to really. what are all the crip codes? - Q&A - FAQs This misrepresentation of the Cripshas largely affected Cripsthroughout the south and parts of the mid-west. Think niggas. THANK GOD, Im not half Black. Im gonna staccem like Peter Paul, by staccin high an tall 2minz!! 4 X CripK foe lyfe, Wass Craccin cuzz, rollin 60s neigcorhood crip till I die cuzz, rollin NayK66orHood ca-ripp catch a slo6 bust a slo6 watssh his faVorite color drip watss craccin cus King Hoover Duece Duece c-51 for life fool, 12+ r60c rollin NayK66orHood c-rip wass craccin suzz stay locced out c-walkin that yellow 6ricc road. We know what the happenings is, and we follow our stacked False, If a male and a female who weigh the same consume the same amount of alcohol: They are primarily located in Central Long Beach, originating on 21st Street and Lewis Ave, spreading to surrounding blocks. 6 = IS FOR MY LOVE, N MY FOLLOWINGS. The confusion of Crips representing the Folks Nation alliance started on the internet with unknown persons creating various fictional "Crip Books of Knowledge" which consist of mixing Crip history and Gangster Disciple history, symbols, and literature (lit) together to form fictional "Crip Books of Knowledge". The Crips were very well known throughout southern L.A. as more and more people began to join. WE STAND STRONG FROM FROM DA NORTH, TO DA SOUTH, EAST TO DA WEST, TO MY NEST, I WILL DO MY BEST. 3s up LAS VEGAS, Gd F.O.L.K.S Im not a Crip imma G fukk any one who opposes me 6 banging 5hanging 74 nigga we maccing on yall slobkz we repping that 8 ball shout out to my F.O.l.K.S. Crip Knowledge Flashcards | Quizlet IM A GANGXTA NOW TURNING BACC, KISS MY FLAG CUZ I LOVE MY RAG, GRAUD MY CEEDS TIL I BLEED, IF I SHOULD DIE, PLEASE DONT CRY. The gangs under the Crip Alliance are mainly identified by the color blue which is worn proudly by all Crip members as a primary color. green goblins show up, GPD will send a coupla of their MIDGET cops to beat that A 15 year old Fremont High School student named Raymond Washington started a gang called the Baby Avenues in 1969 in an attempt to be like the older gangs and copy the political activities carried out by other organizations such as the Black Panthers. Long Beach Rollin' 20's Crips are known to wear yellow and blacc in addition to blue. Busters on here talking trash. The "8 ball" cease-fire agreement may have sparked the idea for someone to create the fictional internet "Crip Book of Knowledge". We are not here just to gather reckless. Some of the other original founding fathers of the crips were Angelo "Barefoot Pookie" White, Melvin Hardy, Bennie Simpson, Greg Batman Davis, and Jimel. 3.WHATS BEHIND THE SUN? B. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. TO I LAY, IN MY NEST, BUT TILL THEN KING DAVID WILL HAVE MY BEST. 3.big homie It contained purportedly detailed inside knowledge of the mysterious, complex symbols, codes, and oaths of the Crips, that must be memorized in its entirety by hopeful Crip recruits. SHOTGUN CRIP "NO GOOD" INTERVIEWShotgun Crip Talks Gang Bangin And Hood Life In Minneapolis - No Good#dustyvisiontv Hit the subscribe and notification (bell). Drivers who text spend about 10% of their driving time outside their own driving lane. Many Cripsets have names which include the name of their City, a street that runs through their turf, or the name of the projects, apartment complex, or community they control. 2 strips of bacon, egg no yolk, and a cup of slob. TO I LAY, IN MY NEST, BUT TILL THEN KING DAVID WILL HAVE MY BEST. The Crips began to increase violence and take over new turf. 10. The Cripalliance originated in the City of Los Angeles, California. Many Crip sets have names which include the name of their City, a street that runs through their turf, or the name of the projects, apartment complex, or community they control. WE STAND STRONG FROM FROM DA NORTH, TO DA SOUTH, EAST TO DA WEST, TO MY NEST, I PROMISE I WILL DO MY BEST. Money Macc Murder nigga bK all day. LMAO. 5=DONT LET YA SET,OR WHAT U Claim GET Disrespected. heaven, cuzz, clecce!!! This page was last edited on 27 November 2011, at 14:35. 14. 3-point crowns in this 3itch stupid ass ca-rip misleading ass knowledge the flok alliance was temporary 8tray Gangstxa 18+ NC slo3s Two-Notcc Road Homie hit me up cuzz. 24=Always OBEY YA Disciples FOLLOW FOLLOWINGS. . 33= WEED WE SMOKE,MONEY WE MAKE,MURDER WE DO. Eight Tr3y Gangsta Crip , Charlotte, NC what up Thr33! 21. The Crips eventually became the biggest and most ruthless gang in California and began targeting the other non-crip gangs with daily acts of violence. Wall banging consists of marking territory with graffiti which shows what gang controls that turf or going into a rivals turf and crossing out their graffiti. Heres his signature in my yearbook. There is, however, a cease-fire/hood share agreement between Crips and Gangster Disciples that originated in Kansas City Missouri in 1993 called the "8 Ball". c-7 wats craccin.. All yxt pkexpkle actinG like yall rkeal bkanGers bkut still Cry when yxu fall tx yxur mxm and the rkeal niggas thats abkxut it bkxaG like that shi cxxl yeah i gxt put dxwn with shxtGun Crip tx sx what thwn when yall gx tx jail yall gxn wxnder why because you spreading your buisness on the internet. BS, you got time to find a JOB online or. north side gangsta crips cuz. Fucc bklood, them pussy ass slobks , red aint true to me cuh, ill hit a slobk in his lip and watch his favorite color drip then erase that nigga like a natzi, 52s hoova gangsta crip till my casket drops. Their rivals include the Hawthorne Piru, the West Side Pirus and the Athens Park Bloods among the Bloods. IN 69, CRIP WAS STARTED. That Kid dume but cant blain him for tryn im a 103rd grape street waatts crip gangsta and we go by word of history from cali and no ather place. the shot gunz aka snot gunz own some area in gardena aka gaydena they claim 2 big sets 132 st dueces and 139 st and are running rowley park from elsegundo to the crans and creeshaw 2 vermont but gaydena is fuccin empty its easy to claim big hoods in non gangs area the raymonds. cumin frm da WestSide of the A-town ! Each Crip set is its own individual gang and are known to have sub-clicks, blocks, or lines (line-ups) which are like smaller individual sets within the set. ASS. 5.WHATS UNDER YOUR FOOT?5 POINT STAR AND A RED FLAG Copyright 2011, National Center for Gang Training, USA. There was, however, a brief cease-fire agreement between Cripsand Gangster Disciples in Kansas City Missouri in 1993 called the 8 Ball Alliance. The males BAC will likely be higher Also, Cripsets are always trying to expand their territories and find new territories to take over which essentially makes their wars never ending. A. Hey we came up out the 3ottom of the mud of our ass to eat we must spread knowledge to the gs who want our history, to survive the struggle cuz we not some may 3e false claiming and shit 3ut we want to educate the Lil homies who struggling cuz like we are. by Jordan Jereb Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:28 pm. Crip Nation What's under your bed? Shotgun Crip Talks Gardena And Growin Up In Raymond Crip HoodNo Good Interview Part 2 #dustyvisiontv Hit the subscribe and notification (bell) button!Dusty V. Cripsets have a loose structure of ranks based on how long a person has been bangingfor their particular hood and how much work they put in for the hood. Lost Boys Misunderstanding These fictional "Crip . C-1= PICK UP, PICK UP .this coming from a. Fake ass Crip- Raymond Washington wasnt from Texas quit reading old news articles and get your info in the streets! These fictional Crip Books of Knowledge spread rapidly throughout the internet in the 90s and eventually into the streets. You guys are wasting your life, you are all going to regret choosing this lifestyle. According to Crasper, crips would be greeted with a cryptic phrase and if he didnt know the appropriate response he would be identified as a fake, or worse, an infiltrator from a rival gang. 1.WHATS BEHIND THE MOON? Trey Our stacked knowledge Wateva any of yall to atl cum fucc wit me. They have an alliance wit The Paybacc Crips and 74 Hoover . We stand by the folks nation as our own independent Crip set. Most Crip sets wear blue. They only react like an animal would react to something, They also have huge INFERIORITY COMPLEXES and are ALWAYS OUT TO PROVE SOMETHING because they know deep down inside they are worthless, stupid losers who everybody hates. BLACC GANSTA CITY 9 = FOR MY STAGES OF Disciples. Freeze the body, take it to big bear lake in before the lake freezes. wh3n th3 so call3d 8ball was form3d with GDs and Crip nation a lot of p3ople banged blu3 just as hard as I 3v3r s33n. The gang named itself the Avenue Cribs eventually and took on the niccnameCribs because most members were very young baccthen. They failed miserably because of their lack of political leadership. IM A GANGXTA NOW TURNING BACC, KISS MY FLAG CUZ I LOVE MY RAG, GRAUD MY CEEDS TIL I BLEED, IF I SHOULD DIE, PLEASE DONT CRY. Cards are smaller alliances of individualCripgangs within the Cripalliance itself, which gangs within the cards are known to put before the wholeCripalliance. Eight Tray Gangster Crips they try to divide what they dont understand they try too kill what they cant understand they try to destroy all of their fears and drown all the sorrow in all of our tears dont let the world bring u down show the world that we are coming up once i walked alone in the streets because my homies were all dead i came across a very wise man and this is what he said faith in myself lets build this nation strong true blue one gang one nation that way we r not alone kil tru Blacc Gansta blue u die with pride die with friends die tru blue till the end throw my Cs high in the air sight and life health to all my Cuzz starin with my ogs from my nation to all those i see thank u god for my Cuzz and country, putting in work ranges from:wall banging,contesting territory getting money by any means neccesary.bringing weapons to the set and murder.the work you put in will go by points system and must be witnessed by 2 or more other members,the point system will be as followed. Gardena Shotgun Crips - Rap Dictionary Gardena Shotgun Crips. Part of the 3X/Gangster Crip card. I - reddit 12=Never CARRY KNOWLEDGE ON U. The Grape Street Crips, on the other hand, have been known to wear purple in addition to blue. Im 13 year old in Indy and wuna Rep dis shit with yah niggas Ive been talk to some ppl bout it, was CRACCIN OBG NSC NUTTY NORTHSIDE CRIP 83GC, I never knew there were so many crips on the internet, Most gang members are afraid so they join, 183 all Day everyDay Cuz!!! ten Tray GrVpe Street CaRipp C-SAFE=STAY C SAFE let it rain let it flood let a crip kill a blood let it rain let it thunder---. 6MILE GANGSTA CRIP If I was, I would have already committed suicide. Crips try to kill Crips more than anyone else. At this school, I met Crasper AKA Adam Crasper was an average-looking 13 year old white boy with freckles and he was obsessed with the Crips street gang. 6.Og, 1COLORS:BABY BLUE, NAVY BLUE It is also easy to get by making fake facebooks of known gang members/etc (as with other gangs) Here is what Ive found: ShotGun Crips History (Gardena) - YouTube 4-10-ORGANIZE MEETING The Crips eventually became the biggest and most ruthless gang in California and began targeting the other non-crip gangs with daily acts of violence. WE STAND STRONG FROM FROM DA NORTH, TO DA SOUTH, EAST TO DA WEST, TO MY NEST, I PROMISE I WILL DO MY BEST. TAKE MY FLAG N USE IT TO RIDE, NEVA SET TRIP. R0111N GANG!! Some of the other original founding fathers of the crips were Angelo "Barefoot Pookie" White, Melvin Hardy, Bennie Simpson, Greg Batman Davis, and Jimel. The ShotGun Crips are cliqued up with the Gardena Paybacc Crips and are friendly towards the 74 Hoover Criminals Gang, Whitsett Avenue Gangster Crips as well as the Eight Tray Gangster Crips. The Shotgun Crips (SGCs) are separated into three sub-sets: the Nine, 139th street; the Foe, 134th street; and the Deuce, 132nd street in the city of Gardena, California. 300 their lieing Stanley Tookie Williams is one of the co-founders of the Crips. 2.lil homie 15a LEO MENTAL WELLNESS - Developing Tactics, REGISTER NOW TO BEGIN TRAINING FOR YOUR GANG SPECIALIST CERTIFICATION. This billboard was eventually taken down after a gang specialist identified the problem with this picture and reported it. 2020 3.12 . Each Cripset has their own unique different set of ranks and what they stand for. Spilling Bloody Crips are known to shout "CaRip" as a greeting to other Crips and to let their presence be known. The Crips were very well known throughout southern L.A. as more and more people began to join. D = DISCIPLES. Folk Nation "Book of Knowledge" - Change). 18.WHATS UNDER YOUR RIGHT FOOT? Shot Gun Crips - Rap Dictionary The Shotgun Crips (SGCs) are separated into three sub-sets: the Nine, 139th street; the Foe, 134th street; and the Deuce, 132nd street in the city of Gardena, California and have been known to wear dark-green, the city color of Gardena, in addition to blue to show that the Shotgun Crips are from Gardena. Crips is folk outside of Cali. Members find many ways to say the same thing. Cool Crip/72, Wuz craccin cool crip dis Gun Z frum S.c ill like tx get at yxuword grt at me a.c. Athat was c life that posted that anonoymous on december 30 @ 12:49 my time, & 6:29 am 2013, cant let the enemy still our cleccinc!!!!!!! Their rivals include the Hawthorne Piru, the West Side Pirus and the Athens Park Bloods among the Bloods. 7 = IS A BAD NUMBER Crips have a loose structure of ranks based on how long a person has been banging for their particular hood and how much work they put in for the hood. Contrary to popular belief, real Crips are not part of the Folks Nation Alliance, they are part of the Cripsalliance. yall niggas goofies 21st aint gangster shit them niggas str8 Insane Crips and you fakke ass crips chill with banging the Folkks star, 210 wit a s on tha end. U KILL A SLO6 4. 2 strips of bacon, egg no yolk, and a cup of slob What's behind the clouds? Niggers in gangs are animals who look like monkeys and gorillas. A 6pt across my chest Slobkz die many times before their death, Crip never taste death but once Crip dont die we multiply, CRIP LIFE 30=NEVER SHOW LOVE FOR A ENEMY. They Consider all bloods/pirus enemies but are currently engaged in war wit the Rollin 60s Neighborhood Crips. C. Their BAC levels would be the same You guys see shit on tv and in music and wanna be like every other little rapper flashing guns and trying to act cool with drugs and fake court papers, what good will that ever do any of you? Str8 out of Florida where all dese slobks at, dont fear cuzz, Crip cnowz all, & everything cuzz, God iz Crip cuzz, 8Ball Gangsta Crip, cuzz, 856 Mafia Crip, cuzz, Hoova Bible Crip, cuzz! KB-KB=KEEP BANGIN, NUMBERS Get . Athens park bloods kept them in checc real shit, All you cali niggas gazi come to south Florida and see how we rocking, put its in checc how> nigga fucc pies and they dead loks fucc outta here didnt yall just loose a homies like 2 months ago, cool crip west up cuH? This means that Crips with higher rank don't give out orders or call shots over those with lower rank. Crips under the Gangster Card are known to wear Gray in addition to blue. Contrary to popular belief, real Crips do not represent any 6 point star and are not part of the Folks Nation Alliance. @mge.popppa 3LOC hea cuz 413 Naybkorh60d RxCH ROllxN C51 holmez, NHCR60 CUHZ till death