God takes this specific sin very seriously as He allows for divorce when it takes place. You must be great at bringing people the Good News. Yes, wasted. Do we take measures that heal or expunge the record of his existence? There are multiple known affairs. So you are surely Martin Luthers disciple. ", Like Smith, though, Coy used his relaxed persona to sell a deeply conservative brand of Christianity. What Happened To Aunt Diane? Taconic Crash Body Of Diane Schuler I truly pray for him and his family. Hooked on porn for years. Seems like this must be worse than the usual cc pastor adultery because from my observation, calvary chapel covers for their guys and discredits the victims. . According to an August 2015 report provided to The Christian Post by the Coral Springs Police Department, a mother living in Southern California reported that her then 17-year-old daughtercame forward, saying she had been sexually abused by Coy for years. You can listen at their website. 7. You sound like someone that isnt going to listen and repeat blindly without A deeper understanding, youre exactly what the body needs, I did not come to bring peace, but a sword Jesus. Lorenzo is in great need to know about Jesus from the gospels. Thanks for the suggestion, I am not going to go the Mega route right now since I am very need of the Body as a family at this juncture of my life. Wake up to the day's most important news. and someone from the OUTSIDE. And if you read June one of the comments I believe she really got it right. It could very well be that Coy had them take his stuff down, not the other way around. The things I did before coming to Christ came naturally and I had no problem doing them. "I was brought into the Lutheran church without a choice that's where I learned what a religious environment was like, but I was missing the spiritual thing.". We are told 20,000 attend the church. The Bible spells out exactly what must be done: And the man that committeth adultery with another mans wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbours wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death. (Leviticus 20:10) Are any of the Lord Gods words clearer than these: the adulterer shall surely be put to death? Weve had too much of that here lately and it hurts us all. My question was can you recommend a Biblically sound LOCAL church? Well when you do bad stuff and get caught sometimes you have to pay a price and Im not sure it is the best thing for churches to put guys right back in Positions of Trust and power over folks telling them how to live and what to do etc. God also allowed me to be able to talk with someone and tell if they were struggling. Jesus Christ, the living Word, became flesh through His miraculous conception by the Holy Spirit and His virgin birth. Bob Coy, at Liberty University's convocation in 2013. People just dont like the bible when it doesnt suit their faith. Lets you and I join in prayer along with all the others that are doing the same thing for Pastor Bob and pray that The Lord will deliver him from this horrible thing. BC did not write his sermons as I understand it. Nobody handed him the keys, he built this church. Did anyone see Fireproof? The ads were not provocative- no Victorias secret..women did not wear undergarments in ads.. Its as if he could never do any wrong. Most here know of my desire to minister to pastors who have fallen, and God has allowed me to reach out in the past as names where brought to me. lack of accountability and lack of transparency. As Chris Rock once said, A man is as faithful as his options. The Holy Spirit has come to glorify Christ and to apply the saving work of Christ to our hearts. MLD, no point in debating anything with you. You are an angry man, Lorenzo, and very unattractive to anyone who you are unloading upon. Time will tell. I am a crazy renewal charismatic and a covenant theologian but NOT a Calvinist. The Bible says, let he who is without sin cast the first stone! When you live in the mindset of the privileged then you begin to objectify everything in terms of how it takes care of you. "If you're broken, Jesus will be gentle with you in your anger and disillusionment," Sauder said. Anonymous? I doubt hardly anyone will leave CCFL, unless they leave to follow Coy. Thank you for the many years you have pastored Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale, through your words and Gods grace my husband got saved. Thank God we are saved by grace through faith, I understand, my apologies once more to the forum and MLD, how each one wants to handle their feelings in this situation whether with condemnation or mercy is between them and God! Ask your leadership why they arent telling you the whole truth. I dont care if its Billy Graham, Chuck Smith or John Calvin himself who came back from the dead if they should appear and teach contrary to the word of God, they are to be rejected. Because God blesses their marriages, they experience genuine love which is far more satisfying and pleasurable than a lifetime of dishonest and destructive one night stands and empty relationships. Also, by that time there were a few millionaires who attended. (1) Faith in Jesus: Check; (2) Mega-anything = mega-bad: Check. Andy, I will not play your game. .As well as dcf reports on her. The statement went on to say that a team of assistant pastors already on staff will maintain their usual rotating schedule as teaching pastors for all services. Wont mention names. God bless you Ging, you are a living testimony of the power of Gods word when it is preached and taught oftentimes in spite of the faulty instruments that we can be. One problem with doing research, particularly through the internet search engines, is that you will find whatever you are looking for. Just ask Michael Newham, hell avoid the question as he points his stubby little fingers everywhere else but at himself, or Alex G, he at at least might be more honest and tell he you hes viewed porn and probably worse. Chuck would say that its a shame for all the talent to be wasted. what is your real motives for this? Im sure that everyone understands my need to be as careful and precise as possible. I pray that Bob would be broken over his failure as a husband, father, and pastor. Ever. (Update: The club has now terminated its relationship with Coy and says it had no inkling of the allegations against him.) That makes at least 4 Calvary Chapel pastors that I know of that have fallen in the same way. Cause all we know now is that Bob can work it. Pastor Bob will be focusing his full attention on his personal relationship with God and with his family. Is God through with the nation of Israel? IMO , there is nothing less Christ like on this planet than fighting for control. I dont like that at all. I did ask Bob about the female dress attire in the early 2000s I was told, we dont want to turn off a new believer by offending them. I suggest you would be considered a loving person for doing the same. How was this non bodied being bound with a chain? Daughter- There area few Pastors there (wont mention names) that have taken on BCs mannerisms and style. His name was Herod. How is this furthering the kingdom? ), and the Christians will take over all the positions of government and usher in the return of Christ, and heres the kicker, all the prophecies have already taken place, 666 on the forehead or right hand is symbolic tooWow so much I missed because according to the preterist the prophecy of the Euphrates river drying up and a 200 million men army and the giants of the east being woken up and islands sinking into the ocean and 70 pound boulders falling from heaven, in a tribulation period never before experienced in the history of man, and all the plagues of revelation, all that has already taken place, yes folks back in 70 AD when Nero, who by the way was the Antichrist, sacked Jerusalem, gee I guess he had all the power of Satan, and the false prophet, well well have to spiritualize that one too. Hugh, With MLD leading the way with his self righteous smug attitude!. We arent really transformed in a manner any different than Mormons or Atheists or others who make a decision to be more or less moral in our lives. An officer noted the information and called the victim, who was then a teenager. She told Payne she was "moving tomorrow [overseas] on a mission trip with the church, and asked if it was possible to destroy any record of [her] abuse," the detective wrote in a closeout memo. Fidel has mentioned cheating on Theresa several, several times during his sermons. "Our former pastor was caught in sin," Lowe said April 16, according to the Sun Sentinel. And bravo to a strong board if they are able to prevent these common pitfalls of a fall. Its interesting that it was Jesus who made it personal when in essence he said; you can condemn this woman if youve never sinned, I think specially the men need to search their hearts and ask, have I ever committed adultery, whether the actual act or lusting in my heart, have I ever viewed pornography, the scriptures say to the young man, flee youthful lusts The sexual desire is stronger in our youth, so if youre a man whos 65-70 years old, you probably wont have a problem or temptation in this area, your problem might be with pride, or something else, If youre a woman you probably cant relate to someone who has a problem with pornography, since men are visual creatures and women are feeling oriented, thus a womans problem might be more with gossip or romantic fantasies like they portray in these Harlequin novels, and no wonder these pastors are so idealized especially by women. Krent, Why do you express yourself behind screen names? I can only speak for myself, I want that I say to be more important that who I am. His name was Bob Coy, and until the previous year, he'd been the most famous Evangelical pastor in Florida. Skip Heitzig (born 1955) is the American founder and senior pastor of Calvary Church, a Calvary Chapel fellowship located in Albuquerque, New Mexico.External links. Lorenzo, Thats, quite honestly, inappropriate, and none of your business. LOL, go and pray about it. The internet and increased availability of sexual content, both in the explosion of adult entertainment and media in general has really opened the door to men (and boys and women and girls) to be exposed to so much. This thread is too important and affects too many people to allow the personal conflicts on it. Flynn wrote: To simply read the Bible simply you would never come up with conclusions like. At communion are you consuming the actual, real, body and blood of Jesus? I still live Pastor Bob. He and his wife actually had real world experience risking their necks for the sake of the gospel and giving the selves for themselves for the least of the lost in war torn Liberia in the late 90s. We are a body in need of healing, this should be a time for all those afflicted similarly to be provided with a vehicle to come forward and seek healing. She was driving aggressively in the wrong direction as she was delayed by traffic to reach the destination, reported Gone Too Soon Fandom Wiki. Man is capable of all sorts of evil even saved 2. Coys teaching was always excellent. Time for dinner. After graduating, he found a career in the entertainment industry. The problem here is, that you are a skeptic, period. At that time the services were also being displayed live. Oh, he doesnt think that on the surface, but he knows what he is doing. His daughter, Janette Manderson, and his widow, Kay, sued the organization, alleging its leaders conspired to take over Smith's empire and even denied him emergency medical care on his deathbed. Mary! When my wife and I first started attending CCFL in 93 he preached with humility and it was refreshing. Unfortunately, many accountability relationships fail for a variety of reasons. I bet now that this is being covered by the big media outlets that more will come out. He believes the false gospel of lordship salvation which cannot save. If they are true, there is a greater problem than Bob Coys moral failure. If this is all true theres a lot of lessons to learn here and maybe its time people started apologizing to Rick Warren who has demonized through the years. As of September 2017 1,800 churches operated with locations in all 50 states across the United States of America, and others internationally. It must and does operate by the same worldly standards as any other corporation. Against a power play by Bob [ie. In light of that, the apparent glee/self righteousness voiced by some above/previously sickens me. Pastor Bob Coy left with his family. Lets pray for him , his wife and his children until they are healed and restored and he is forgiven by The Lord , if not already ! But on February 22 of that year, the case went to Judge Tim Bailey, a member of a powerful conservative family; his father, Patrick, founded the Pompano Beach Republican Club, and both father and son had chaired Broward's Judicial Nominating Commission. Me and those of my ilk are progressive christians. Which sin are you guilty of? It is not material at this point whether anyone was complicit or the Moses model created this situation. Just like you were proven wrong about the giving of the Holy Spirit requiring baptism. I still attend CCFL because I believe that I can help some of the younger members.